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  • Sorbents for the desalination of saline water from surface sources

    Problems of the treatment of highly mineralized water from surface sources. Today, more than 70% of rivers and lakes has lost its main function as sources of drinking water. An important problem is to find technological solutions that take into account the territorial features and allows you to create reliable purification of saline natural waters with minimal capital and operating costs. In the present paper presents the results of a study of the composition and properties of natural raw chocolate clay Altonaga field, studied its sorption properties.

    Keywords: the quality of water, saline water, surface water sources, the sorbent

  • Software of reliability technology process of centrifugal rotary finishing-hardening treatment

    In article reviewed advanced theoretical probability models of process quality formation quality of the surface layer in a centrifugal rotary process (CSO) details. Process CSO reviewed from the point of view reliability. Based on the results of theoretical studies were proposed the dependence of the influence of the main technological parameters centrifugal rotary finishing and strengthening treatment on the roughness of the processed surface, the depth of the hardened layer and the degree of hardening. Analysis of the technology processes CSO let to identify the factors exerting a dominant influence on the productivity and quality of processing. Conducted calculations of the influence the tolerances of the main quality parameters of the surface layer and technology modes centrifugal rotary processing of centrifugal rotary treatment on the magnitude of the coefficients offset instantaneous dispersion and stock accuracy which characterize the reliability of technological processes centrifugal rotary process. By results of calculations were constructed charts. Taking the presented methodology you can choose such a combination in choosing technological processes centrifugal rotary processing what will ensure the required quality of the workpiece.

    Keywords: Reliability technology process, centrifugal rotary process, coefficients offset instantaneous dispersion, the roughness surface, the degree of hardening.

  • Electronic scientific journal: systematic goals and assessments

    A modern trend of scientific publications development shifts toward the network environments to an even more considerable degree. In practice, the new culture of the scientific publications is forming on basis of the global and mini Internet-platforms. The discussion of the comprehension experience and overcoming the different rating problems is suggested in the context of a science webzine “Engineer bulletin of Don”. It is observed that as the position of science webzines becomes stronger in the common space of the science magazines, there is a tendency to revising their evaluation criterion. Besides, the implementation of rates or coefficients prevails, the applicability of which relative to the science webzines is exogenous, i.e. it disclaims the aims of the science webzines. The application of restrictions, worked out within the framework of the traditional paper book-printing technology, is indicated to be unpromising. A new level of the science environment systemacy is suggested to be supplemented with the formalization of scientific evaluation rations, already existing and successfully maintained de facto, within the framework of the webzines – the Internet-platforms.

    Keywords: the electronic scientific journal, Internet platform, interdisciplinarity, open access, impact factor, ranking

  • Multiparameter sensor pnevmomehanichesy position pneumatic actuators

    In the article the automatic drive positioner technology systems increased speed and accuracy on the basis of multi-parameter sensor rotor (MPMD). The proposed scheme, technical solution (MPMD) with improved integral evaluation of several parameters of positional displacement control objects. The generalized mathematical model of the sensor actuator position struktre. Computational experiments by the Runge-Kutta in the environment of the program Matlab-simulink are obtained depending on the basic parameters of an actuator position. When you perform a typical positional cycle The influence of the major geometric, hydraulic and thermodynamic characteristics of the expiry of the compressed air through the nozzle sensor element on its expenditure-Perepadnaya response. It is found that the maximum deviation does not exceed 5% of the reference sensor. This will improve the accuracy of parameter estimation process of positioning and formation of control actions in real space and time.

    Keywords: position pnnevmoprivod, mnogopramatrichesky pnevmomahanichesky sensor, generalized mathematical model of sensor, position cycle, sensor performance

  • Metallographic examination of the structure of coatings made ​​by the method of gas-powder surfacing

    A comprehensive study of metallographic structure and properties of coatings made ​​by the method of gas-powder surfacing. Phase analysis was carried out to determine the structural components of the internal condition of the coating. Conducted an analysis of the diffraction patterns and microstructures.

    Keywords: gaspowder welding, powder steel, microstructure, and protective coatings

  • Diagnostics vibration nodes vehicles by wavelet analysis focused optical image borders

    Background. Methods vibrodiagnostics allow to identify the emergence and development of de-fects at an early stage. Of particular relevance is the use of vibrodiagnostic methods for condition monitoring mechanisms under the simultaneous influence many unpredictable factors, varying operating conditions. The vibration causes blurring the boundaries of the focused image, allow-ing you to build a simple compact optical vibration sensor. (Materials and / or methods). Vibro-diagnostics used method for detecting focused optical im-age nodes being monitored. Determination of vibration parameters produced by wavelet analysis of the luminance distribution boundaries of the focused image. (Results). It is shown that the periodic movement of give in the image boundaries bends function (maxima of the second derivative). Character kinks function determined by the change speed of the change of the image boundaries. Continuous wavelet transform of the luminance distribution on the border of the image at a certain level amplitude vibrations cause the appearance of two maxima curves continuous wavelet transform, the amount of which is reduced proportionally. (Conclusion). Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the optical image registra-tion allows you to register with the sensitivity of the vibration amplitude of 0.1 - 0.15 pixel ma-trix photo detector. For a pixel size of about 5 microns, a linear increase in the order of the opti-cal system 20 sensitivity in amplitude of vibration may reach values of 0.02 microns, which cor-responds to the sensitivity is achieved by holographic interferometry.

    Keywords: motor vehicle diagnostics units of vehicles, vibration diagnostics, vibration, continuous wavelet transform (CWT)

  • Nanocomposite organic-hybrid materials

    In this article is reviewed the nature of organic hybrid nanocomposites. Promising directions in the field of organic hybrid nanocomposite materials will be methods for the synthesis of multicomponent materials, as well as the type of "net net" and "host-guest". The fundamental problem with the chemistry and physics of nanocomposites is dependent "structure-property". Solving this problem will move from research materials to their purposeful design.

