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  • Development of a software module for searching for patent analogues

    With the development of industry and science, the size of the patent base is growing, as well as the number of patent applications received by the agencies regulating the issue of patents is growing. Each patent application must be checked for the uniqueness of the patented technology, for this, the patent office experts need to search the patent database and find analog patents. In the absence of analog patents, this technology can be considered unique and accepted for patenting. Since the patent database of various departments can number tens of millions of patents, such a patent search and evaluation of the uniqueness of the patented technology can take a very long time. The existing systems do not meet all the requirements and do not have the full necessary functionality. This article describes the development of an automated system for searching for analog patents in the patent array.

    Keywords: patent, database, search, patent-analog, Hadoop, Solr, Django, Python, Haystack, HDFS

  • Peculiarities of thermal analysis of a 3D microcomputer system with a packageless FPGA

    3D integration technologies based on highly integrated substrates and bare chips solve the problem of miniaturization of complex functional devices. However, increasing complexity and decreasing mass-size parameters of products lead to problems of effective heat distribution and dissipation from frameless microcircuits. The article considers features and problems of thermal analysis of 3D computing microsystem based on several modules with bare-metal chips, and also shows the importance of modeling the actual heat generation of programmable logic integrated circuits.

    Keywords: microassembly, microsystem, chipless chip, FPGA, thermal analysis, CAD, finite element method, heat transfer simulation, printed circuit board, three-dimensional integration

  • Justification of the choice of the pipeline construction method in permafrost conditions

    During operation, the pipeline is threatened by various geological hazards, especially in regions with permafrost, where freeze-thaw disasters have a significant impact on the integrity and safety of oil and gas pipelines. Therefore, at the design and construction stage, it is advisable to analyze various methods of laying pipelines, taking into account the topographic environmental conditions, as well as the effect of frost rise and thaw on the soil of the pipeline foundation. An analysis of the existing design schemes for the construction of pipelines, the conditions for passing the route of the projected pipeline, the characteristics of the pumped hydrocarbons makes it possible to justify the choice of a construction method that can ensure the stable position of the oil and gas pipeline both during the construction period and during its operation.

    Keywords: hydrocarbons, analysis, pipeline, construction methods, reliability of pipeline structure, permafrost soil, pile support

  • Architectural techniques in the development of software dependent on the user interface

    The article describes the architectural techniques used in the process of developing case studies for assessing the professional skills of students, implemented as part of the educational process of the RSTU. The decision to use the interface as the center of architecture is justified. Possible problems in the process of developing the interface of the specified software are described, and ways of solving them are also presented. Thanks to the presented methods of building the project architecture, you can get rid of the main drawbacks associated with the dependence of the program code of the implemented product on the user interface. Increase the scalability and reliability of the application, while maintaining the overall quality and functionality.

    Keywords: interface, user interface, architectural solution, loaded interface, software, pattern, messagebroker, coroutine, pseudo-stream, case

  • Features of heat and mass transfer processes in the spray chamber

    This article discusses the features of the processes of heat and mass transfer, taking into account the formation of the contact surface during the interaction of air and water droplets sprayed in the working space of the spray chamber. The results of numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer processes are presented, which made it possible to establish the conditions of liquid atomization that ensure the most efficient flow of heat and moisture exchange processes in the working space of the spray chamber.

    Keywords: air handling unit, spray chamber, heat and mass transfer, diffusion model, efficiency, droop parameters, calculation model, numerical simulation

  • Functional versatility of adjustable horizontal louvre sunshades

    The article considers internal adjustable sun-protecting jalousies from their different functional efficiency pant of view. It is noted, that besides their main sun-protective function, adjustable jalousies possess some other functions, depending on the position of their horizontal planks. These functions can be successfully used for microclimatic internal environment creation of comfortable. These are natural lighting function, psychological contract with surrounding environment function and function of visual isolation, i.e. “privacy”. and so on. All the above functions usually have maximum efficiency of their qualities in the case of their individual consideration. This, as a rule, is not practically reasonable. That is why this work is aimed on optimum combination of the man functional characteristics of horizontal sun-protecting jalousies under necessity of their mutual consideration, i.e. in achievement of their functional universality.

    Keywords: sun-protecting devices, horizontal jalousies, functional characteristics, comfort of internal environment, optimization, insolation, visual comfort, functional universality, natural lighting

  • Informational database model for accounting of the teachers workload of an educational organization

    This paper presents an information model of a relational database developed by the authors, designed to take into account the teachers workload of an educational organization. The identification of the subject area entities, their decomposition and the relationships identification between them are carried out. The constructed database model was brought to the Boyes - Codd normal form. Based on the designed database schema, its physical implementation and filling with test data was carried out. The results of test queries showed the developed model adequacy and the its practical applicationp ossibility. It is currently in trial operation at the Department of Information Systems and Computer Modeling, Volgograd State University. With minimal changes, the developed database schema can be applied to account for the teachers workload in various educational organizations.

