The work is devoted to the problems of strategic planning in the digital technology market. The aim of the work is to build a decision support procedure for choosing a strategy, based on internal (related to the characteristics of the firm choosing the strategy) and external (conditioned by the state of the market) factors. It is assumed that the elementary strategy is described by the type, direction and applied area of activity. In this case, the possibility of combining several elementary strategies is considered. The main result of the work is a procedure for choosing a combined strategy based on the application of a genetic algorithm. The use of the methodological apparatus of evolutionary calculations is due to the large number of possible options for combined strategies and the complexity of their evaluation, which makes a complete enumeration of options impractical. The final choice is made by the decision maker based on their own preferences.
Keywords: IT market, decision support, genetic algorithm
Currently, the energy efficiency of buildings is one of the most pressing economic and environmental problems. Reducing energy costs not only minimizes building maintenance costs, but also reduces the negative impact on the environment. This article deals with the problem of increasing the energy efficiency of the enclosing structures of polyclinic buildings and proposes a method for measuring the economic efficiency of the proposed enclosing structures of municipal polyclinics in Moscow. The implementation of an energy-efficient project for the reconstruction of polyclinic buildings requires an integrated approach, which includes the selection of optimal materials and structures, a thorough analysis and calculation of energy efficiency by measuring the savings in heat loss after the reconstruction of buildings. The implementation of this approach will reduce heat loss and increase the comfort of staying inside the buildings.
Keywords: energy efficiency, heat losses, reconstruction, enclosing structures, medical and healthcare institutions
Noise pollution of the air is considered to be an excess of the natural level of the background noise or a sharp fluctuation and change in such sound characteristics as the frequency of the sound wave and the strength of the sound stream. The article considers noise levels in the mainline territories in a linear city.
Keywords: linear city, traffic noise, highways, air environment, landscaping, equivalent noise level, row of planting, arboretum composition
In article there is considered the application of the finite difference method to plate bending problems. There are done the calculations of simply supported rectangular plate on an elastic foundation by the finite difference method and to verify the results there is done comparison with the results obtained by double trigonometric series. For more accurate results is studied the degree of discretization of the finite difference mesh.
Keywords: finite difference method, plate on an elastic foundation, Winkler model, governing differential equation of the plate, finite difference operator
The article discusses the peculiarity of determining the duration of laying concrete mix depending on the height of the installation horizon. As a result of the study, the design was justified, which was accepted as a representative object, a sample of standard values of machine time costs was performed depending on the height (number of floors) of the building, the dependence of the calculated value of machine time costs on the height of the floor (the horizon of the work) was obtained, the reliability of the calculated values was estimated.
Keywords: monolithic construction, concrete works, labor intensity of work, duration of work, installation horizon, tower crane
The most important task of the admissions committee of any university is to advise applicants on admission to the specialties available at the university. In this article, an automated information system has been developed, which, based on the applicant's questionnaire, allows you to form recommendations when choosing a training specialty, taking into account the applicant's personal preferences. Artificial neural networks are proposed to be used as a method of choice, and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) was the model of the neural network.
Keywords: neural network, career guidance, multilayer perceptron, neural network training, methods, automated information system, training directions
This paper proposes an accurate and dynamic method for diagnosing of crop diseases. This method adopts Bayesian networks to represent the relationships among the symptoms and crop diseases. This method has one main difference from the existing diagnosis methods - it does not use all the symptoms in the diagnosis, but purposively selects a subset of symptoms which are the most relevant to diagnosis; the active symptom selection is based on the concept of a Markov blanket in a Bayesian network. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can significantly enhance the performance of crop disease diagnosis.
Keywords: plant disease recognition, mathematical model, Bayesian network, machine learning, Markov blanket
The points of stress concentration in the sections of structural elements are considered. These include, in particular, crack tips that may appear both during operation and as a result of a violation of their production technology. The values of stress intensity factors in the vicinity of cracks in the considered sections with contour corner points are obtained. In addition, the study of indicators in the asymptotic solution of the elasticity theory problem for bodies made of isotropic materials in the vicinity of the structure rod element corner point of the section, where the sides (or one of them) are supported by a thin coating, was carried out. On the other side of the corner region, various conditions for its reinforcement are assumed, including the presence of a thin elastic coating. Mathematically, the solution of the problem is reduced to the transcendental characteristic equation solution, that is, to the problem of finding the equation roots that is constructed from the condition for the existence of a non-zero solution to a linear homogeneous equations system. The characteristics of the stress components were determined for various combinations of boundary conditions, physical and geometric parameters. Qualitative conclusions are made. In particular, values these parameters are established combinations , at which the behavior of stresses at the section corner point becomes singular.
