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  • Effects of degradation of phase transitions in segnetoelektrichesky perovskites

    In a classical ferroelectric material the real condition of the crystals, caused different type defects, leads to insignificant effects of degradation. In systems of firm solutions and difficult oxides эфти effects are the integral physical properties. The features of degradation of phase transitions are available and in a ferroelectric material-relaksorakh.

    Keywords: Phase transitions, ferroelectric material, perovskites, difficult oxides, ferroelectric material-relaksory

  • Effects of degradation of phase transitions in segnetoelektriakh-relaksor

    In a ferroelectric material of difficult structure with structure of a perovskite it isn't observed accurate phase transition. In this a ferroelectric material relaxation nature of dielectric polarization in the field of phase transition is observed.

    Keywords: Phase transitions, ferroelectric material, perovskites, difficult oxides, ferroelectric material-relaksory

  • On the synthesis of nanocomposite FeNi3/C under IR heating and its application to high-density magnetic recording

    The synthesis of nanocomposite FeNi3/C based on the PAN, FeCl3 · 6H2O and NiCl2 · 6H2O, whereby the first time by the IR heating at 400 ÷ 700 ° C obtained nanocomposite FeNi3/C FeNi3 particle size of 10 to 80 nm are uniformly distributed UM. Using thermodynamic calculations based on the minimization of the Gibbs energy, confirmed the synthesis of nanocomposite FeNi3/C at T=400 ° C reduction of Fe and Ni with H2, produced during the process of carbonization of polyacrylonitrile with infrared heating. Designed as a nano material of the films can be effectively used as a carrier material for a magnetic information recording superdense. Recording density is achieved in such a carrier (85-100) Gb/dyuym2. ​

    Keywords: nanocomposite, polyacrylonitrile, infrared heating, recording information, the magnetic properties, the carbon matrix

  • The basic principles of the producing and erection technology of the chimney liners from polymer composite materials by the method of vertical winding with the growing

    The paper is dedicated to development of modified technology of producing and erection of large fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) shells. This work gowing with the support of Russian Ministry of science and education. Technology is baced on the method of the vertical wet winding with the growing. The main prospective area of using of this technology, is the reconstruction of the tall chimneys with the erection of inner liner from the FRP shells.  

    Keywords: fiber reiforced plastics, glass reinforced plastics, chimneys, metod of the vertical wet winding with the growing

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    The main maintenance of a diversification of production as activity of subjects of managing is considered. being shown in purchase of the operating enterprises, the organizations of the new enterprises, redistribution of investments in interests of the organization and development of new production on available floor spaces. The most important organizational economic targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Simulation methods as a tool for analyzing the efficiency of heat-generating enterprises

    The article is dedicated to the description of the simulated model of the heat producing base making it possible to estimate the resource of energy efficiency of the prototype system and its requirement of fuel, elecrtic energy and water. There are some different ways of decomposing of application cases of energy efficiency measures depicted in the article.

    Keywords: economic impact, direct and indirect cost, risk assessment, replacement value, NPV

  • Modern socio-ecological and economic efficiency and environmental performance of production systems

    Analyses the cost-effectiveness of investments in environmental protection measures and methods for identifying them. Capital investment in manufacturing ensures increase of profits and the effect of environmental costs is expressed in the form of avoided losses caused by pollution. Through extensive and wasteful environmental management regime many industrial actors enterprises-users of irreparable environmental damage to the Habitat of the region. Of possible solutions to the problem of environmental pollution, it is the ekorestrukturizacia of production and its ecological modernization of environmental pollution requires improvement of existing models for the protection of the environment, optimizing the choice of the most effective measures, radical improvement of socio-ecological and economic climate in the regions. Ekorestrukturizacia national complex branches of industrial and territorial systems and environmental improvements within sectors, forms the most important areas of the «new green industrial policy». Critical issues are handled at the macro level, are the determination of the level and structure of key macroeconomic indicators, including gross domestic product, gross national product. The regional nature conservation is not only and not so much at the enterprises and in industry, where these activities are carried out on the whole of the territory covered by their action. Environmental issues should be based on the economic mechanism of nature protection measures not inconsistent with socio-economic objectives of industrial and territorial systems in General.

    Keywords: socio-ecological and economic the effectiveness, of capital investments, environmental protection

  • The hardware-software system for parametric analysis of signals in the problems of technical diagnostics

    This paper describes a hardware-based and software system parametric estimation of signals. It`s experimental accuracy was achieved measuring the phase difference between the two quasi-harmonic signals at 10 μrad.  

