The article is devoted to improving the processing of radon flux density measurement data using mathematical processing. The article considers the influence of construction works on the radon flux density (RDP) indicators. for the purpose of the study, real measurements were taken at a mining and processing plant in the volgograd region. The article presents the construction of histograms and frequency polygons for measurements performed at different stages, as well as graphs of the empirical distribution function of a random variable. They clearly showed the impact of construction, the hypothesis of the influence of clay soils on the radon output from the soil was confirmed, namely, it was proved that the permeability of the near-surface layer of soil is one of the key factors determining the spatial PPR within homogeneous areas, that is, the permeability of near-surface deposits is one of the leading factors determining the distribution of PPR. analysis of the obtained results allows us to conclude that there is a correlation between the calculated data obtained and the data obtained at the measurement input, i.e. relationship of two or more random variables.
Keywords: radon, pollution, ionizing radiation, engineering surveys, random variable, histogram and frequency polygon, empirical distribution
The water recreation industry is actively developing. An individual pool at home is also not uncommon for a long time, because everyone wants to live in comfortable conditions. Modern country houses place the pool on the ground floor of the premises on the plot next to the house. Despite the financial costs and time for maintenance, the health benefits of the pool, as well as the variety of leisure activities through taking water procedures or playing with children, are a very powerful argument in order to arrange a pool at home.The number of pools is increasing and the number of pools built with defects is also increasing. it may be because use low-quality construction materials and reduce their volumes, perform work by unskilled employees, violate the requirements of construction documents of the project. therefore it is necessary to carry out construction and technical examination.
Keywords: construction, swimming pool, construction and technical expertise, regulatory documentation, defects
The paper presents an integrated approach using machine learning methods for choosing a trading strategy on the currency exchange. The presented approach uses the calculation of the linear regression angle coefficient by log return indicators and determination of the BTC/USD currency pair quotes trend in the next period based on the calculated coefficient sign. The feedforward multilayer neural network is used to predict the angle coefficient value in the next ten minute period for the current twenty minute period. The paper proposes a combined approach to the use of machine learning methods for choosing a trading strategy in foreign exchange. The study presents the results of experiments evaluating the practical results of effective and ineffective strategies based on the predicted values of linear regression coefficients.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
This article analyzes the development of competition in the transport services market. The development of a competitive transport services market requires creating conditions for exceeding the level of supply of high-quality transport services over demand, as well as ensuring publicity and information openness of the market in terms of prices and quality of services. This will allow consumers to freely choose transport services, make the "price-quality" mechanism work, and make price and quality the subject of competition. Transport communications unite all territorial entities in the region, which is a necessary condition for the unity of its economic space.
Keywords: the transport services market, competition, the safety of passengers
The article presents the results of studying the effect of the loading of active metal on the physicochemical properties of cobalt catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on a silicate support, promoted with aluminum. Using the BET, XRF, TPR, TPD-H2 methods, it has been established that the optimum cobalt content is 15‒18 wt. %.
Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, catalyst, cobalt, active component, loading
Urbanization and increased production have led to the fact that every year the world generates a large amount of plastic waste, which pollutes the environment. Using them in the construction industry will help solve this problem, as well as get profitable solutions in the production of building materials and mixtures.
Keywords: plastic waste, environment, construction, construction materials
The article deals with the issue of automation of technological production of dispersed materials. The mathematical model of dry charge dosing is described. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) method is proposed for the analysis of acoustic emission signals. The conclusion is made about the economic aspect of production and the accuracy of dosing fractions.
Keywords: automation of production, technology, dispersion composition, the method of fast Fourier transform
The article analyzes the current state of digital technologies that have a considerable impact on the technological and socio-economic development of industry, society, and the economy. The modern development of the industry in the model of the World Economic Forum (WEF) corresponds to the level of Industry 4.0, the development of society in the Japanese model is appropriate for the stage of Society 5.0, the development of the world economy, as the authors believe, refer to the stage of Economy 3.0. Various sets of technology, such as SMACT, DARQ, the digital technologies of the seventh wave, along with key technologies that have been emphasized by the companies IDC, Accenture, McKinsey, PwC and BCG, are considered. The reports of the US National Intelligence Council, WEF and UN are analyzed. Having studied lots of such documents, the authors proposed the following eight technologies to consider as key ones: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Robots, 3D Printing, Extended Reality and Cloud Technology.
