The article is devoted to environmental security as a factor of competitiveness of enterprises. Disclosed financial parameters conservation activities. The proposed approach of separating environmental efficiency into types to influence on the ecological safety of the enterprise. The purpose of the environmental and social assessment. The proposed decision-environmental decisions. For the solution of ecologicallysustainable enterprises.
Keywords: environmental safety, competitiveness, risk, financial stability, performance, management efficiency
The result of the application of the statistical quality control and monitoring instrumentation on PJSC Beriev Aircraft Company is described in this article. The analysis of the existing tools of control and management quality in relation to features of technological process of production pipeline systems on which fuel, air oxygen, liquid chemicals on planes therefore the tool kit for increase quality control at the studied enterprise carried out. The developed control leaf for fast and convenient data collection is described, Pareto's chart is constructed, ABC analysis, for the purpose of identification of the special reasons of discrepancies is carried out, the control chart is used to definition of stability process. The program of correcting actions is developed by means of the chart Isikava, in order to eliminate all revealed discrepancies. Introduction of the offered tools in production of systems of pipelines on PJSC Beriev Aircraft Company has provided continuous improvement of quality of products, has certified compliance of these types of systems of pipelines to requirements standards.
Keywords: statistical analysis, quality control, technological process
The number of programs for modeling and design of buildings is great and continuous expansion of industry of creation objects cannot be stopped by high technologies. The most part of Russia's origin companies pay attention to foreign products despite great presence of domestic segment on the market. In the article will be considered the domestic software package Renga and also underlined his own advantages over existing analogues.
Keywords: Renga, Renga Architecture, Renga Structure, BIM, design, modeling, building, program
The estimation of the dependence of anode potential of the temperature and current density. It is established that the activation energy of the anodic oxidation process HORTA, HORTA-I1 and OITA decreases with increasing potential, which corresponds to the limiting stage of charge transfer. The activation energy of the anodic process refers to the collective processes of transformation of the catalytic coating and anodic oxidation of the chloride ions. The latter process limits the adsorption of atomic chlorine, and the increase in activation energy is correlated with increased corrosion resistance. The dependence of the activation energy of from the content in the catalytic layer of iridium has an extreme character. The maximum is reached when the content of iridium 60-70%.
Keywords: ORTA, ORTA-I1, OITA, activation energy, anodic oxidation, adsorption of chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine, charge transfer, a mixed oxide, electrode potential
The article describes the basic concepts of the three-dimensional analogue of Mandelbrot set and fractal architecture. The ideas of fractal structure shaping in the process of parametric and fractal design are outlined. The algorithm for fractals visualizing in geometric forms is proposed, implemented in the program "3D fractal modeling", developed by the authors. The complex fractal structure of the three-dimensional Mandelbrot fractal is examined layer by layer and compared with the Buddhist mandalas and the architecture of the pagodas.
Keywords: fractal, fractal geometry, Mandelbrot set, volumetric fractal , three-dimensional Mandelbrot fractal modeling, fractal structure,
The influence of dropping out of kamnedrobleniya and mineral filler, included in its composition, the fine-grained characteristics of self-compacting concrete.Studies have shown the efficacy of combined use in the composition of the fine self-compacting concrete dropping out of kamnedrobleniya fractions of 2.5-5 mm, and mineral filler mixture fractions 0-2,5 mm. At the optimum dosage of the products of kamnedrobleniya and modifying additives in the composition of fine-grained mixtures ensure the required flow characteristics of the concrete mix achieved the required strength of the concrete. Mineral filler – dust component of dropping out of kamnedrobleniya allows to increase the total volume of the test binder, sufficient to fill the intergranular voids and coating grains of a filler, and contributes to water-holding capacity and the persistence of the mixture.
Keywords: kamnedrobleniya screenings, mineral filler, fine self-compacting concrete, superplasticizer, water-retaining additive, the spreadability of the mixture, keeping the mixture, the strength of concrete
The paper presents the design procedure and the appointment of the composition of the molding mixtures, which is based on computational-experimental approach to the determination of the composition taking into account the quality of the used raw materials and requirements to the properties of concrete manufactured products
Keywords: Raw materials, grain structure, concrete, svezheulozhennye mix, precast products, hard pressing, block diagram
The article presents the results of research of hydrodynamics of flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer. For the first time equations for determining the speed and concentration of lime carbonate along the length of the tube-dryer at different air velocities and feed concentrations are received. The research results can be used to design pipes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion of calcium carbonate. Experiments of research of hydrodynamics of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate were carried out on the tube-dryer with an internal diameter to 0.069 m, length 4.8 m. Along the axis of the pipe on the rod vertically mounted discs, the first disc below the auger to 0.6 m, the second – above the auger to 0.7 m and further 1 m, total 5 disks.
Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer
The article presents the results of researches of heat and mass transfer in the flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer. For the first time equations for determining the influence of initial air temperature at moisture content in a tube-dryer, the influence of air temperature on heat rate are received. The research results can be used to design pipes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion of calcium carbonate. Experiments of researches of heat and mass transfer in the flow of the gas-suspension of conversion lime carbonate were carried out on the tube-dryer with an internal diameter to 0.069 m, length 4.8 m. Along the axis of the pipe on the rod vertically mounted discs, the first disc below the auger to 0.6 m, the second – above the auger to 0.7 m and further 1 m, total 5 disks.
Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer
In this study, the task of optimizing the supercomputer CPU cooling system with a heat pump in the reverse Stirling cycle through numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the test object The article presents numerical modeling of heat transfer processes in the cooling system of the supercomputer processors with a heat pump on the return cycle. We investigated the numerical model of heat transfer process in the system of CPU "cold" cylinder and heat pump system "hot cylinder" - coolant. As a result, obtained according to the thermal resistance of the system of CPU "cold" cylinder and heat pump system "hot cylinder" - coolant depending on the coefficient of heat transfer and on the value of COP of the heat pump
Keywords: processor, heat flow, the thermal resistance of the Laplace equation, heat pump, heat exchange, reverse Stirling cycle cooling system
The structure of synthesized ferroelectric samples of PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 after mechanoactivation were studied by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy(XANES), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Based on the combination of effective experimental methods and computer modeling of theoretical X-ray absorption spectra near the L3 - edge of tantalum and lead was studied character of structural distortions for investigated samples after mechanoactivation.
Keywords: Ferroelectrics materials, mechanoactivation, XANES, defects
In the article the results of studying the experience of factories of the construction industry concluded that the production of products manufactured are loss of original building materials. The proposed method of elimination of losses and method of calculation of the amount of these losses. An algorithm is developed to determine the causes of losses, as well as recommendations on elimination of waste construction materials. The research results are recommended for practical application in the factories of the construction industry
Keywords: method of saving material resources, factories, construction industry
In the article the nascent type of linear environment objects of the city-linear park was considered. The peculiarities, specific features of this type, its structural elements, methods of formation and basic principles of construction are revealed. Also, it was revealed the need to use the synthesis of methods that ensure the complex formation of the linear park environment: the method of deep-spatial compositional connection of territories, the method of scenario-functional zoning, the method of creating a local brand and the method of eco-rehabilitation of the incoming territories. Comparison of linear parks with the closest prototype - traditional pedestrian streets is made, the structure-forming role of the landscape component in the design of linear parks is revealed. As a result of the research, the authors made conclusions concerning the study of the phenomenon of linear park, its role and place in environmental design, specificity, an important function in the city's eco-rehabilitation.
Keywords: Linear parks, eco-rehabilitation, natural-urban environment, ecological framework, scenario-functional zoning method; Method of local city brand
Results of the performed works at calibration of the metal-cutting machine are given in article. The technology of performance of control is considered. The conclusion in which it is noted that laser trackers including the measuring Vintag vehicle produced by Faro firm, possess high efficiency of the solution of problems of calibration is made. Their software has an opportunity to carry out processing of results of measurements and preparation of reports directly on the platform of performance of work and to give results on the place. To provide the accuracy of measurements of the spatial coordinates of 0.005-0.01 mm at distances to 10000-15000 mm. All these characteristics allow to recommend to machine-building enterprises use of such and similar measuring cars for the solution of problems of calibration of metal-cutting machines.
Keywords: Laser trekker, measurements, geometrical parameters, straightforwardness, perpendicularity, metrology, calibration, metrological characteristics
Air pollution in residential areas near industrial plants is one of the most significant problems of modern ecology. The resulting dust is one of the important factors in assessing the adverse impact on the environment. Studies show that the greatest danger to the human body is particles up to 10 microns in size. When analyzing the dispersion of dust in the residential and industrial areas, it is possible to estimate the percentage of particles PM10 and PM2.5 from the total amount that is necessary to effectively control the effects of dust on human health. The article gives a comparative analysis of the results of studies of the dispersion composition and dust concentration in the air of the working zone and the urban environment.
Keywords: sources of pollution, atmospheric air, dispersed analysis, PM10, PM2.5, dust, microscopic method, laser method, concentration, sanitary protection zone