The main results of studies of the anodic behavior and chemical composition of the surface layer of the aluminum film before and after implantation of silicon ions (20 keV), conducted using the method of measuring potentiostatic polarization curves, are presented. The decrease in the anode polarization currents and the expansion of the passivation region depending on the dose of the introduced ions, due to the formation of oxide compounds with the implanted silicon impurity, are shown.
Keywords: ion implantation, films, aluminum, polarization curves, potentiostat, anode behavior, auger electron spectra, electrolyte, silicon ions
The article deals with the issues related to the design of control devices for technological equipment based on artificial neural networks. The algorithm of the neural network training process based on the Widrow-Hoff method is developed, designed for computer-aided design of artificial neural networks operating in the environment of a microprocessor system or a personal computer. The authors perform a software implementation of the algorithm for training a three-layer neural network using the C# programming language on the platform Microsoft.NET. The program uses a neural network training algorithm with a "teacher". The article shows the interface of interaction of the developed program with the "teacher" (designer of neural networks). An example is given of the development of an artificial neural network that performs the function of a binary number adder. The results of the research can be further used in the development of a computer-aided design system for artificial neural networks, and can also be used in the development of software for microprocessor control systems for technological equipment.
Keywords: artificial neural network, training, algorithm, programming language, neuron bias, adder, input signals, output signals, synaptic connections, neurons
The results of theoretical research and analysis of methods that will significantly reduce the weight of the gravity oil platform are presented. At the same time, its static, dynamic, and shear stability will remain under the influence of wind, wave, ice load and current load. In order to reduce the weight and overall dimensions, it is proposed to outline the lower part of the platform base with a metal sheet pile wall. As a result of theoretical studies, the dependence of the shear force under the influence of external forces acting on the platform during operation on the physical and mechanical properties of the soil and the size of the sheet pile wall is found, which will significantly reduce the weight of the platform and the cost of its construction.
Keywords: gravity oil platform, shear stability, tongue-and-groove wall, external forces acting on the platform, rollover stability
In this work, a survey of the hot water supply system from the boiler house No. 2 of Energoservice LLC was carried out. The daily schedule of hot water released for sanitary needs is given. The existing scheme of the boiler burner on-off control system is considered. A method for stabilizing the hot water preparation process by increasing the burner shut-off settings at the hour of the highest water consumption is found and described, and their values are found experimentally. A scheme has been developed, assembled and tested that allows you to adjust the operating mode of boilers at a strictly specified time of day. The proposed measure allowed us to solve the problem of selling hot water to consumers of a given quality during the maximum water intake period. In addition, the reduction in the generation of thermal energy for heating hot water at night and on weekends allowed for a 13.87% reduction in natural gas consumption in 2020.
Keywords: hot water supply, fuel consumption, pumping station, circulation line, conditional fuel, mode, boiler unit
Arched constructions of the roofs of span-type buildings are very cost-effective in comparison with beam and frame systems. In many cases, the high architectural qualities of arch structures allow one to obtain expressive interiors of large halls. At the same time, the construction of long span buildings is always associated with high risks, high security requirements for such buildings, and, consequently, increased requirements for reliability to load-bearing structures, including possible local destructions. Actual becomes the issue of ensuring the survivability of building structures in general, and the construction of roofs for long span buildings in particular. To analyze the survivability properties of shallow arched coverings, a number of constructive solutions of arched constructions of various types are considered. The work of arch structures of various types with possible local caving of a number of elements is considered. Five design schemes of arched constructions are presented, and work of each of them is considered at exclusion of the most loaded elements. In particular, the work of the arch structure with fan-shaped tie system with a split upper belt is considered. A comparative analysis of the survivability properties of the constructive solutions under consideration is presented.
