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Modelling of web-server operation on the basis of mass service system


Modelling of web-server operation on the basis of mass service system

Popova. T.M., Slobodchikov V.A.

Incoming article date: 25.06.2024

The simulation model of Apache HTTP Server as a mass service system is considered, the parameters of the corresponding system and Apache HTTP Server are compared using GPSS World environment. The comparison of the simulation model with a real web server is based on the construction of a test server. using Apache JMeter application, which can be used to simulate high load on the server. Query generation and statistics collection was done by Apache JMeter application. A comparison of both reports was given, differences in characteristics were pointed out, and assumptions about the reasons for the differences were outlined. The model can be applied to establish requirements for Apache HTTP Server in order to optimise its performance.

Keywords: simulation modelling, mass service system, efficiency characteristics, test server, flow of requests, service channels, queue