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  • Comparative study of the catalytic activity Pt/C and PtхNi/C materials in the oxygen electroreduction

    The catalytic activity of Pt/C and PtxNi/C electrocatalysts prepared by  borohydride methode was studed. It was established that the specific activity  of fresh prepared Pt3,7Ni/C  catalyst  in oxygen  electroreduction  reaction is higher in compare with Pt/C material. After treatment of Pt3,7Ni/C material in the hot acid  nickel in the surface layers of nanoparticles was dissolved and the composition of nanoparticles was changed to Pt5,6Ni. The electrochemical surface area of the Pt5,6Ni catalyst and specific activity was slightly decreased after corrosion treatment. 

    Keywords: platinum electrocatalysts, corrosion stability of the nanoparticles, fuel cells, X-ray diffraction, borohydride synthesis

  • Especially the use of mandatory access control policies in systems of microfinance population

    The article deal with technological scheme of mandatory access control in the operation of MFIs in relation to the three main processes of microfinance: a preliminary contact with the customer on how to receive the micro-loans, micro-loans directly formulation and monitoring of the obligations of the parties (especially financial) to the contract. The above scheme is based on the international standard for the organization of the Open Systems Interconnection.

    Keywords: mandatory policy, the MFI, access control, process, microfinance

  • Analysis of directions of innovation activity and development management of the commercial organization

    Directions of innovative activity of commercial organizations to ensure its development in the competitive, volatile market environment are investigated.

    Keywords: commercial organization, management, directions of innovative activity

  • Dynamical choice of the order in the multirate adaptive filter

    The new way of multirate adaptation is considered. The main idea is the filter ability to change the order of the filter automaticaly by the appropriate algorithm.
    The power on the filter output consists of two components. The first one is caused by the impulse response truncation, and the other is caused by weights fluctuations in the adaptive processing. More weights contribute more noise in adaptive signal processing. The result of adaptive procedure is the choice of the best filter orders in every channel of the multi-channel structure.
    The main interest of this investigation is in the adaptation of the multirate adaptive filter with the flexible structural self-organization.
    Due to the use of dynamical order adaptation procedure in the subbands, it is possible to reduce the total amount of the computational operations without quality reducing. Beside it, decreasing of the filter orders in the separate channel promotes considerable increase of the signal-to-noise ratio in the output signal. These statements are approved by experiments with the equalization problem.
    Different results of the computer modeling are supplied with proper comments.  

    Keywords: adaptation, filter, multirate, signal, dynamical, order

  • Research of Nd:YAG laser processing on intense the deformed conditions in semiconductor structure

    Results of research of influence of  processing operations of Nd:YAG of the laser are presented in article, such as the speed of scanning and power of a laser beam on maximum temperature and the thermodeformed status in structure dye-sensitized solar cell. Dependences a component of a tensor of tension are received at various processing operations by means of numerical experiment. Results of researches showed that in intense the deformed status is depend on  temperature gradient more, then on coefficients of linear expansion of structure which in this structure differ slightly.

    Keywords: laser technologies, thermodeformed, numerical simulation

  • Development of a universal database structure and properties of chemical compounds to build models "structure-property" based on heuristic algorithms

    The problems of building the architecture and design of the database structure for the storage of the structure of the chemical compounds and their analysis using heuristic algorithms
    Proposed the structure of the database that allows you to store information about the structure of chemical compounds with varying degrees of detail. This approach simplifies forming of the structural descriptors used to build models of "structure-property" based on the genetic algorithms.

    Keywords: database architecture, chemicals, data mining, heuristics

  • The information base of textile materials and textures

    Information base of textile textures and materials, with the detailed description of the software for work with base is considered. It is told about methods of creation of base of textile textures and materials and about opportunities of the represented project.

    Keywords: informatsionnno base, textile industry, texture, materials, visualization, software, graphics

  • An expert system to automate the classification of parts on a single system design documentation

    Modern CAD systems now allow automate most of the stages of design and technological preparation of production . But there is a number of routine procedures. This article is about the details classification operation analysys .
     A review of existing solutions has shown that there are two ways to classify the details. The first - a “manual” characteristics of the classifier, assignment. This is the major method. The second is the expert system "Klassifikator" from the AsconCo., which is based only on the verbal description of the parts and the user selected one of parts from the existing. So that the function of user is to provide the recognition of images patterns.  These methods of pattern recognition  systems are successfully solve complex image recognition task . Analysis of methods of recognition led to the selection of the neural network method for classification of items.
    We want you to use expert system consists of a Hamming neural network emulator and the semantic model of knowledge representation with direct output to solve the problem of classification of parts.
    This combination of neuro-cybernetics and information approach to the creation of an expert system can either automatically determine a part characteristic by its image , or in a semi-automatic mode, prompting the missing information from user.  

