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  • Simulating of an optical vector analyzer with high-resolution and high-accuracy based on optical double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering

    The article discusses an optical vector analyzer with high resolution and high accuracy based on optical double-sideband modulation and stimulated Brillouin scattering. A model of an optical vector analyzer is presented.

    Keywords: optical vector analyzer, double-sideband modulation, stimulated Brillouin scattering, fiber Bragg grating with phase shift, simulation, Optisystem

  • Verification of the electronic model of the thermal network by "equivalent absolute roughness"

    The article substantiated the need to create electronic models of heating systems using BIM and GIS technologies. It is indicated that the original model data is needed correctly. The theoretical basis for determining the specific drop in pressure in thermal networks is given and its functional dependence on the size of the equivalent absolute roughness of the pipeline walls is established. The dependence of the change in the equivalent absolute roughness on the life of the pipeline is given. References to literature containing the most complete base of values equivalent to absolute roughness are given. A combined hydrometric graph of the hydraulic heating system modes at different values of the equivalent absolute roughness is given. Recommendations for verification of the electronic model have been given.

    Keywords: electronic model, hydraulic mode, pressure drop, heat carrier, hydraulic friction factor, equivalent to absolute roughness, verification

  • Study of pollution of fine airborne dust in roadside areas

    The article addresses issues related to the definition of particulate matter characteristics in the air of roadside areas. Fine suspended solid particles (TPM) of different size -10 and 2.5 μm are one of the main characteristics of atmospheric air quality. When monitoring the air environment on the maintenance of the firm weighed particles two indicators are used and normalized: PM2.5, PM10 are the firm weighed particles (English Particulate Matter, PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less; Solid suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter of 10 microns or less. Dust particles from traffic are seen as an increasingly important source of air pollution, as the vehicle fleet is increasing worldwide, hence exhaust gas emissions, as well as particles from tire abrasion and road surface wear. Studies were carried out on the dust content of the roadside territories of the city of Volgograd. The article also pays attention to air quality indices, which will be used in monitoring the air environment of urban areas.

    Keywords: motor transport, dust, road dust, the firm weighed particles, PM2.5, PM10, the atmosphere, the air environment, ecology, ecology of the urbanized territories, environmental safety

  • Research of PM10 and PM2.5 fine dust pollution in the air of the city of Volgograd

    An important problem of modern ecology is air pollution for most cities. Studies show that the largest danger to the human body is particles up to 10 microns in size, therefore, the content of suspended solids PM10 and PM2.5 (concentration) is controlled. The article presents the results of studies of air pollution with fine dust in the winter season

    Keywords: dust, dispersed materials, suspended solids, PM2.5, PM10, atmosphere, air, ecology, ecology of urban areas, environmental safety

  • The main aspects of the methodology of the judicial construction and technical expertise

    Conducting judicial construction and technical expertise, must comply with certain procedures and rules. The article systematizes the main tasks of the examination; determined the purpose of its implementation; describes how to conduct a hearing; The authors revealed the fact that the expert is criminally responsible for the opinion provided.

    Keywords: judicial construction and technical expertise, expert-builder, regulatory documentation, regulations of the construction, field test, expert opinion, executive documentation, quality of construction work, regulation of the hearing

  • Study of the heat transfer process in a liquid cooling system of a computer based on ferrofluids

    In this research the research problem of the liquid cooling system of supercomputer processors on nanomagnetic liquids by numerical modeling and the pilot study of processes of heat convection in the studied object is set. In article results of numerical modeling and the pilot study of process of the heat transfer are given in the heat exchanger of the liquid cooling system of supercomputer processors on the basis of nanomagnetic liquids, or ferroflyuid at influence of magnetic field impact assessment of magnetic field on the thermal resistance of the system and coefficient of heat convection the wall liquid Is made at different strengths of magnetic field. The numerical model of process of the heat transfer in the system the processor heat exchanger was investigated.

    Keywords: processor, thermal resistance, Laplace equation, liquid computer cooling system, ferrofluid, nanomagnetic liquid, heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient

  • Investigation of micro-dimensional metal structures obtained by electric explosion of conductors (part 2)

    The article presents the results of experimental studies of the parameters of micro-sized metal particles and sprayed films obtained by the method of electric explosion of metallic conductors (EVP) and electro-explosive spraying (EVN), respectively. Copper (Cu) and aluminum (Al) metal wires were used as explosive conductors. Geometrical parameters and physicochemical analysis of the obtained microparticles and thin films were carried out by means of the universal two-beam electronic system Versa 3D. From the analysis of the obtained samples of sprayed thin films and fine particles, it follows that with a discharge current density J≈10 ^ 10 A / m ^ 2 millisecond, the film thickness and particle sizes can reach values ​​less than micron scale.