    Keywords: nanocomposite sol-gel technology, synthesis, nanoparticles.

  • Energy conservation during treatment of sewage from populated area

    At present an important role in solving energy conservation problem is assigned to thermal pumping plants (TPP). Using processes of evaporation and condensation of easily boiling liquid circulating in the system they extract low potential heat from environmental objects and provide heat supply for buildings, constructions, greenhousee and so on. Artificial sources of low potential heat for TPP of different capacity can be, for instance, ventilation air and exhaust gases, circulating and waste water,ground. Energy efficient reasonability of TPP use in the system of water disposal for the town of Novocherkassk in Rostov region is considered. Calculations indicate that there is a technical potential to replace a boiler house operating on expensive gas fuel and emissing into the atmospere more than 850 t of carbon dioxide - greenhouse gas - with ecologically clean TPP, one of which uses heat of waste water and the other - heat of ground.

    Keywords: thermal pumping plant, renewable sources, energy conservation, evaporation, condensation, waste water, ground

  • Way of coding of the information at the task of the geometrical Models of executive mechanisms of robots

    The method of coding of the geometrical information is offered at the task of executive mechanisms on the basis of use of the set set of spatial primitive things and their orientation in mobile systems of co-ordinates. The method of a designation of geometrical models of mechanisms of robots is offered. One of advantages of the developed method of representation of geometrical models of kinematic chains, possibility of more exact task of a spatial configuration of manipulators by means of use of a considerable quantity of central points and various position of volume primitive things concerning a constructive plane is.

    Keywords: Mechanisms of manipulators, geometrical models, virtual modelling of movements of robots

  • Program realization of calculation unit jet system measuring the temperature of the gas flow

    In the article describes the program realization of calculation unit pneumatic measuring system. The program is implemented in the languages ​​of IEC: CFC and ST. Algorithm written with the possibility of future use in systems that differ from described in the article. The developed algorithm allows to measure temperature directly using computing power PLC and get the result in the final form, without any changes on the part of the operator.

    Keywords: pneumatics, temperature, airflow, algorithm of temperature measuring, temperature measurement, Codesys, CFC, ST

  • Simulation and method of classification of technical condition of the high-voltage mekhatronics modules

    Simulation and method of classification of technical condition high-voltage the mekhatronics of modules of the movement, allowing by results of control of electrodigit activity and skrednekvadratichesky value of vibrospeed are presented, to refer current state of object to one of classes of diagnoses

    Keywords: High-voltage mekhatronics module, fuzzy-model of classification of technical condition, electrodigital activity, vibrospeed

  • Numerical modeling and analyze of discontinuous signals spectrumenterprise

    The research of influence of periodical signal discontinuity on spectrum form is considered in the article. The numerical modeling of the system of discontinuous signals is performed. The spectrum of the system built from time discreet sampling is analyzed. The plots of the sample correlation coefficient between spectrums of continuous and discontinues signals are shown in the article. The research is needed for the development of digital measuring system for quartz plates frequency detecting.

    Keywords: amplitude signal spectrum, discontinuous signal, quartz plates

  • Determination of the atomic structure of bimetallic Pt-Ag nanoparticles in metal-carbon catalysts by X-ray absorption spectroscopy data

    The atomic structure of bimetallic nanoparticles of Pt-Ag composition, which are the part of metal-carbon electro-catalysts PtAg/C, is studied by means of EXAFS spectroscopy using the suggested technique. These materials have been prepared by methods of consistent and simultaneous deposition of Ag and Pt atoms from aqueous ethylene glycol solutions of their salts with subsequent acid treatment. The values ​​of the structural parameters of the near environment of platinum atoms are determined. The nature of the distribution of components in nanoparticles is established. Cluster models of nanoparticles are constructed. The fraction of Pt atoms in the working shell and its dependance on preparation methods in each case are determined.

    Keywords: Metal-carbon electrocatalysts, bimetallic nanoparticles, Catalysis, Platinum, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, atomic structure

  • Environmentally responsible economic management saves water and energy resources

    The article highlights the issue of conservation of water and energy resources, the dependence of its decision on the environmental responsibility of business entities and tactical goals towards environmental management.  Also the essence of the work carried out in the production of ammophos is described (Hydrometallurgical plant, Lermontov town), which is a good example of solving one of the many tactical tasks in the direction of environmental management. Specific purpose of the work was to identify the savings reserves of energy and natural resources. The application object of the study is the energy-intensive production of ammophos (fertilizer complex of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds), in particular the boiling-down of ammoniated pulp. The load decrease by evaporated water by 75% is achieved the implementation of technical solutions in terms of sealing pumps work (replacing inefficient crevice seal on a metal face seal) installed on the circulation line of ammoniated pulp. This reduces the coolant flow for boiling-down of high pressure steam and drinking water saving, which is the raw material for the production of fluid. Ecological and economic efficiency of the proposed solutions is confirmed by the calculation of the expected technical and economic parameters, performed on the basis of data generated in monitoring: coolant saving - 3039 Gcal / y; 2430 rubles / g; drinking water saving - 11,477 rubles.

    Keywords: ammophos, boiling-down, coolant, drinking water, saving, environmental management, crevice seal, face seal.

  • The analysis of work of building elements hermetic shell nuclear power plant during preliminary tension and testing

    Design of the protective hermetic shell of the reactor compartment of the nuclear power plant discusses in the article. The possible deformation of elements of the hermetic shell during preliminary tension  and testing is considered

    Keywords: protective hermetic shell; change of form; deformation; strength tests