    Keywords: expert system, pattern recognition, computer-aided design, neural network classification characteristic details.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of building software for sonar information systems, using a configurable software framework

    This paper examines the effectiveness of the software framework developed by the authors for the task of  sonar information systems software design. This is done by a theoretical estimate based on the data obtained during the actual production process, as well as practical by rebuilding the software using the skeleton. Fixed a set of indicators on which to judge the complexity and evaluated there . Finally, an assessment of the results of the experiment and draw conclusions about the direction of further research.

    Keywords: software design, sonar information systems framework, performance evaluation

  • Technological factors influencing on technological process of cylindrical logs manufacturing for wood construction

    Production lines for manufacturing of cylindrical logs for wood construction are considered in the article. Technological factors influencing on efficiency of production lines are identified and classified. Results of research can be basis for improving production lines.

    Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors

  • Development of modern technical means the technology of preparation of flatted grains

    The article provides information about the regions of the Russian Federation, where the technology of preparation flatted grains for animal feed intensively implemented. The main foreign and domestic producers of grain flattening machine are considered, and also the technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of technical means in the Russian market of agricultural equipment are analyzed. The review describes grain flattening machine of the original design to meet the needs of private farming.

    Keywords: flattening, grain flattening machine, breast, private farming, feed nutrients

  • Identification of plunger model of electrohydraulic servo of wicket gate system for diagnosis and adaptive control

    The article is concerned with designing online identification algorithm for identification plunger model for  wicket gate of Kaplan turbine adaptive control system. Algorithm is based on generalised recurrent least square method and invariant embedding method. Computer modeling using designed algorithm and using real experimental data shows that algorithm is effective.  

    Keywords: adaptive control system, diagnostic system, Kaplan turbine wicket gate, plunger, linearized models, identification, recurrent least square

  • The algorithm of mixed finite element method for solving problems of beam theory

    The mixed finite element method has advantages over classical formulations of Lagrange and Castigliano, and ensures high precision and smoothness approximate solutions for strains and stresses.
    In practice, using the mixed finite element method is limited by high size of linear equation systems, which leads to significant increasing time costs.
    Using the orthogonal finite functions for approximating of unknowns leads to generation of sparse linear systems with a special structure.
    That system can be simplified during solution.
    This article proposes the algorithm of modificated Gaussian elimination for preliminary transformation an extended matrix of linear system.
    This algorithm underlies software complex, which includes LISTSOLVER, the author's solver.
    Confirmed the efficiency of created solver in compare with common-type solver.

    Keywords: mixed finite element method, sparse linear systems, orthogonal finite functions, Gaussian elimination

  • Evolutionary approach to modeling of the distribution processes

    Considered the proposed approach to the allocation of resource flows. The approach developed on the basis of the method of bee colonies. Experimentally determined the dependence of the error of the algorithm of the problem dimension. Shows the dependence of the distribution of resources from a number of iterations, and the power of the swarm, and dynamics approximation of the distribution to the optimum.

    Keywords: optimization, distribution, collective adaptation, evolution, the error of the algorithm

  • Methods for modeling the stress-strain state of the reinforced concrete spillway console for various boundary conditions

    The paper discusses methods for the numerical simulation of the stress- strain state needed to evaluate the different boundary conditions of technical condition of long exploited surround impervious geotextile cover height adjustable fins . After a long period of operation of hydraulic structures continue to operate without routine repairs necessary to make the technical reconstruction of structures on the basis of innovation , as well as the previously proven technology of repair. The simulation result is characterized by the presence of non-hazardous for coverage of total movements , which shows the presence of a large margin of safety cover . It was also made ​​modeling the formation of various defects, namely the most dangerous - subsidence of the underlying soil. Education deflection along the length of coverage shown in the orthographic total displacement of the drawdown of the subsoil . Was numerically simulated work covering the load of its own weight and volumetric filling the cells of soil under different parameters . One of the pressing problems at present in the field of security for a long time operated water conveyance structures is the correct assessment of the residual life .

    Keywords: waterworks, water-conducting structures, numerical simulation, the stress-strain state