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  • The use of crushed rubber crumbs when laying asphalt roads

    One of the most massive polymer waste of consumption is car tires that are going out of service. The disposal of such tires at a solid waste landfill is an extremely inefficient way of their disposal, entailing an increase in the area of landfills and an increase in negative environmental impact. The least financially and labor-intensive way of processing automobile tires is grinding into fractional crumbs. To reduce the costs of sorting and further grinding of tires, a shredder with a dispersion of 3 mm is used. The article suggests the use of rubber crumbs as a binder when laying highways. Studies of indicators affecting the operational parameters of asphalt pavement at different values of the mass of rubber crumbs in comparison with a clean sample were carried out and the optimal specific mass of the added crumbs was determined, which was 15-20%.

    Keywords: rubber crumb, tires, asphalt mix, optimal weight

  • Development of a mathematical model of an automated control system for the technological process of obtaining E. coli

    The article is devoted to the research and development of an automated control system for the technological process of obtaining E. coli. E. coli belongs to gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family of facultative anaerobes. It is the most famous microbe in the world and has different types of strains. Commensal E.coli are harmless and often found in nature. Currently, great attention is paid to the use of modified E.coli for the production of recombinant proteins, amino acids. The results of mathematical modeling of the automated system are presented. The simulation was performed using SimInTech and MathCAD software tools. The object of management is the cultivation capacity. The temperature of the Escherichia coli is accepted as a regulated technological parameter, which is controlled by changing the degree of valve opening. The method of passive experiment was used to build an automated control system. The main parameters of the control object are obtained.

    Keywords: automated control system, technological process, E. coli, mathematical modeling, control object, transfer function, control parameters

  • Development of a software module for searching for patent analogues

    With the development of industry and science, the size of the patent base is growing, as well as the number of patent applications received by the agencies regulating the issue of patents is growing. Each patent application must be checked for the uniqueness of the patented technology, for this, the patent office experts need to search the patent database and find analog patents. In the absence of analog patents, this technology can be considered unique and accepted for patenting. Since the patent database of various departments can number tens of millions of patents, such a patent search and evaluation of the uniqueness of the patented technology can take a very long time. The existing systems do not meet all the requirements and do not have the full necessary functionality. This article describes the development of an automated system for searching for analog patents in the patent array.

    Keywords: patent, database, search, patent-analog, Hadoop, Solr, Django, Python, Haystack, HDFS

  • Multivariate Analysis of Intercomponent Relations in Geosystems Based on Simulation Modeling and Numerical Methods

    The article presents a methodology for multivariate analysis of intercomponent relationships in geosystems, implemented on the basis of two strategies: the use of numerical, including statistical, methods to assess the degree of influence of various parameters on the state of the geosystem model and the use of simulation to assess the dynamic properties of geosystems and solve the problem of spatial forecasting . The algorithm for assessing the importance of geosystemic parameters makes it possible to evaluate the impact of various parameters on the target indicator in the framework of solving design problems. The concept of building simulation systems for solving the problem of assessing the dynamics and forecasting the development of metageosystems is characterized.

    Keywords: metageosystems, spatial data, modeling, intercomponent connections

  • Structural features of piezoelectric composites of connectivity 1-3

    As a result of the work done, the structural features of piezoceramic composites of connectivity 1-3 are determined. Of the various possible methods and materials for piezo-composite electrodes, the only one that is optimally suitable for use in directional ultrasound devices has been selected.

    Keywords: piezoceramics, piezocomposite, composite 1-3, piezoelectricity, ultrasound

  • Development of unmanned transport and technological systems for industrial forest management

    The article considers aspects of industrial forest management based on automation of control of local positioning, engineering and information technology of unmanned industry. Original algorithms for automatic control of unmanned technical systems and contact elements of technological equipment under the forest canopy, directly implementing the operations of the technological process, have been created and tested. Software complexes for data collection and control of information flows, providing stable functioning of the last generation local positioning means, have been developed and registered. The designs, methods and architecture of unmanned ground, suspended and airborne systems for industrial forest management, forest maintenance, located in specially protected natural areas and industries indirectly related to forest or forest land have been proposed.