Keywords: stress intensity factor, isotropic elastic bodies, structural element, section corner point , crack, thin elastic coating, boundary conditions, characteristic equation, stress concentration
The article is devoted to the analysis of the spatial structure of acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields in hydroacoustic waveguides of the sea shelf. Waveguides with two types of sound velocity profile are considered: constant and having an underwater sound channel. The bottom is assumed to be a transitional layer with a sound velocity gradient and a half-space. The acoustic properties of the layer are assumed to be those of silt or sand. The interference structure of the pressure field and the field of the vertical component of the particle velocity is analyzed. The spatial laws of attenuation pressure and particle velocity fields are analyzed. It is shown that the interference structure and the laws of decrease of the pressure field and the vertical component of the particle velocity do not coincide. The article is devoted to the analysis of the spatial structure of acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields in hydroacoustic waveguides of the sea shelf. Waveguides with two types of sound velocity profile are considered: constant and having an underwater sound channel. The bottom is assumed to be a transitional layer with a sound velocity gradient and a half-space. The acoustic properties of the layer are assumed to be those of silt or sand. The interference structure of the pressure field and the field of the vertical component of the particle velocity is analyzed. The spatial laws of attenuation pressure and particle velocity fields are analyzed. It is shown that the interference structure and the laws of decrease of the pressure field and the vertical component of the particle velocity do not coincide.
Keywords: normal modes, particle velocity, seabed, interference structure, incoherent addition
The paper considers theoretical studies of the deformed state of the nagel joint with claw washers in LVL structures (from the English LVL – Laminated Veneer Lumber). A mathematical model of snow load has been developed. The method of theoretical calculations of creep from the action of periodic load on the basis of previously performed experiments is given.
Keywords: claw washer, LVL, connection, deformation, mathematical model, load, regression equation, humidity, creep
The regulation of the stress-strain state of the floor slab is considered in order to choose the optimal design solution for the frame of a unique building. Three variants of design solutions with varying reinforcement of the plate and cross sections of the vertical elements of the frame are proposed. The numerical experiment was performed by the finite element method using the Lira-CAD software package. To improve the accuracy of the results obtained, calculations were made taking into account the nonlinear operation of materials. The computational model of the floor slab includes physically nonlinear shell finite elements. Nonlinear loading was modeled taking into account the creep of concrete. Based on the results of the calculations, the analysis of the deflections of the floor slab and the consumption of materials was performed. The numerical experiment allowed us to propose an optimal design solution for the frame of a unique building.
Keywords: stress-strain state, finite element method, unique building, physical nonlinearity, deformation law, building frame
The article presents the results of the study of the ventilation device. A system of automatic control of the process of regulating air exchange in a residential area has been developed, which allows you to control an element of the actuator, which increases the productivity and efficiency of the ventilation device. An automated module of the process of regulating air exchange in residential buildings has been developed, designed to control the regulation of air exchange and its determination in residential buildings in different periods of the year. The software module implements recalculation of the main heat and humidity parameters of the air.
Keywords: air exchange, automated module, automatic control, ventilation device
The unique building of the Center for Science and Art is modeled as a variant of the complex development of the territory of the old hippodrome in Rostov-on-Don. The analysis of the formation of vertical external communication parametric structures for a spherical object is performed. Based on the results of the consideration of ten forms, a rational form of "Turban" was determined, which retains a constant comfortable slope, and in emergency situations can go into autonomous mode while maintaining the rigidity of the structure. Visualization of the object's integration into the urban environment was carried out in Rhino 3D using the Grasshopper visual programming language program. By combining specialized years, modeling of roads and the volumetric geometry of buildings, the object of study, zoning and reading information from the surrounding area was carried out. The resulting model allows us to evaluate the aesthetics and comfort of the urban environment in the case of construction of a new facility.
Keywords: unique buildings, modeling, parametric architecture, urban environment, grasshopper
Еxpedition studies were conducted in order to take samples in the components of elementary landscapes - precipitation (snow), surface waters, roadside dust, soil, bottom sediments and sediments at the water's edge along the route of Shakhty (Eastern Donbass) – Margaritovo village (coast of Taganrog Bay) in the Rostov region. In the selected samples, the mass concentration of oil products (OP) was determined, the analysis of which showed that road dust and snow are one of the sources of soil pollution, surface water and bottom sediments. The following sequence of oil product content levels has been revealed as they decrease: road dust → soil → sediments at the water's edge → bottom sediments → snow → surface water, which persists at almost all but one station. The content of oil products in the soils of the region should be estimated as varying from acceptable to average, while the surface waters contained this pollutant in concentrations below the MPC for the waters of fish farms.
Keywords: elementary, landscape, natural components, oil products, Rostov region, road dust, soil, bottom sediments, snow, surface water
The paper is focused on the building heightening technologies employing modular structures, and in particular, three-dimensional units. It lists the global leaders in the field of manufacturing of three-dimensional/modular units and examines the work stages based on the analysis of scientific publications and patent searches. It is noted that the process arrangement upgraded to the current state of the art and the improved energy efficiency performance of a superstructure are mainly achieved through the use of modular units with greater dimensions but with a lighter weight.
Keywords: reconstruction, technology, energy efficiency, superstructure, modular constructions, volume blocks, organizational and technological solutions