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  • Building of a dynamic fan model for a boiler automation system

    The tasks of preparing for the modernization of the automatic pressure control system with the transition from the use of a PD controller in favor of a PID controller and the introduction of a controlled electric fan drive in a boiler plant are being solved. A technique for constructing a fan model in the automatic control system for air supply to the boiler is given using the example of a VD-18 blower fan and a BKZ-160 boiler. The block diagram of the operation of the fan and pipeline is given. A mathematical model of the fan is shown, a calculation is made and a computer model is designed in MATLAB Simulink. The simulation results are presented, which prove the correctness of the obtained model. The presented model can serve as a basis for automating the air supply system in other boilers using blowers.

    Keywords: automatic pressure control system, automatic control system, dynamic model, computer model, blower fan, boiler plant

  • Using computer vision methods to create a graphological service that determines a person's character by his handwriting

    The problem of human self-knowledge is very relevant nowadays. People are constantly looking for new methods to study their own “I”. Graphology is one of such methods. The main difficulty of graphological analysis is the lack of automation of the process, the result depends only on the knowledge of the person. In addition, at the moment there is no service capable of carrying out a competent analysis of a person's handwriting. However, there are computer vision methods that, in combination, can produce work similar to that of a graphologist. Such methods include segmentation, binarization, and integral estimation methods. To compare the characteristics of handwriting with human characteristics of character, it is necessary to use classifiers. The use of all methods makes it possible to create a service that automates graphological analysis.

    Keywords: graphology, handwriting, personal characteristics, graphological analysis, slope, direction of handwriting, text

  • Method for calculating the interval values of the coefficients of the transfer function of automatic control systems

    The paper proposes a method for calculating the interval values of the coefficients of the polynomials of the numerator and denominator of the transfer function. An algorithm is presented that describes the sequence of actions performed, which makes it possible to obtain interval coefficients for the study of both linear and nonlinear systems. An illustrative example is given, which shows the calculation of the interval values of transfer functions, both continuous and discrete systems based on the use of the Matlab system.

    Keywords: control system uncertainties, robust stability, marine mobile objects, transfer function with interval coefficients

  • A numerical analysis of the stability of the shallow spherical shell reinforced with ribs along the contour, using varitional-difference method

    The article contains an analysis of the shallow elastic spherical shell on a rectangular plan, reinforced with ribs along its contour, under the uniformly distributed load. The problem is solved numerically with the variational-difference method, considering the geometric nonlineaity and the shear deformations of the shell and the ribs. As a result, the dependencies of the critical load on the shell stiffness and the ribs stiffness are obtained.

    Keywords: shallow spherical shell, ribbed shell, stability, bending stiffness, geometrical nonlinearity, variational-difference method, critical load

  • Extracting key concepts and relationships between them from topical texts in Russian

    The article discusses approaches to solving natural language processing problems such as extracting key concepts or terms, as well as semantic relationships between them to build data-driven IT solutions. The subject of the work is relevant due to the constant growth of volumes of low-structured and unstructured digital text. The extracted information can be used to improve numerous processes: automatic tagging, optimization of content search, construction of word clouds and navigation sections; furthermore, to create draft versions of dictionaries, thesauri, and even bases for expert systems.

    Keywords: natural language processing, term, lemma, semantical relationship, statistical processing, machine learning, word2vec

  • Dynamic incentive model constructed in accordance with requirements for sustainable business development

    Different types of management structures used in enterprises are considered. Such structures are traditionally divided into three types according to the number and types of control relations. A basic dynamic incentive model with the simplest management structure, which includes one Principal and one agent, is presented. The basic dynamic model of stimulation is based on the static model, its solution having already been found. To reduce the number of experiments, the method of qualitatively representative scenarios for finding optimal inputs has been used. Experimental results for the basic dynamic model are presented. The simulation results allow us to determine the solution of the problem in the dynamic form, and provide a foundation for future research using other more complex control structures.

    Keywords: incentive model, hierarchical game, system-dynamic modeling, dynamic model, control mechanism, principal, agent

  • A control algorithm for autonomous objects in complex, hard-to-predict industrial timber harvesting conditions

    The article outlines the features of the developed algorithm for controlling autonomous industrial forest management facilities under real operating conditions under the forest canopy. A significant challenge faced by the developers in the presented algorithm was the practical absence of global navigation in the areas of use of potential autonomous industrial forest management objects. Thus the only alternative was local positioning algorithms, which of the existing ones were also unserviceable under real forest canopy conditions. The problem was exacerbated by the high requirements for positioning accuracy not so much for autonomous objects as for positioning accuracy relative to the object of work of the contact elements of technological equipment directly implementing the operations of the industrial timber harvesting process. The developed concept of local positioning has no analogues in the world, belongs to the algorithms of the latest generation, created by the authors on the basis of mathematical modelling of the operations of industrial forestry process and implemented in registered software complexes to manage the information flows that ensure the sustainable functioning of autonomous objects of industrial forestry in real operating conditions.

    Keywords: algorithm, method, synthesis, positioning technology, control method, digital model, automation, digitalisation, modelling

  • Features of the development of a mathematical model for plant diseases detection based on Bayesian networks

    This paper proposes an accurate and dynamic method for diagnosing of crop diseases. This method adopts Bayesian networks to represent the relationships among the symptoms and crop diseases. This method has one main difference from the existing diagnosis methods - it does not use all the symptoms in the diagnosis, but purposively selects a subset of symptoms which are the most relevant to diagnosis; the active symptom selection is based on the concept of a Markov blanket in a Bayesian network. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can significantly enhance the performance of crop disease diagnosis.