    Keywords: automation, digitalisation, method, algorithm, synthesis, technology, positioning, control method, digital model, modelling

  • Radiative Changes in Concrete in the Shaft of Water-Water Power Reactors during the Extension of NPP Operation

    Computational and analytical studies of the influence of the duration of operation of nuclear power plants during the extension of their operation on the radiation changes in the concrete of the shaft of water-water power reactors (VVER) on various aggregates have been carried out. The studies were carried out using the existing experimentally tested methods for the analytical determination of radiation changes in concrete and their components. It has been established that during the extension of the operation of nuclear power plants with VVER reactors, the radiation changes in the concrete of the reactor shaft can be commensurate with the allowable changes in concrete or exceed them. It is shown that the radiation changes in the concrete of the reactor shaft increase with an increase in the duration of operation and depend on the power of the reactor (440 or 1000 MW), the thickness of the "dry" shield around the reactor, and the material of the concrete filler used. Radiation changes in all concrete of the NPP shaft with VVER-440 reactors will be more significant than in the concrete of the NPP shaft with VVER-1000 reactors. It has been established that the radiation changes in the concrete of the reactor shaft and the maximum duration of operation when using aggregates from various rocks differ significantly. It is noted which concretes (on which aggregates) have the smallest, largest and intermediate radiation changes. It is shown that with an increase in the operating temperature, the radiation changes in concrete will decrease, and the allowable operating time of the NPP will increase.

    Keywords: radiation changes, reactor shaft concretes, concrete aggregates, rocks, water-water power reactors VVER-440 and VVER-1000, extension of NPP operation

  • Experimental study of the stress-strain state of radial beam domes

    The article considers an experimental study of the stress-strain state of radial beam domes. The maximum stress values are fixed in stretched flexible elements with a peak value of 363.6 MPa. With the calculated resistance of the wire material Bp-I Rs = 410 MPa, there is a 12% load-bearing capacity margin. Note the high level of stresses in other flexible elements with values in the range from 141.4 to 274.72 MPa.

    Keywords: radial beam dome, experimental studies, loading, strain gages, deformation

  • Challenges to regional security and current global issues within the framework of cognitive modeling

    In the article, the authors note that current threats, challenges, risks and related global problems, and the urgent need for the use of renewable energy sources is coming to the fore in the life of modern societies. It is highlighted that there is a necessity to treat technological progress in correlation with modern science in Russian society, and it should be noted that nowadays the current policy in the field of ensuring climate agreements is subject to legal uncertainty. The authors conduct cognitive modeling and construct a cognitive model.

    Keywords: global problems of modernity, information technologies, cognitive modeling, cyber operations

  • Effective innovative technology for the construction of a monolithic foundation plate

    A monolithic plate is the most reliable type of foundation. The design is selected if the future building or structure will stand on a site with difficult soil. Three variants of organizational and technological solutions are considered - a ribbed foundation plate a solid foundation slab and a box-shaped foundation plate For each technology, two options for reinforcement are considered - steel and fiberglass reinforcement. The analysis of existing technologies for the installation of a monolithic foundation plate carried out in the first section of this work, showed that the use of these technologies is hampered by a number of factors related to the design and technological features of the object being built. The choice of a rational technology for the installation of a foundation plate is carried out by assessing the influence of organizational, technological and design factors. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the methods for constructing a foundation plate, it was revealed that the most rational in terms of labor intensity and cost for the structure under consideration, a reinforced concrete plate 15.6x544 m, is technology No. 1 - a ribbed foundation plate using MSC formwork and reinforcement with fiberglass reinforcement. The analysis of the dependencies obtained and the calculation of the coefficients showed that the factors affecting the laboriousness of the installation of a monolithic foundation plate can be arranged in the following order in terms of significance: 1) structural characteristics (the presence of ribs, a solid slab or the presence of voids); 2) thickness of the foundation plate; 3) type of reinforcement used for reinforcing the foundation plate; 4) the area of the constructed plates.

    Keywords: monolithic foundation plate, steel and fiberglass reinforcement, factorial analysis, labor intensity and cost of construction, work performance

  • The special limit state of reinforced concrete structures. Current state and prospects for the development of the problem

    The article presents a review of research on the subject of the special limiting state, which are of interest for the development of theory and practical applications. The results of the main works, which have not lost their relevance, are briefly presented. Perspective directions of development for improvement of the theory of the special limiting state are distinguished: 1) Taking into account in calculations the stiffness of nodal couplings, individual elements of structures. 2) Consideration of joint operation of prefabricated and prefabricated-monolithic structures, including shear stiffness of compound sections. 3) Consideration of temporal and spatial nature of impact. 4) Work on extension of application of the theory beyond calculations for progressive collapse.