Keywords: arched covers, arch structure with fan-shaped tie system, survivability, local destruction, constructive solutions, long span roofs, progressive collapse
The article is devoted to the importance and relevance of the development of underground space, today in large cities there is an acute shortage of areas free from development, as well as the high traffic congestion with personal cars, these and many other problems can be solved through the integrated development of underground space. The classification of underground structures is given. The organizational and technical problems of construction below the zero cycle are indicated. Examples of competent use of underground space in the world are considered. Benefits of construction below zero cycle are also noted. The objects, the construction of which is promising underground, are described. Attention is drawn to the climatic and anthropogenic factors taken into account during construction. In conclusion, the measures that need to be taken for the development of the underground space of our cities are considered.
Keywords: development of underground space urban studies, organization of construction of underground structures, urban space, cramped urban development, organizational and technical problems
This article discusses a hardware and software complex for the study of aerodynamics and electromechanical characteristics of wind turbines (WPP) with a vertical axis of rotation. The created laboratory stand makes it possible to carry out experimental studies of the developed wind power plants, to obtain the dependences of the angular speed of rotation of the rotor and the consumed electric power on the wind speed. To demonstrate the efficiency of the considered vortex-type wind turbine, the corresponding prototypes of wind turbines with a power of 0.2 kW and 1.2 kW were designed and assembled, and their full-scale tests were carried out. The developed software makes it possible to carry out numerical simulation of the motion of a wind turbine with an unsteady undisturbed wind flow, taking into account the mass-inertial characteristics of the installation and the nature of the moment of resistance to the rotation of its rotor. Experimental and numerical results obtained using the developed hardware-software complex are presented and compared. These results indicate the possibility of using such a complex as an effective tool for the development of wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation.
Keywords: wind power plant, experimental research, software and hardware complex, numerical modeling, numerical methods of dynamics of continuous media
The problem of digitalization of the data accounting system and the problem of managing the technical condition of equipment at thermal power plants are considered. The performance of the entire thermal power plant depends on the operation of the boiler units. If the equipment fails and the necessary measures to resolve the emergency are not taken in time, then the probability of a decrease in the plant's performance up to the suspension of work increases. Thus, the issue of monitoring the technical condition of all operating equipment is relevant. The developed software for automation of the data recording system and visualization of technical parameters of the reliability of boiler and turbine equipment is described. The software has a methodology for determining the technical condition index of equipment. The software was developed using the JavaScript programming language, the React.js library. Digital technologies have been introduced into the process of recording data on the technical condition of equipment, where for the first time the software includes a method for automatic calculation of the technical condition index of boiler units. The software ensures that equipment downtime is reduced, as well as the likelihood of failure or critical breakdown of boilers. Thus, the operation of the software makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of an emergency state of the main equipment of power plants.
Keywords: thermal power plant, boiler and turbine equipment, software, technical condition, reliability, repairn
The water recreation industry is actively developing. An individual pool at home is also not uncommon for a long time, because everyone wants to live in comfortable conditions. Modern country houses place the pool on the ground floor of the premises on the plot next to the house. Despite the financial costs and time for maintenance, the health benefits of the pool, as well as the variety of leisure activities through taking water procedures or playing with children, are a very powerful argument in order to arrange a pool at home.The number of pools is increasing and the number of pools built with defects is also increasing. it may be because use low-quality construction materials and reduce their volumes, perform work by unskilled employees, violate the requirements of construction documents of the project. therefore it is necessary to carry out construction and technical examination.
Keywords: construction, swimming pool, construction and technical expertise, regulatory documentation, defects
Urbanization and increased production have led to the fact that every year the world generates a large amount of plastic waste, which pollutes the environment. Using them in the construction industry will help solve this problem, as well as get profitable solutions in the production of building materials and mixtures.
Keywords: plastic waste, environment, construction, construction materials
Currently, in the design and manufacture of steel products operating in conditions of heavy impact-abrasive wear, not only material is given, but also the structure of the product itself. One such detail is the friction wedge of a freight wagon trolley. In the presented work, a new design of the friction wedge of the vibration damping unit is presented; technical calculations are carried out on the strength of the presented design. The safety factors of spring suspension are calculated. All calculations were performed according to the standards for the calculation and design of new and modernized railroad cars of the Ministry of Railways 1520 mm gauge. The performed calculations indicate the high performance of the developed design, the obtained values fully satisfy the requirements for such products. The result of the work on creating a new design of the friction wedge of the vibration damping unit is to obtain a patent for utility model No. 194823, a drawing has also been developed (KI- and terms of reference for experimental design work (KI- TK).