    Keywords: plant disease recognition, mathematical model, Bayesian network, machine learning, Markov blanket

  • Geosystem approach in the development of methods and algorithms for the analysis of spatial data

    The article presents a study aimed at developing methods and algorithms for analyzing spatial data for diagnosing the state of geosystems. It is shown that the combination of machine learning models into an ensemble makes it possible to increase the stability of the analyzing system: the accuracy of decisions made by the ensemble tends to tend to the accuracy of the most efficient monoclassifier of the system. The calculation and consolidation of territorial descriptors at the same time make it possible to reduce the dimensionality of the analyzed data, facilitate the allowable capacity of the machine learning model, increase its resistance to overfitting, and prevent a significant decrease in the classification accuracy within the framework of a specific problem being solved.

    Keywords: metageosystems, spatial data, test sites, territorial descriptors, ensembles

  • The use of crushed rubber crumbs when laying asphalt roads

    One of the most massive polymer waste of consumption is car tires that are going out of service. The disposal of such tires at a solid waste landfill is an extremely inefficient way of their disposal, entailing an increase in the area of landfills and an increase in negative environmental impact. The least financially and labor-intensive way of processing automobile tires is grinding into fractional crumbs. To reduce the costs of sorting and further grinding of tires, a shredder with a dispersion of 3 mm is used. The article suggests the use of rubber crumbs as a binder when laying highways. Studies of indicators affecting the operational parameters of asphalt pavement at different values of the mass of rubber crumbs in comparison with a clean sample were carried out and the optimal specific mass of the added crumbs was determined, which was 15-20%.

    Keywords: rubber crumb, tires, asphalt mix, optimal weight

  • Development of a mathematical model of an automated control system for the technological process of obtaining E. coli

    The article is devoted to the research and development of an automated control system for the technological process of obtaining E. coli. E. coli belongs to gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family of facultative anaerobes. It is the most famous microbe in the world and has different types of strains. Commensal E.coli are harmless and often found in nature. Currently, great attention is paid to the use of modified E.coli for the production of recombinant proteins, amino acids. The results of mathematical modeling of the automated system are presented. The simulation was performed using SimInTech and MathCAD software tools. The object of management is the cultivation capacity. The temperature of the Escherichia coli is accepted as a regulated technological parameter, which is controlled by changing the degree of valve opening. The method of passive experiment was used to build an automated control system. The main parameters of the control object are obtained.

    Keywords: automated control system, technological process, E. coli, mathematical modeling, control object, transfer function, control parameters

  • Development of a software module for searching for patent analogues

    With the development of industry and science, the size of the patent base is growing, as well as the number of patent applications received by the agencies regulating the issue of patents is growing. Each patent application must be checked for the uniqueness of the patented technology, for this, the patent office experts need to search the patent database and find analog patents. In the absence of analog patents, this technology can be considered unique and accepted for patenting. Since the patent database of various departments can number tens of millions of patents, such a patent search and evaluation of the uniqueness of the patented technology can take a very long time. The existing systems do not meet all the requirements and do not have the full necessary functionality. This article describes the development of an automated system for searching for analog patents in the patent array.

    Keywords: patent, database, search, patent-analog, Hadoop, Solr, Django, Python, Haystack, HDFS

  • Multivariate Analysis of Intercomponent Relations in Geosystems Based on Simulation Modeling and Numerical Methods

    The article presents a methodology for multivariate analysis of intercomponent relationships in geosystems, implemented on the basis of two strategies: the use of numerical, including statistical, methods to assess the degree of influence of various parameters on the state of the geosystem model and the use of simulation to assess the dynamic properties of geosystems and solve the problem of spatial forecasting . The algorithm for assessing the importance of geosystemic parameters makes it possible to evaluate the impact of various parameters on the target indicator in the framework of solving design problems. The concept of building simulation systems for solving the problem of assessing the dynamics and forecasting the development of metageosystems is characterized.

    Keywords: metageosystems, spatial data, modeling, intercomponent connections

  • Structural features of piezoelectric composites of connectivity 1-3

    As a result of the work done, the structural features of piezoceramic composites of connectivity 1-3 are determined. Of the various possible methods and materials for piezo-composite electrodes, the only one that is optimally suitable for use in directional ultrasound devices has been selected.

    Keywords: piezoceramics, piezocomposite, composite 1-3, piezoelectricity, ultrasound

  • Development of unmanned transport and technological systems for industrial forest management

    The article considers aspects of industrial forest management based on automation of control of local positioning, engineering and information technology of unmanned industry. Original algorithms for automatic control of unmanned technical systems and contact elements of technological equipment under the forest canopy, directly implementing the operations of the technological process, have been created and tested. Software complexes for data collection and control of information flows, providing stable functioning of the last generation local positioning means, have been developed and registered. The designs, methods and architecture of unmanned ground, suspended and airborne systems for industrial forest management, forest maintenance, located in specially protected natural areas and industries indirectly related to forest or forest land have been proposed.

    Keywords: automation, digitalisation, method, algorithm, synthesis, technology, positioning, control method, digital model, modelling