    Keywords: special limitstate, special effects, reinforced concrete, deformability, special limit state criteria

  • Information-analytical system for supporting of the process of examination of the thyroid gland using ultrasound DOI 10.29039/2073-8633-2022-10-16

    In modern conditions, the healthcare system is going through a stage of active implementation of information and analytical tools. In the regions contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, activities for the prevention, detection and management of cases of thyroid diseases are of particular importance. Modern formalized methods of analysis, such as methods for searching for association rules, clustering using self-organizing maps, have sufficient functionality and effectiveness to be introduced as sources of new knowledge about the signs of thyroid diseases. In this paper, the authors consider the stages and results of developing a software package for information and analytical support for the process of examining the thyroid gland using ultrasound.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Secondary use of coal industry enrichment waste in road construction

    The article considers the possibilities of using a large fraction of coal industry enrichment waste in road construction. The use of waste rock as a large aggregate in the composition of road concrete is proposed, because the enrichment waste is not disposed of properly, but is sent to the tailings dump. These dumps occupy large areas of land, thereby causing damage to the environment. The fractional composition of coal waste from the enrichment of the Gukovo-Zverevsky coal-bearing area is analyzed. From the results of sieving, it was seen that the structural composition satisfies the size of the fractions of a large aggregate for the concrete mixture. Analytical studies of the composition of the concrete coating were carried out. Based on the analysis of the composition of the concrete mixture, we came to the conclusion that tailings waste can be used as a major substitute. A comparative characteristic of the requirements put forward for the resulting mixture is presented. In our work, one of the main qualities of the road concrete pavement was tested - strength. The results of experimental strength tests of control samples of concrete with various types of aggregate are presented. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to draw a positive conclusion about the possibility of using enrichment waste as a large aggregate of concrete mixture in road construction according to technical and economic criteria.

    Keywords: road construction, concrete mix, enrichment waste, coal rock

  • Structural solutions and work under load of free-standing blocks of construction yoke scaffolding

    Тhe article provides a detailed analysis of the work under load structures of clamp scaffolding and systematizes the features of taking into account loads and impacts when performing strength calculations. The article analyzes the stress-strain state of free-standing forests. An algorithm for calculating free-standing forests is proposed, taking into account the features of structural schemes of blocks that are not specified in the normative literature. Based on the results of the analysis of data from a series of numerical experiments, constructive measures are proposed to ensure the load-bearing capacity, rigidity and stability against overturning of spatial blocks of free-standing forests, which will allow installing blocks with a height-to-size ratio exceeding 3,5:1 in open areas (outside buildings and structures) without attachment to existing structures.

    Keywords: steel scaffolding, yoke scaffolding, stress-strain state, structural solutions, stability, load-bearing capacity, nonlinear calculation, spatial free-standing block, dismounting, off-center coupling of elements

  • Automation of life support processes of the " Intelligent building" system

    The article is devoted to the actual problem of automating the life support processes of the system “intelligent building”, through the introduction of telemetry modules, in order to comply with the requirements of high-quality supervision, control and precautionary measures, in particular, in the areas of maintenance of water networks, responsibility for the operation of engineering networks and facilities between suppliers and consumers, ensuring water quality analysis. An analysis of the automated dispatching control and management system (on the example a water intake unit) shows that a lot of works (both Russian and foreign researchers) are devoted to the issues of control and distribution of water supply in the city, but narrowing the object of study to a complex of an automated sodium hypochlorite dosing system, the possibility of its optimization, taking into account the specific states of the system. The formulas given in the work for calculating the working dose and the amount of active chlorine, well as the number of strokes the dispenser pumps and the formulas for determining the actual working dose of the disinfection process, open up the possibility of clearly monitoring the actual dose and adjusting it, analyzing in detail the main parameters of the disinfection system. At the same time, the automatic control of the complex is carried out by a controller and PC, and the relevance lies in the use of telemetry control modules for organizing uninterrupted, remote operation of the dispatch service. Thanks to telemetric means of dispatching control and management of the state of water supply facilities, the process reaches a new qualitative level. The functionality of the water intake unit is expanding due to the introduction of telemetry and telecontrol system in the form of separate technological modules. The developed modules (through spatial and time series models) provide the performance of additional functions, such as: water quality control (residual chlorine, accounting for a number of random pollution factors), support for the route technology of the dispatching system, remote control of actuators with the possibility of automatic control, self-diagnostics of the software and hardware complex, as well as planning preventive measures. repair and restoration works of engineering systems. As a result of operational monitoring of water quality (using a telemetry module), optimal ratios of chlorine entering the water are automatically provided in the chlorination room. At the same time, the author convincingly proves that the use of the proposed method for monitoring and transmitting data makes it possible to perform continuous remote diagnostics (of communication channels, the performance of all systems) and, importantly, there is no need to send specialists directly to the object each time (parameterization and calibration of devices is carried out remotely). Quick setting of limit levels and modes of operation allows you to flexibly control the production process, reconfigure it according to changing tasks and re-equip it (if necessary).

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production