Keywords: friction wedge, vibration damping unit, freight car truck, strength, reliability, durability, calculation of spring suspension, static deflection of spring suspension, coefficient of structural margin of deflection, coefficient of relative friction
hydroxyapatite, non-collagenous protein, implant, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular model, one-electron spectrum, vibrational mode, osseointegration.
Keywords: hydroxyapatite, non-collagenous protein, implant, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular model, one-electron spectrum, vibrational mode, osseointegration
The effective use of high-strength reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures is an important task today. In order to reduce the consumption of materials, especially steel, it is necessary to use high-strength materials more widely in the production of reinforced concrete structures. In recent years, researchers have significantly increased interest in reinforced concrete structures with mixed reinforcement. To determine the effect of the concrete class on the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete columns, a numerical experiment was performed. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that the maximum increase in bearing capacity with all variants of relative eccentricity is observed in racks with previously stretched and non-tensile reinforcement. Thus, the studies showed that the use of columns with mixed reinforcement is advisable. The use of mixed reinforcement in reinforced concrete racks in all cases is more effective than racks with non-tensile reinforcement.
Keywords: concrete, reinforcement, reinforced concrete, prestressing, the relative eccentricity, mixed reinforcement, column, bearing capacity
In the view of most people, the criterion "high-rise buildings" is very blurred. Five or seven storey buildings were considered one or two centuries ago to be tall, but now you will not surprise anyone with a number of storeys over fifty. Russian law sets the maximum possible 75-meter height for residential buildings and 50-meter - for public buildings. The construction of higher facilities is subject to special requirements. The article discusses the development of high-rise buildings of a megalopolis using the example of the city of Rostov-on-Don, presenting famous high-rise buildings in Rostov at present. Along with increasing the number of storeys of buildings, their design features are also changing. The types of structural schemes of high-rise buildings, the materials of the supporting structures of high-rise buildings, their advantages and applications are described. The problems that arise in high-rise construction are described.
Keywords: Rostov-on-Don city, high-rise construction, number of storeys, development, urban planning, zoning, architecture, design, high-strength concrete, high-strength reinforcement
In the work it is proposed to use the principle of zonal placement of materials in prefabricated-monolithic bending structures with the use of light concrete, as well as combined reinforcement. The upper (monolithic) layer is preferably made of light concrete of low strength, and the lower (prefabricated elements) - of steel fibre concrete based on light concrete of higher strength. Rod and fibre reinforcement are located in prefabricated elements, which under operating loads will be in stretched zone of bent elements.The results of experimental studies of crack resistance and deformation of steel-fibre-fluorophobetone (SFTB) prefabricated monolithic bending elements on the basis of shoe filler of Kamenskoe deposit of Kabardino-Balkan Republic are presented in the work. Based on analysis of obtained data correlation dependence is derived and character and degree of influence of various factors on crack resistance and deformability of assembled monolithic combined reinforced bending elements is revealed. The following conclusions have been drawn: reinforcement of prefabricated elements of flexable monolithic structures made of tuphobetone with rods and fibres allows to significantly increase their crack resistance; Parameters of combined reinforcement of prefabricated elements, assignment of their geometrical dimensions, as well as dimensions of sections of bent prefabricated-monolithic structures from tuphobetone as a whole can be assigned taking into account correlation dependencies for evaluation of crack resistance obtained from the results of these studies.
Keywords: Stalefibrotaphobetone, monolithic assembly, zonal arrangement, combined reinforcement, reduced reinforcement, strength of monolithic concrete, correlation dependence, crack resistance, deformability, factors, parameters of combined reinforcement