Keywords: SMACT, DARQ, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Robots, 3D Printing, Extended Reality, Cloud Technology
hydroxyapatite, non-collagenous protein, implant, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular model, one-electron spectrum, vibrational mode, osseointegration.
Keywords: hydroxyapatite, non-collagenous protein, implant, quantum-chemical analysis, molecular model, one-electron spectrum, vibrational mode, osseointegration
Interdisciplinary is a fundamental category of functioning of all systems of modern science, it is achieved through convergence and becomes a new form of educational environment. The article presents the conceptual foundations of complex modeling of a holistic system of training of a specialist of an engineering university, updating interdisciplinary requirements to educational results. The methodology of the system approach, which allowed to develop a universal algorithm of disciplinary synthesis of all training cycles, was chosen as the national scientific basis of the study. As a result of solving the problem of functional adaptation of the educational model, an information model of interdisciplinary connections is formed on the basis of integrative parameters. As a didactic product of interdisciplinary integration are interdisciplinary cycle complexes, the algorithm of functioning of which is controlled by the methodology of construction and development of the general phylosophical category "scientific picture of the world." It has been shown that the inclusion of methodological bases of this category in the process of organizing the integrity of the engineer 's training provides forms of synthesis of scientific knowledge at all levels of the educational environment - internal, interdisciplinary and transdectoral. In this way the idea of convergence of the content of education as a means of increasing the level of integration is realized, which directly correlates with the fundamental goal of engineering training - formation of a holistic worldview and scientific outlook of the future specialist. An example of methodological organization of the educational process of the engineering university within the framework of the interdisciplinary approach is given.
Keywords: educational model, design algorithm, system modeling strategy, functional model adaptation, control algorithms, interdisciplinary, knowledge convergence levels
The quality of construction affects the reliability and safety of the object as a whole, and its provision is an important and urgent task. This article discusses the issues of quality control at the stage of organizational and technological preparation of construction. The authors analyzed the current legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory and technical documentation in the field of construction organization, identified the main factors that affect the final quality of construction products. According to the report, the authors suggest that at the stage of development of POS and PPR to take into account the factors affecting the quality of the constructed facility, and to reduce the negative effects of organization control at all stages of building production.
Keywords: quality of construction, quality of construction products, organization of quality control, organizational and technological preparation, project of construction organization, project of work production
Nowadays, technologies in construction are rapidly changing, improving and updating. 3D modeling technologies are actively used. In turn, changes in the construction industry are reflected in the existing building regulations, JV and GOST. But often in modern conditions of the capitalist state builders realize building objects in improper quality. Reasons of the given problem are various: reduction of a used material, economy of means on poor quality materials, neglect of quality for the purpose of performance of terms of the contract. In this connection, the role of forensic construction technical expertise is being updated. But for the correct understanding of the role of forensic construction technical expertise, its goals and stages, it is necessary to determine the very essence of forensic construction technical expertise, its differences from other studies conducted by specialists in the field of construction outside the judicial sphere, namely, from the state construction supervision, as well as the essence of the extrajudicial expertise in construction.
Keywords: forensic construction technical expertise, real estate, operation, technical inspection
The possibility of increasing the reliability of assessing air pollution through the use of probabilistic methods is shown. Evaluation of quality indicators on a quantitative basis made it possible to find an error of the first and second kind in assessing the quality of the atmosphere. Based on the Bayesian approach, dependencies were obtained for estimating and predicting atmospheric pollution in the area of a city that does not have a stationary post, based on data from stationary posts in other areas.
Keywords: atmosphere quality, reliability of the estimate, probabilistic methods, quantitative characteristic, error of the first and second kind, Bayesian approach, a priori probability, posterior probability, likelihood of a quantity
Maintenance of buildings and structures is a complex of interrelated technical and organizational measures aimed at preventing premature wear and aging of certain building structures, ensuring their smooth operation throughout the service life.
Keywords: foundations and foundations, construction, buildings and structures, operation, basement walls, soil, destruction
This article concentrates on the issues of radio wave propagation in forest conditions. The issue of representing the forest mass as a heterogeneous structure with a low dielectric constant is considered. Calculation and comparison of radio signal attenuation using several empirical models were carried out. It is shown that empirical models take into account the heterogeneous structure of the forest when moving from free space to the forest.
Keywords: radiowave propagation, wooded area, empirical model, radiowave attenuation, path loss, ground mobile communication, electrodynamic characteristics of a heterogeneous structure