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  • The specific increase of losses in the matrix of nodal conductances of the network

    The Calculations of the electric network modes are based on the determination of electric power losses during transportation.The calculation methods used are based on the Newton method and the Jacobi matrix. The considered version of the calculation (by a number of transformations) with a small number of iterations allows to obtain the same results as when using the Newton method.

    Keywords: matrix of nodal resistances, complex resistivity specific increments, losses of electric energy, compensating devices, algorithm, quadratic model, mathematical model

  • Organization of construction in cramped conditions of a residential building

    The article considers the conditions for the development of the most rational methods of construction in the cramped conditions of the modern city, in which there is an impossibility of using tower cranes, because of the presence in their working area of already erected buildings or structures, other tower cranes, crossings, roadways and sidewalks. Construction work in cramped conditions cause an increased degree of material, construction, environmental risk and the need to strengthen the safety of people as producing the construction of the object, and the living population nearby.

    Keywords: construction, works, factors, safety, territory, risk

  • Experimental studies of combustion of solid fuel in a low-power boiler with a furnace of a high-temperature fluidized bed with recirculation of outgoing gases in static and dynamic modes of operation

    the article presents experimental studies of a low-power boiler with a furnace of a high-temperature fluidized bed with recirculation of outgoing gases in stationary and transient modes of operation. The experimental installation of the boiler KVP-1,74 WKS with recirculation of outgoing gases is represented and described. The results of experimental studies of the dependences of the coefficient of excess oxygen at of the volume of the recirculation of exhaust gases of the boiler KVP-1,74 VTX at nominal and partial loads, based on the percentage of fuel saving of the boiler from the amount of recirculation of exhaust gases of the boiler KVP-1,74 VTX at nominal and partial loads boilers, graphs of transient processes in boiler "KVP-1,74-VTX" with recirculation of flue gas when changing the fuel consumption, GRAPHS of the comparison of transients in the boiler "KVP-1,74-VTX" with recirculation of flue gas when changing fuel consumption.

    Keywords: high temperature fluidized bed, exhaust gas recirculation, experimental studies, automation system

  • Elastic stability of a statically indefinable core structure of a polygonal configuration

    Outlines the main provisions of the calculation of the stability of statically indefinable systems of regular structure. A planar structure with an external contour in the shape of a regular hexagon and under the action of nodal radial compression forces is considered. An analysis of the stability of the equilibrium state of the core structure is performed and the full range of numerical values of the instability parameter of the system is determined.

    Keywords: core structure, regular hexagon, hinge system, characteristic polynomial, triangular panel

  • Mathematical modeling of a fuzzy decoder

    The approach to construction a computer model of a functional information converter based on element-wise operations with multidimensional tables of numbers is investigated. A numerical decision-making algorithm based on infinite-valued logic was built and verified (in particular, fuzzification, implication, aggregation, defuzzification algorithms). The mathematical, algorithmic and software model of fuzzy decoder of the positional bipolar code in a single-unit one is investigated. The transition from the initial model given in terms of three-valued logic to a similar system having an infinite logical basis is shown. The numerical algorithm has been tested and debugged in the GNU Octave mathematical computation package environment with minimal use of functions from the fuzzy-logic toolkit.

    Keywords: decoder, single-unit code, functional converter, infinite-valued logic, t-norm, fuzzification, defizzification, implication, aggregation, three-valued logic, bipolar code

  • Development of a client-server information system for the registration of car passes using information from an outdated database

    This article describes an existing university database of automobile passes in Microsoft Excel. The university has two databases: permanent and temporary car passes. The negative sides of databases in Microsoft Excel are described in this article. Also, the authors analyzed the possibility of using 1C company software to account for car passes. A new database is described in the Microsoft SQL Server database management system. This article defines methods for unification an outdated database for later migration to Microsoft SQL Server. The main components of the future application software for working with the new database have been designed. By creating additional software, the likelihood of errors in the databases is minimized.

    Keywords: database, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Excel, university, car pass, registry, unification, migration, C#, software

  • The development of a receiving antenna for a power transmission system and charging the batteries of the rear speakers of a wireless home theater

    As a solution eliminating the disadvantage of wired home theaters - the multiplicity of signal and feed wires - a method of wireless power transmission is proposed to charge the batteries of the side and rear speakers at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. The energy of the microwave radiation is converted into energy for charging the batteries by means of a special receiving module. The receiver module includes a receiving antenna, a rectifier and a power controller. This article discusses the calculation of the receiving antenna for this system in the structure of a wireless home theater. For the simulation, an antenna of the Yagi-Uda type was chosen, for which the gain and the beamwidth were determined. During the first stage of the simulation, antenna parameters were obtained that were unsatisfactory in the width of the directional pattern. At the second stage, the antenna design was modernized and a re-simulation was performed. Based on the results of this, it can be concluded that the parameters of the receiving antenna improved by 1.5 times, while the gain factor increased by 13%.

