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  • Organization of formal cognitive model processing schemes

    The article offers schemes and models that allow using formal parameters and procedures to expand the capabilities of cognitive modeling and increase the level of adequacy of decisions made based on the results of modeling. The paper presents various variants of modeling schemes, which allows the researcher to perform a more versatile analysis of the system, including the analysis of dynamic effects, as well as the selection of parameters of control actions that provide the desired level of system response.

    Keywords: dynamic influence, control, simulation, formal cognitive model, formal neurocognitive network of f-euroconcept

  • Regularities of carbon monoxide in the air of the Krasnoarmeisky district of the linear city of Volgograd

    The article deals with the laws of distribution of pollutants in a linear city. The highest values of carbon monoxide concentration were determined in the near-main territories of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd. Also in this paper, the question of the dependence of the level of gas pollution in the mainline areas on various factors, which include human activity and natural, natural factors, is raised. The influence of temperature inversions on the speed of pollution propagation and their limiting value in various points of the city is considered. For the experimental part, 18 points of technical measurements of CO concentration were taken, during which compliance with the MPC standards of the samples taken was revealed.

    Keywords: linear city, district, law of distribution of carbon monoxide, transport of impurities, air pollution

  • Analysis of subsidence processes during compression compression of clay soils in the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia

    Based on the results of engineering and geological survey of real construction sites in Rostov-on-Don and the Republic of Kalmykia, the dynamics of subsidence processes on laboratory samples of loess soil tested for compression according to the "one curve" scheme according to GOST 23161-2012 was studied.

    Keywords: subsidence, compression compression, odometer, loess soil, subsidence pressure, surveys, geomechanics, soil mechanics

  • Improvement of methodological approaches to the management of organizational and technological design in construction

    This article describes the methods used to improve the management of construction design; the difference between the traditional and modern method, the problems encountered by the design at the time of execution, their consequences but also the importance of modeling building information and automating design processes as an effective method of improving organizational and technological management processes of designing a residential building.

    Keywords: construction design, collaboration, cooperation, coordination, design processes, design managers, improvement, productive, controlling, quality, asynchronous, synchronous

  • Determination of electrophysical parameters of spiral inclusions in a dielectric medium to ensure chiral properties

    In this work, R, L, C - parameters of spiral structures with sizes l and S were determined to obtain artificial chiral substrates. This made it possible, given the parameters of the polarizability of the helical structures αij, to use these features to determine the conducting properties of metamaterials. The basic relationships have been determined (for determining the electrophysical parameters of spirals (left- and right-handed) that are included as chiral inclusions in the metamaterial. An algorithm for calculating conducting structures using the proposed equations is proposed.

    Keywords: biological liquid medium, dielectric constant, complex dielectric constant, loss tangent, medium conductivity, frequency response, fluctuation, frequency range, biophysical parameter

  • Designing the style of managing organizational conflicts on simulation models

    This article considers the option of using a simulation model in organizational conflict management as an intelligent analyzer of a conflict situation. It is proposed to build its own style of leadership, necessary and sufficient to successfully overcome the organizational conflict. Based on the model forecast, the manager constructs an appropriate solution within the framework of the variability of authoritarian, democratic and liberal styles of government with the help of the auxiliary variables available to him. This allows him not only to get out of the usual style of leadership, but also to choose the necessary and sufficient style in this case, to test style behavior strategies. The manager has the opportunity to use the management style that best suits the internal and external conditions of his activities. Today, managers must meet the emerging problems and the ability to solve them effectively with their stylistic variability.

    Keywords: simulation model, conflict in the organization, management style, behavior strategy, manager

  • Isotherms of Refractions and Spectra of Melts KNO3 - NaSCN

    Concentration changes of refraction and frequency of raman spectrum in melts of salt systems of alkali metals containing nitrate and thiocyanate anions are shown. The change in molar refraction and frequency confirmed the concept of additivity and linearity of isotherms when changing composition.

    Keywords: molten salt, nitrates and thiocyanates of alkali metals, refraction, raman-spectr

  • Using LSM method to identify parameters according to the example of BLDC motor

    This article illustrates specifically how to use least squares method (LSM) and sensitivity function to cope with parametric identification problems. The object of this task is BLDC motor. The example of BLDC can justify the application of LSM and sensitivity function method for estimating nonlinear dynamic objects’ parameters, and the application for motor controlling system in particular. The model in the article is conducted by Matlab. The output is a proof to convey that the method used in solving the problem is accurate, and proves the possibility of its application in scientific and engineering field.

    Keywords: parametric identification, least squares method, sensitivity function, BLDC motor, electric drive

  • Modern methods of assessing the organizational and technological reliability of the investment and construction complex

    The article deals with current methods of evaluating the organization and management in construction under conditions of uncertainty. The typology of the failure process is given, which determines the scenario of the crisis development at the enterprise. A model of forecasting and management in a crisis is proposed, and the conceptual aspects of building this model are considered. It is proposed to improve the enterprise management system based on the analysis of the economic component as a temporary function. Recommendations are given for improving the existing organizational forms of enterprise management.

