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  • Concept of safe urban planning complex development of urbanized territories

    The article is devoted to the scientific basis for the concept of safe principles of sustainable development in the process of urban planning and selection of investment and construction projects of development of urban territories. The author on the basis of the analysis of legislation and normative and legal basis discussed approaches to the characterization of the safe development of the urban environment, studied the principles of sustainable development-based approach to the application of the concept of acceptable and reasonable risk in the planning of urban development of urban territories, identifies areas and the boundaries of their realization.

    Keywords: concept of security, urban planning, integrated development, urban territories, the risk of

  • Properties of materials, which are used in the study of the performance of strengthened reinforced concrete constructions

    This paper addresses the testing results of steel rods with grade A500 and A600, which used as a conventional reinforcement. It was investigated the strength properties of carbon and fiberglass sheets with different number of material layers. The results are compared with the data given in the quality certificates.

    Keywords: fiberglass, carbon frp sheets, laminates, sheets of carbon and fiberglass, the ultimate load ,strength

  • Research questions of flexural reinforced concrete elements, strengthened with different types of composite materials

    The questions related to the study of various varying factors on the strength of normal sections in beams. Here's a program of research by one methodology designed to study the effect of the type and content of steel reinforcement and externally composite on the strength of normal sections that have not previously been investigated.

    Keywords: Concrete, reinforced concrete, the percentage of reinforcement, carbon frp sheets, fiberglass, laminates

  • Composite materials - as the basis of performance in the construction and renovation of buildings and structures

    In this article considered the questions related to the possibility of rational use of composite materials in the construction and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures during the reconstruction of buildings and structures. In RSUCE proposed research program which aimed to solving the neglected issues in this direction, and to create a secure calculating apparatus.

    Keywords: polymer concrete, epoxy resin, composite materials, fiberglass and carbon plastic reinforcement (GFRP, CFRP rebar), prototypes, research.

  • "Stress-strain" diagram of concrete in the state of passive lateral compression

    Denotes aneedin an engineering analytical correspondence between the loadand longitudinal strains of the composite columns. Experimental data on concrete longitudinal strains in the state of passive lateral compression are presented. The generalized form of correspondence for curvilinear "stress-strain" diagramof concrete the state of passive lateral compression is given.

    Keywords: composite columns, "stress-strain"diagram, passive lateral compression of the concrete

  • Structural foam - and fibropenobetona on the water with low temperature mixing

    Statement of the problem. Preparation of high-strength foam concrete in construction allows for energy and resource conservation. Water covers more than 50% of their dense component and on its properties depend strongly on structural properties of foam concrete, is not fully explored.
    Results. The effect of mixing water of low temperature on the structure and properties of constructive penofibrobetonov. Recommendations on the account in the calculation of reinforced concrete elements elevated structural properties and deformation diagrams penofibrobetonov by mixing water setback.
    Conclusions. Using low temperature mixing water improves the structure, increases the strength, deformability and elastic modulus, as well as changes of the deformation diagram fibropenobetonov.
    Keywords: fibropenobetona, foam, water temperature mixing, macroporosity, economic efficiency, technical and economic assessment.
