The paper shows the feasibility of using a current amplifier in the filters RF and microwave ranges. By analyzing the basic structure of the second-order level sufficient conditions for the efficient use of active elements. The examples of methodological nature and formulated conclusions of practical importance.
Keywords: RF filter, microwave filter, parametric sensitivity, current amplifiers, functional modeline setting
The results of the apparatus criticus of the innovative management analysis are presented from a problem-solving position of the results appraisal and work effectiveness of the personnel at different phases of the innovative process, the author's position is done to specify the main definitions and references.
Keywords: evaluation (appraisal) of the labour results, labour productivity(effectiveness), staff (personnel), management, innovation, innovative process and cycle, innovative activity
We consider two different manufacturing techniques developed screw piles ACSYS. The order of devices of this type of piles. Describes the advantages of the pile ACSYS in comparison to other existing precast, vibrodent and rammed piles. Marked features of work in a structurally unstable soils.
Keywords: screw pile, AXIS, subsiding soils, screw, load capacity, screw skvazhinoobrazovatel, besklinkernom binder, vent soil liner
The main content and the functional areas of Construction, integration and coordination of management of supply chains , the traditional concept of inter-firm cooperation are considered.
Keywords: physical implementation of material flows, management of supply chains
Labour market is a complicated social and economic system, which requires the necessity to consider a number of characteristic properties (stochasticity,nonlinearity,inertance,nonstationarity) for investigation and modelling labor market processes and phenomena. In this article the problem of optimum control of a labour market is mathematically formalized. This allows for regional system of a labor market to reach desirable indicators, namely the set unemployment rate.
Keywords: Labor market, optimum control, optimizing tasks, principle of a maximum of Pontryagin, social and economic system
The article considers the problems of institutionalization of the consumer market of Russia. A scientific assessment by the author of the resulting vector of modern evolution of the institutional structure of supply chains in the consumer market is based on the determination of how much the forming composition of the commodity distribution network meets the rational understanding from the point of view of logistics of optimality arising in this process and institutional isolation of certain groups of operations.
Keywords: consumer market, commodity distribution network, the supply chain
In article it is disscused ways of decrease in noise and realization of actions for decrease in professional risk of workers construction industry enterprises working under the influence of high levels of noise.
Keywords: industrial nois, professional risks,labor protection
Increase of safety of operation of technical equipment for conducting emergency rescue work largely related to the increase of requirements to reliability the used equipment. In turn, the most reliability of technical facilities are being developed at the design stage, the construction and creation. Besides great importance is attached to creation of a complex of devices and safety systems, wich would monitor the status of the most important units and mechanisms of technical means, preventing emergency situations and breakdowns in their operation. At the present time in some of the most advanced countries are widely used remote control system of technical facilities, wich allows to take staff out of the danger zone.
Keywords: Safety, reliability, technical means, diagnostic, prevention, emergency, danger
This article is dedicated to theoretical issues of development of the production quality improvement system in the small- and middle-sized enterprises. This system is based on the process-based approach. Briefly the theoretical issues of process-based approach and the main concepts are given. The concept of production quality improvement system and the distinctions from well-known process-based quality management are also given. Objectives and principles of this system are defined by the authors. Also the recommendations by selection of method of assessing the effectiveness of the system.
Keywords: quality production management, process-based management, quality management system, small- and middle-sized enterprises
Represented in the block diagram of the election based amplifier and current amplifier input converter "voltage-current" allows you to control the central processing element pole frequency and quality factor, as in diagnostic mode parameters of analog devices, and in the mode signal processing. A variant of its circuitry implementation bipolar transistors for microelectronic performance. The results of computer simulation in Agilent ADS confirmed that on the basis of simple current amplifier in the traditional process, due to the structural features of the active elements of ongoing basic level of order can be implemented relatively high-Q units of the second order, which are easily integrated into multi-tier band filters.
Keywords: system-on-chip, band pass filter, quality, current amplifier, the sensitivity, measurement error
The paper offers a solution to the general problem of circuit synthesis for n-MOS transistor level band pass filter based on current amplifier with a limited transmission coefficient. The possibility of optimal choice of the parametric compromise. The results of modeling circuit in Cadence Virtuoso environment component-based workflow SGB25VD.
Keywords: CMOS transistor, a band pass filter, a selective amplifier, system on chip, gain, voltage-to-current
Implementation of civilizational model of society development lies primarily in the fact that an essential quantitative increase in the energy budget of each person and the state should be ensured while reducing unit costs of energy, among which the most significant:
• lower energy costs per unit of gross domestic product (GDP);
• economical use of heat for the industrial and heating.
In the conditions of transition of the country's economy to market relations reconstruction of the existing large-panel, крупноблочных, brick and other constructions of 50 - 70's, is today a strategic direction in solving the construction of the problems, which allows you to not only extend the life of the buildings, but also significantly improve the quality of life and comfort of living of the people, convert the architectural appearance of buildings and streets. At the same time you will be able to increase the total area of residential buildings, establish new types of comfortable rooms of various purposes.
Keywords: Modernization, Energy Efficiency, Reconstruction, Add-In Thermal Protection
Methods of personnel number planning are united into 3 groups in service and manufacture companies. Program complex for determination of necessary personnel number is researched. It consists of 3 parts.
Keywords: Methods, program complex, standard, planned, number, uncertainty, workers, specialists
This paper presents an analytical overview of the global and national market of the information services, and examines the main trends and prospects of development of the information market.
Information about authors of issue №4 p.1 (2012)
Keywords: authors