In article are presented the analytical dependences, characterizing general and fractional efficiency on the basis of the is likelihood-stochastic approach, allowing to plan experimental researches and to develop design procedures of dust removal devices of the enterprises for manufacture of road and building materials. Research of dust properties and optimization on basis of constructive and regime parameters allow to provide demanded efficiency of catching of a dust.
Keywords: "the is likelihood-stochastic approach, fractional efficiency, the dust removal device, optimization of parameters, manufacture of road and building materials "
The possibility of carrying out the repair work intumescent fire retardant coating of cable type, end-of-life and Regulated lost their fire-resistance rating, with modern high-performance flame retardant formulations vspuchichvayuschihsya
Keywords: Retardant cable coating, fire-retardant efficiency, lifetime, maintenance and rehabilitation
This paper considers the problem of constructing the architecture of the mobile training complex of the loading/unloading machine, which includes a crane and crane control. The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"
Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane
In article methods of scientific forecasting of control systems by safety of work at the enterprises are presented. Forecasting allows to establish the most probable tendencies and directions of development of health and safety, to define possible alternatives of decisions of experts of protection services of work.
Keywords: Safety of work, method of scientific forecasting, projection, variability, information systems, difficult adaptive system, properties of systems, efficiency
This article is devoted to studying the details of getting a car credit. The authors analyzed the current trends of o development in the sphere of car credit, conditions for issuing car credits, offered by the banks – leaders in this field. Then some directions for improvement in the sphere of car credits in Sberbank of Russia were suggested.
Keywords: Credit, car credit, retail bank services, captive banks, car dealers
The article considers the methodological issues of the economic assessment of damage from pollution, the difficulty of obtaining an objective assessment of the damage. Given shape ecosystem resilience to external influences as carrying capacity of the environment to the ejection of matter and energy into the environment as a result of economic activity. Carrying capacity of the environment is considered as a kind of natural resource potential of the rationale for the development of economic evaluation of the carrying capacity of a natural resource. The basic problems of economic evaluation of the implementation of the carrying capacity.
Keywords: Carrying capacity built-up areas, the economic carrying capacity assessment, the economic damage from pollution, ecosystem, the problem of realization of economic carrying capacity assessment
This article is devoted to analysis of housing affordability. The study suggests that the housing affordability index indicator does not reflect the real situation in housing. This indicator requires a thorough study, analysis and improvement. This problem is a multi-faceted character.
Keywords: affordable housing to the population, the housing affordability index, the index of housing affordability using mortgages Russia federation
The authors created information-analytical system based on OLAP and using data mining algorithms for the development of automated technology point-rating system of student assessment to monitor and to analyze the quality of the educational process in the course of the monthly student achievements' assessment and monitoring of the results of examinations. As a result, managers on various levels have increased the level of control and efficiency of the university, received timely consistent and accurate information.
Keywords: data processing, OLAP, Data Mining, Microsoft SQL Server, education, university, reports, information and analysis system, multi-dimensional data warehouse
In article bases of a methodical approach to improvement of the organization of labor protection in the construction, based on a position of system risk management are considered. The methodical approach unites the block diagram and risk management model, provides efficiency of management of production safety, development of purposeful actions for decrease in risk factors, to elimination of the found violations of labor protection and their prevention further.
Keywords: control system by a labor safety, the risk analysis in building, certification of workplaces for working conditions, monitoring system, professional risks, preventive maintenance of infringements in work sphere
Development and improvement of local markets zernoprodovolstvennyh mining areas, as well as regional transaction sector agro-industrial complex of the Eastern Donbass centers contribute to the formation of institutional modernization of the regional economy. To identify the political, economic, social and technological factors in the external macro-environment that may significantly affect the business, structuring and formulation of the organization's strategy is an important analysis of institutional and market coordinates held in accessible form PEST-analysis.
Keywords: region, local market, the institutional environment, PEST-analysis, macro environment, trade, protectionism, state support.
As you know, in the world there are two models of organizing property trust management: Anglo-American and Continental. The data presented comparative analysis of these models. Section briefly describes the main stages of development of the institution of trust management: the first stage (nucleation Trust Deed), the second stage (the appearance of the legal framework of the Institute Trust Deed), the third stage (the appearance of the trust) and fourth stage (the international recognition of the institution of trust management).
An analysis of the main stages of development of the institution of trust management revealed some of its features that can be taken into account when developing the system of accounting and reporting information that provides decision-effective solution.
Keywords: management operations, asset management, management, trust, trust, accounting and analytical support, splitting rights convention.