    Keywords: construction organization, organizational and technological solutions, reliability assessment, construction quality assessment

  • Sales channel performance report for sales channel hierarchical structure

    This article describes the developed tool for creating a report on the effectiveness of sales channels for the hierarchical structure of sales channels. The developed model for the report on sales channels takes into account the type of source, the criterion for the freeness of the sales channel, the source of traffic and the source of customers themselves. The ROI is estimated and customer conversion activity data is tracked. The article also describes the results of the implementation of the model and its use.

    Keywords: sales channel, meta-information, contextual advertising, call tracking, ROI, Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct

  • Improvement of the construction process with the use of BIM-technologies

    Questions of accounting of actors of influence on the investment and construction cycle are raised. An example of the use of BIM-technologies in construction is considered. It describes the solution of some specific problems that arise when maintaining the quality of construction of complex buildings, taking into account the possibility of introducing modern information systems, attention is paid to the peculiarities of improving the quality of work performed.

    Keywords: organization of construction; quality of design, quality of construction and installation works, BIM-technology

  • Evaluation of the effect of combining time series forecasting models

    This article investigates methods to combine multiple data-driven models for forecasting time series. This is done in order to increase the accuracy of forecasts according to the historical error signal, such that it minimises downstream costs of forecast errors.

    Keywords: time series, combination of models, accuracy assessment, forecasting, forecast accuracy

  • Development and strength analysis of the new design of the friction wedge of the vibration damping unit of the freight carriage

    Currently, in the design and manufacture of steel products operating in conditions of heavy impact-abrasive wear, not only material is given, but also the structure of the product itself. One such detail is the friction wedge of a freight wagon trolley. In the presented work, a new design of the friction wedge of the vibration damping unit is presented; technical calculations are carried out on the strength of the presented design. The safety factors of spring suspension are calculated. All calculations were performed according to the standards for the calculation and design of new and modernized railroad cars of the Ministry of Railways 1520 mm gauge. The performed calculations indicate the high performance of the developed design, the obtained values ​​fully satisfy the requirements for such products. The result of the work on creating a new design of the friction wedge of the vibration damping unit is to obtain a patent for utility model No. 194823, a drawing has also been developed (KI- and terms of reference for experimental design work (KI- TK).

    Keywords: friction wedge, vibration damping unit, freight car truck, strength, reliability, durability, calculation of spring suspension, static deflection of spring suspension, coefficient of structural margin of deflection, coefficient of relative friction

  • Principles of building an information model of the General log of works in construction

    Information models are successfully used in construction when developing archi-tectural and planning solutions, as well as when performing building elements cal-culations. Information models of organization processes and construction produc-tion technologies have not found their place in the system of BIM technologies. In this regard, the formation of approaches to the construction of information models of the processes of construction of buildings and structures should be attributed to the current issues of construction science. The main focus of the work is on the discrepancy between the processes of scheduling and determining the estimated cost in the process of preparing project documentation for construction. The pur-pose of the work was to develop the principles of building an information model for the formation of Executive documentation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the construction of capital construction projects. In the process of achieving the goal, the author solved the problems of systematization of problems of organizational and technological design and formulated the principles of building information models describing the process of construction of structures of buildings and structures, which are used for forming acceptance certificates. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce the codes of the classifier of construction resources into the practice of organizational and technological design and estimate calculations. At the same time, codes of the classifier of construction resources should be applied at the stage of development of architectural planning and design solutions.

    Keywords: information model, construction process, organizational and technological design, building resource classification codes, reporting documentation in construction, work log, calendar plan, network plan

  • Simulation model in the circuit of management of organizational conflicts

    Organizational conflicts are a natural and integral part of any process. In modern control theory, it is proposed to use various adaptive control structures to solve such problems, in particular, with reference or configurable models in the control loop. A cognitive model of adaptive management of organizational conflicts with a configurable model in the management loop is considered. Embedding the model in the control loop allows you to integrate information about the dynamics of process characteristics. Based on information processing, a variant of controls for de-escalation of the conflict is proposed. The model in the organizational conflict management loop is essentially an intelligent conflict situation analyzer. It presents options based on the accumulated and processed information within the framework of known precedents for their solution. The core of such analyzers is a simulation model based on the system dynamics paradigm. The built simulation model allows you to evaluate and predict the impact of factors, ways to stabilize and manage organizational conflicts, taking into account the main parameters. In accordance with the concept of adaptive management, the model can be configured for the current values of the conflict situation parameters and, in accordance with the already tested options, can offer management in a specific situation. The use of the system dynamics paradigm in the model for building an effective forecast is focused on the strategic level of management.

    Keywords: cognitive model, simulation model, conflict, escalation, contour, management, de-escalation, organization