The development of the clusters formation in Russia is determined by the national and regional peculiarities, where the parameters of the economical and institutional development of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation are the main. The positive tendencies of the main parameters of the regions’ economy and also the infrastructure development and government support determine the regional clusters’ potential of the effective functioning.
Keywords: development of the clusters, regional peculiarities, institutional development
The methods of evaluation of reconfigurable computing system is able to effectively function, which takes into account the structure of the problem-oriented calculators. The main mathematical tool used in the theory of discrete Markov processes and methods of game-theoretic optimization.
Keywords: reconfigurable computing system, Markov processes, methods of game-theoretic optimization, structure of task-oriented calculators
A method of constructing two-level game-theoretic model of the tender. The problem is solved from the viewpoint of the organizers. A comprehensive criterion, including rating and probability of execution of the proposal.
Keywords: game-theoretical optimization, matrix games, game-theoretic tender’s model
This paper considers a new value innovations arising in connection with its implementation. Given the implementation process of scientific and technical product, which runs a series of stages, and becomes an innovation receiving legal protection of intellectual property. Finally innovation in the enterprise is used as an intangible asset. Considering the complexity and versatility of intellectual objects, arises need to conduct their identification. The paper gives a general scheme of works on the identification of intellectual property.
Keywords: innovation, intellectual property, identification, scientific and technical products, intangible assets, an improvement.
The two approximate methods of choosing the rational strategy to search and correct a fault on the Markov chain model base with a game-theoretic definition of the unknown transition probabilities is proposed. A comparative analysis is completed.
Keywords: Markov chains, game-theoretical optimization, matrix games.
Information about authors of issue №2 (2012)
Keywords: authors