    Keywords: parametric analysis, technical diagnostics, the phase difference

  • Influence of temperature on a degree of chemical fastening of a ground

    The question of influence of low temperatures on durability of a ground is considered at chemical fastening. Laboratory researches of a ground after from fastening by a solution of the liquid glass, sustained are lead at low temperatures of storage.

    Keywords: Weak ground, chemical fastening, durability of a ground, low temperatures

  • Methodical bases of measuring sustainable development of the market of cultivated mushrooms

    Measuring the sustainability of the market development of cultivated mushrooms will keep its status through isostatic effects of the complex determinants of development, creating optimal conditions for the movement of his main indicators nevelirovanie their dynamic vibration

    Keywords: Market cultivated mushrooms, sustainable development, trend, trend models, the coefficients of variability.

  • Mathematical model development for the complex evaluation of the electric object state.

    The article is dedicated to development of a mathematical model for evaluation of production assets in smart power grids state for decision support system. The results of equipment state evaluation can be used for prognosis of reliability of the asset and each of its components functioning for the time interval, for which various versions of technical solutions are considered.  

    Keywords: decision support system, state assessment, Smart Grid

  • The growth of trading networks as a factor of strengthening the power asymmetry in the system of goods circulation in the consumer market

    In the article the author examines factors and reasons causing the problem of strengthening the power asymmetry as a result of market expansion of trading networks, which is identified by the author as a system empirical trend in the market determining structurization of its organizational field.
    Evaluating the high potential of development of format trade in the Russian market, the author concludes that the rapid expansion of trading networks creates enormous pressure on the manufacturing business: increasing potential difference is transforming into asymmetry of market power of network retail trade and production companies that stimulates the process of their extremely non-equilibrium strategic positioning in the system of goods supply in the domestic market of the country.
    The author comes to the conclusion that the potential of building mutually beneficial strategic partnership relations between manufacturers and trading networks is today relatively restricted by reason of dominant position of networks in the system of goods circulation in the consumer market. Formation of economically effective and strategically balanced partnership alliance of networks and suppliers occurs predominantly only with medium-sized and large manufacturing FMCG companies which have sufficient level of technological capacity and resources which allow them to produce quality high-tech production adequate positioning of which automatically creates in the market powerful production brand.   

    Keywords: Supply chain, asymmetry, market power, trading network, producer, expansion

  • Topological defects are located on a spherical surface.

    The simulation of two-dimensional spherical crystals consisting of a large number of particles is carried out. These shells were analyzed based on their geometric structure and energy distribution. Various types of defects formed in a state of equilibrium  is considered. Being shown the ambiguity of the existing method of their interpretation. A new way of describing such defects in the close-packed two-dimensional crystals with different topology is suggested.  

    Keywords: topological defects, two-dimensional materials, spherical crystals, topological charge

  • Constructive solutions balconies in residential buildings 19 - 20 centuries

    At the beginning of the 19th century balconies usually arranged in a mansion on the second floor. Most often, they were made of wooden structures with their own vertical supports. In the second half of the 19th century the use of cast-iron and steel struts rail rolling. Balcony plates are in the form of brick svodikov on rails. In tenement houses balconies began to carry out the scheme on the console (embedded in the masonry exterior walls), departure balconies declined.
    At the beginning of the 20th century in the construction of a new material - concrete. Supporting structures balconies as steel beams cantilevered embedded in the masonry. Filling the balcony slabs of concrete performed (rubble mixed with concrete, rebar steel rod in the form of a knitted mesh).
    In the mid-60 ÷ early 70s. 20th century 5-storey buildings with brick walls were used precast concrete balcony slabs, cantilever embedded in the masonry (250 mm).

    Keywords: construction, structural systems, walls, balconies, beams, sealing, coving, method

  • Development of elements for "smart clothes" based on the electrochemical charge storage system for microsystems technique

    In this paper we propose basic geometric, mass and electrical parameters of the element for collection of static electricity from the surface of the textile. This element is a reversible electrochemical charge storage system based on nanostructured nickel oxide and carbon cloth. Element has a planar structure, it is flexible, lightweight, safety and ergonomic. Proposed element can be used as a power source for the Microsystems technique in "smart clothes".

    Keywords: "smart clothes", microsystems technique, static electricity, supercapacitor, composite material NiO/C