    Keywords: electrical explosion of conductors, thin metal films, fine particles

  • Engineering surveys of road clothing using georadars

    The article deals with the survey of transport and operational condition of the highway R224 " Samara-Orenburg in which it was found that the roadway surface is in poor condition due to the presence of transverse cracks, ruts and pits. In a survey of 5 existing culvert structures were identified unacceptable defects in the structure. Based on the foregoing, the specified section of road be repaired in accordance with GOST R 50597-2017 “roads and streets” . Currently, economical and mobile methods of inspection of road structures are of particular relevance. Conducting engineering surveys of the GPR system MIRA was determined the constructive layers of road clothes light. The decision on milling to a partial thickness of the pavement that runs recyclers WR 4200, with the subsequent device of asphaltgranulate type To

    Keywords: pavement engineering, GPR applications, roads, surveys, MIRA GPR systempurposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Investigation of micro-dimensional metal structures obtained by electric explosion of conductors

    The article presents the results of experimental studies of the parameters of micro-sized metal particles and sprayed films obtained by the method of electric explosion of metallic conductors (EVP) and electro-explosive spraying (EVN), respectively. Copper (Cu) and aluminum (Al) metal wires were used as explosive conductors. Geometrical parameters and physicochemical analysis of the obtained microparticles and thin films were carried out by means of the universal two-beam electronic system Versa 3D. From the analysis of the obtained samples of sprayed thin films and fine particles, it follows that with a discharge current density J≈10 ^ 10 A / m ^ 2 millisecond, the film thickness and particle sizes can reach values ​​less than micron scale.

    Keywords: electrical explosion of conductors, thin metal films, fine particles

  • "Variants of planning structures of blocks of nursery groups for KBR conditions "

    For implementation of the program of creation of additional places for children from two months to three years in the conditions of CBD the task on development of the minimum number of options of schemes of planning structures of blocks of nursery groups on the basis of which further development of standard projects for inclusion in the register of standard project documentation of Ministry of construction of Russia is planned is solved

    Keywords: Keywords:blocks of nursery groups, planning decision, group cell, kindergarten

  • Effect of oxide additives on the structural properties of the cobalt catalyst for the synthesis of hydrocarbons

    The structural properties of cobalt catalysts and their active component are studied. The influence of metal oxides on the specific surface area, pore volume and size, the average crystallite size and the active surface area of the catalyst Co-Al2O3/SiO2 was studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, synthetic hydrocarbons, catalyst, cobalt, promoter, carrier, specific surface, porous structure, catalytic activity, degree of reduction, active surface area

  • Effect of modification of aluminum oxide on cobalt catalyst of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis promoted by manganese oxide

    The physical and chemical properties of cobalt catalysts promoted by manganese oxides for the synthesis of hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch method are studied. The influence of polymorphic modifications of the alumina carrier on the specific surface area, pore volume, degree of reduction, size of cobalt crystallites,catalytic activity, dispersion degree of catalyst reduction is considered.

    Keywords: Synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch, synthetic hydrocarbons, the cobalt catalyst, promoter MnO2, the carrier of Al2O3, specific surface area, the degree of recovery of the catalytic activity, dispersion, and the crystallites of cobalt

  • Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts supported on Al2O3 of various polymorphic modifications

    The parameters of the porous structure and the outer surface of cobalt catalysts for the synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch, promoted by magnesium, prepared by the impregnation method according to moisture capacity, were studied. The effect of polymorphic modification (γ, θ, α) of the carrier on the physicochemical properties of the catalyst Co-Mg / Al2O3 was studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, polymorphic modifications of Al2O3, synthetic motor fuel, catalyst, carrier, elemental analysis, BET method, specific surface, porous structure

  • Modeling and optimisation heat pump in cooling system of supercomputer

    In This study posed the problem of simulating the cooling system of supercomputers with a heat pump on the reverse Stirling cycle by numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the object under study. The article presents the results of numerical simulation of heat transfer processes in the cooling system of processors of supercomputers with a heat pump on the reverse Stirling cycle. A numerical model of the heat transfer process was investigated. Using the method of numerical simulation of the heat transfer process, the dependences of the temperature delta, thermal resistance and the fraction of losses of the heat pump of the cooling system are obtained. The dependence of the ratio of the stroke of the piston to the diameter of the piston H / D of the heat pump has been revealed, taking into account the loss of the thermal resistance of the liquid cooling circuits and the elements of the design of the heat pump.

    Keywords: processor, heat flow, thermal resistance, Laplace equation, heat pump, heat exchange, Stirling backflow, cooling system

  • Separate mechanisms of digital economy formation at the regional level

    In the Russian economy, in a situation aggravated by the sanctions pressure from the United States and several EU countries, there is an acute problem of growth on the threshold of the 4th industrial revolution, which seems to be a necessary prerequisite for technological modernization of the country. The work examines possible mechanisms for achieving modernization and innovation growth in the regions of the Russian Federation: special economic zones, advanced development areas, industrial and technological parks, industrial clusters, which are mechanisms for accumulating a set of benefits in implementing new investment attraction vectors. It justifies the need to develop a strategy for the sustainable socio-economic development of the region, taking into account the assessment of its potential, analysis of competitive advantages and resource constraints. The introduction of these mechanisms implies a focus on long-term development, horizontal diversification, through the leadership of high technologies, harmonization of tasks, instruments of industrial and socio-ecological and economic development of regions with a focus on a fairly high standard of living.

    Keywords: economic transformation; technological structure; region; strategy; 4th Industrial Revolution; cyber-physical systems, territory of advanced development; zones of technical and economic development; investments