    Keywords: wireless home theater, wireless microwave power transmission, receiving module, Yagi-Uda antenna, simplified Landtapo dipole, patch antenna, antenna efficiency indicator, radiation pattern, gain factor, reflection coefficient

  • The analysis of change of parameters of the cut-off metal layer when milling by a special milling cutter

    The article describes a method of processing, which allows to increase the efficiency of milling the end surfaces of the disks.

    Keywords: Methods of metal machining, the parameters of cutting layer of metal, the cutting force, cutting modes

  • Durability of reinforced concrete and metal structures underground structure

    The durability of reinforced concrete and metal structures of the underground structure depends on the design decision of the pavement over the construction and waterproofing of the structure as the most vulnerable part of the structure. The article considers the results of the survey of the state of reinforced concrete and metal structures, slabs and waterproofing coating of the musical theater in Rostov - on - don.Non-compliance with technological requirements in the manufacture of waterproofing coating in the underground garage led to corrosion damage to metal structures

    Keywords: durability, concrete and reinforced concrete structures, underground construction, waterproofing, inspection, corrosion damage

  • Modernization of the management structure of the construction company

    The question of modernization of structure of the construction company is considered. Possibility of improvement of management of the construction organization is studied. Measures to change structural relations in companies are proposed

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, management of organizations

  • Science as a driving force of the country's development and its modern problems

    science is the driving force of the development of the modern state, the successful implementation of its achievements in the production and economic activities can improve everyday life. However, there is a lack of funding for research, low level of interest in new developments and young people in research activities, the lack of integration platforms for interdisciplinary cooperation in the packaging of projects and acceptable conditions for support of small and medium-sized businesses. In order to avoid the loss of scientific potential, it is necessary to take centralized measures on the part of authorities and economic entities

    Keywords: scientific activity, applied science, federal budget, regional budget, inter-faculty associations, business

  • Organization of measures for the protection of atmospheric air at construction sites from the impact of fine dust

    This article discusses the development of measures for the protection of atmospheric air during the construction industry. Particular attention is paid to the development and implementation of MPE projects and their implementation in the construction process. Also an important factor for environmental protection, including atmospheric air is the calculation of the radius of action of the sanitary protection zone of each construction site, depending on the sources of pollution. Particular attention is paid to the allocation of fine dust on the construction site, as well as measures to reduce these emissions. The article presents the results of the implementation of certain technological and organizational measures to reduce the release of PM10 and PM2. 5 fine dust particles on one of the construction sites of Rostov-on-don.

    Keywords: protection of atmospheric air, fine dust, organization of construction

  • The choice of an enclosing structure of a deep ditch in a zone of a transport tunnel at pointed building

    The modern problem of building of big cities consists that there is almost no place left for the free building. Therefore it is necessary to carry out so-called "pointed building" when construction is conducted in the constrained conditions. At the same time very often construction sites get to an area of coverage of the subway that causes particular difficulties at construction of constructions in deep ditches.

    Keywords: modeling, stress-strain, tunnel, subway, deep ditch, pointed building, ditch protection

  • Electrophysical and Thermal Characteristics of Semiconductor Thermal Resistances of Coaxial Type

    High-current semiconductor polycrystalline thermistors of high power of coaxial type have a large mass and consequently, considerable heat capacity and heat resistance. Due to this, the thermophysical and electrophysical processes in them are different in the steady and transient regimes, which is especially important in regimes. which lasts a fraction or a unit of seconds. The main variants of operation of such thermistors in dynamic modes are considered and various characteristics are given.

    Keywords: Thermistor, thermal and electrophysical characteristics, electric motors, electrophysical and thermal characteristics of semiconductor thermo-resistors of coaxial type

  • Evaluation of the efficiency of recuperative heat exchangers

    In this article, the object of the study are the types of recuperators used in air handling units in order to compare their efficiency and payback period. Heat exchanger-a heat exchanger of surface type for the use of waste gas heat, in which the heat exchange between the heat carriers is carried out continuously through the wall separating them. Depending on the temperature of the flows, their rotation speed and rotor speed, we determine the efficiency of the recuperator. Payback of the heat exchanger depends on the climatic parameters of the region, its efficiency, the type of coolant and ventilation mode during the day.

    Keywords: heat exchanger, heat exchange, moisture exchange, cold exchange, coolant, plate, rotary, heat pump, efficiency, energy consumption, heater, payback