    Keywords: database, information modeling, "entity-relationship" diagram, decomposition, information system, educational organization

  • Phonon properties of hydrogenated carbon nanofilms

    In this work, the phonon format of graphane nanoribbons is calculated in the Hamiltonian formulaism. The geometric model is presented in the form of a graphene plane with hydrogen atoms attached to it. The unit cell of graphane contains two carbon atoms from solid graphene and two carbon atoms. The curvature of the graphene plane as a result of attachment to hydrogen atoms and hybridization of the outer electron orbitals of carbon atoms from sp2 to sp3, as well as the interaction between hydrogen atoms, are not taken into account. Analysis of the obtained phonon spectra shows that, for any type and width of graphane nanoribbons, there is a gap between acoustic and optical vibrational modes, in contrast to graphene, which can serve as an indicator for a given structure. Also, for the material under study, the values ​​of the speed of sound and the Debye temperature were calculated.

    Keywords: graphene, graphane, nanoribbon, unit cell, vibrational spectrum, dispersion equation

  • Improvement of the environmental management system of electric power industry organizations

    The article discusses the features of environmental safety management systems of organizations in the electric power sector, and also presents an approach to their improvement. The authors substantiate that an important aspect of improving the environmental safety of electric power companies is the integration of quality and environmental management processes in the organization. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and the regulatory framework, the problems of integration of environmental management systems, quality management and organization management are identified. As one of the approaches to improving the environmental management system of electric power industry organizations, a management model of an environmentally-oriented organization based on the PDCA cycle and a quality management system, as well as scientifically based principles of its construction, is proposed. The key advantages of the model are: an expanded methodological base in comparison with the models of environmental management and quality management based on the Deming сycle "Plan-Do-Check-Act" the possibility of effective integration with the general management system; decision-making based on various factors of the external and internal environment of the organization.

    Keywords: environmental safety, integrated management model, environmental safety management in the electric power industry, Deming сycle

  • Problems of functioning of environmental safety systems at industrial enterprises

    The article considers the main approaches to the organization of ecological management and environmental safety at industrial enterprises in Russia, highlights the key problems and trends of environmental management in industry, factors and conditions for ensuring environmental safety in the production sector. Based on a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature and activities to ensure the implementation of ecological management of large industrial enterprises in the country, the main directions and problems of practical implementation of environmental management, as well as the design and operation of environmental safety systems in the industrial sector are identified: insufficient experience in developing and implementing an environmental strategy; fragmented use of elements and methods of environmental management; lack of methodological support for effective integration of the environmental management system into the management system of industrial enterprises; problems of corporate governance and others.

    Keywords: ecological management, ecological safety, ecological management, environmental safety management system, industrial enterprise management

  • Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various types of overhead natural lighting systems in public and industrial buildings

    The article deals with the comparative analysis of traditional and new types of lighting systems in multistory public and industrial buildings. The analysis is being conducted with use of some specific objective and subjected criteria. These include a number of design characteristics of the systems in question – from an overall cost of the installation to the psychological contact with the outdoor environment. It is noted, that the main characteristic of a human activity is productivity and this depends upon the working conductions, which are evaluated on the basis of subjective appraisal. The best solution of the system of natural lighting, according to the number of criteria considered, which matches the above requirements is the system of lighting wells, combined with the windows.

    Keywords: the system of roof natural lighting, objective and subjective appraisal, comfort of indoor environment, evaluation criteria, public and industrial buildings

  • Effect of oxide additives on the structural properties of the cobalt catalyst for the synthesis of hydrocarbons

    The structural properties of cobalt catalysts and their active component are studied. The influence of metal oxides on the specific surface area, pore volume and size, the average crystallite size and the active surface area of the catalyst Co-Al2O3/SiO2 was studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, synthetic hydrocarbons, catalyst, cobalt, promoter, carrier, specific surface, porous structure, catalytic activity, degree of reduction, active surface area

  • Effect of modification of aluminum oxide on cobalt catalyst of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis promoted by manganese oxide

    The physical and chemical properties of cobalt catalysts promoted by manganese oxides for the synthesis of hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch method are studied. The influence of polymorphic modifications of the alumina carrier on the specific surface area, pore volume, degree of reduction, size of cobalt crystallites,catalytic activity, dispersion degree of catalyst reduction is considered.

    Keywords: Synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch, synthetic hydrocarbons, the cobalt catalyst, promoter MnO2, the carrier of Al2O3, specific surface area, the degree of recovery of the catalytic activity, dispersion, and the crystallites of cobalt

  • Investigation of the effect of Zr and Mn promoters on the properties of cobalt catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

    The parameters of the porous structure and the active surface of cobalt catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (SFT) prepared by the impregnation method have been studied. Characteristics of composition and porous structure were studied using elemental analysis and the Brunauer-Emmett-Taylor method (BET). The effect of the addition of oxide promoters on the specific surface area, pore volume and pore size of the Co / SiO2 catalyst has been studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, heterogeneous catalyst, promoter, carrier, specific surface area, porous structure, selectivity, activity, dipping method

  • Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts supported on Al2O3 of various polymorphic modifications

    The parameters of the porous structure and the outer surface of cobalt catalysts for the synthesis of Fischer-Tropsch, promoted by magnesium, prepared by the impregnation method according to moisture capacity, were studied. The effect of polymorphic modification (γ, θ, α) of the carrier on the physicochemical properties of the catalyst Co-Mg / Al2O3 was studied.

    Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, polymorphic modifications of Al2O3, synthetic motor fuel, catalyst, carrier, elemental analysis, BET method, specific surface, porous structure