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  • Optimization of the wall dimensions of corrugated rollers used in construction

    The article presents the calculation of various variants of corrugated rollers with different characteristics of wall shelf thicknesses and comparison with the standard adopted I-beam used in construction. The main requirement when comparing options is the maximum deflection of the studied beams with a deflection in the reference beam based on the calculation in the Ansys software package, which calculates models using the finite element method.

    Keywords: corrugator, finite element method, Ansys software package, comparison of variants, modeling, I-beam, beam

  • Peculiarities of organization of monolithic works in cramped construction conditions

    The article considers the cramped conditions of urban development, its types and main problems, during construction work. The organization of monolithic works at the construction site is also presented.

    Keywords: monolithic works, constrained construction conditions, constriction, organization of monolithic works, concreting, construction site, monolithic framework, building compaction, problems of constriction, organization of construction, point development

  • Organizational and technological approaches to the formation of urban public spaces

    The concept of sustainable development of cities determines the relevance of the formation of organizational and technological approaches to the creation and development of urban public spaces in accordance with modern trends in urban planning and the needs of the population. Urban public spaces are the key to the development of a comfortable urban environment and represent the cultural and social aspect of the modern city.

    Keywords: urban public spaces, comfortable urban environment, sustainable development, improvement, city territory, infrastructure

  • Study of the characteristics of indoor air quality on the example of a higher education institution

    This article is devoted to the study of indoor air quality in a higher education institution: assessment of the distribution patterns of suspended solids by equivalent diameters (RM0.5, RM1, RM2.5, RM5 and RM10).

    Keywords: indoor air, indoor air quality, air pollution, dust, solid suspended particles, PM2.5, PM10

  • Energy efficient reconstruction of construction system at various lifecycle stages

    The paper justifies the relevance and reviews the issues of energy efficient reconstruction of a construction system at various lifecycle stages, underlining that reconstruction needs to be viewed as a separate phase of the property lifecycle. Despite the fact that construction systems are static, all lifecycle stages are dynamic and require complex control. The diagrams are provided to show the building’s lifecycle and the process of stagewise supervision of energy efficient reconstruction by the client.

    Keywords: lifecycle, stage, phase, target system, process layout/structure, performance monitoring

  • The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in construction

    This paper discusses the use of unmanned construction vehicles in the construction industry. Statistics on the growth of investment in the production of construction drones are given. The main directions of using drones in the construction industry are described in detail: topographic survey, urban planning, improving safety on construction sites, roof inspection, building maintenance, security surveillance. The main advantages of new technologies in comparison with traditional ones are indicated and justified. Some shortcomings of modern unmanned technologies from the legal point of view are noted. In conclusion, the article draws conclusions about the future prospects for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in construction, which will lead to an increase in labor productivity in the industry.

    Keywords: inspection of buildings and structures, quadrocopter, drone, unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, construction, modern technologies, quadrocopter, security, innovation

  • A study aimed at conducting a forensic construction and technical examination in assessing the quality of a wet facade of a low-rise cottage

    This work is devoted to assessing the quality of the completed construction and installation work. A number of violations in the technology of facade works were noted. The advantage of a wet facade is noted. The main reasons for the occurrence of violations are considered. There are noted cases in which judicial intervention is required and it becomes necessary to conduct a forensic construction and technical examination. The main aspects that need to be paid attention to by specialists during the construction and technical expertise have been identified.

    Keywords: low-rise buildings, facades, quality assessment, compliance, judicial construction and technical expertise, court case

  • Modern methods of quality control of work in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings

    The existing methods of quality control of work in construction are considered, the main purpose of their implementation is formulated. A list of the main signs and properties has been determined for which it is recommended to exercise control. The main methods of control in practice are listed on the example of a nine-story residential building. New ways to improve quality control in the production of works are proposed.

    Keywords: control, quality, construction, normative document, defect, damage, tool, BIM, information modeling

  • The importance of construction and technical expertise of trade pavilions

    In the article, the authors try to identify the importance of forensic construction and technical expertise of trade pavilions, kiosks, etc. The importance of such examinations for the owners of these buildings is also noted, especially if the buildings are non-stationary commercial objects (NTO). In addition, the procedure for examining such a judicial or pre-trial construction and technical expertise is being considered. And the requirements for the expert opinion itself are noted.

    Keywords: judicial construction and technical expertise, expertise, trade pavilions, construction and technical expertise, construction, capital structure, NTO, non-stationary trade facilities

  • Inspection of bridge structures with the help of modern equipment

    More than 42 thousand bridges on highways are operated in Russia. Most of the bridge park was built in the past years. Bridges are getting old, accumulating destruction and defects and gradually cease to meet the requirements for safety, durability and load capacity imposed on them. It is necessary to spend a lot of effort and money on maintaining a stable working condition of all operated bridges. The use of modern surveillance tools will save financial and time resources. Such means of monitoring and collecting information can be unmanned aerial vehicles: various types and designs of quadrocopters and drones. A quadrocopter inspection of one of the city's overpasses showed high efficiency and quality of the information received. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to judge the technical condition of the object. Of course, the particularly dangerous defects identified during the inspection should subsequently be examined by a specialist to make a final decision. The article presents the photographic materials obtained by the modern method of data collection, the advantages of using quadrocopters in the survey of bridges and the technical characteristics of the equipment.

    Keywords: operation of structures, inspection, bridge structures, quadrocopters, drones, defects, destruction,bridge bed

  • How provides economical grown and innovation processes activation in RF: points of view

    Historical look to innovative processes in modern Russia. Strategy of innovative development. Methods of innovations' administration'.

    Keywords: innovation, methods of managing, strategy of innovative development

  • Formation evolution of the building of parametric architecture with regard to aerodynamics

    Two-stage modeling of a parametric architecture object of a complex parametric architecture are considered in the article. At the first stage it was analyzed the evolution of the formation of an analytical surface obtained by rotating the Lame curve in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. During the investigation were considered changes in the intensity of rounding of the corners of the shape in the horizontal plane. Study of screw parametric surfaces was carried out at the second stage. New forms of a superellipse were developed to solve the problem of determining the surface of an object of parametric architecture that is resistant to aerodynamic impact. Numerical experiment with use of the finite element method in the ANSYS PC allowed to construct a new analytical surface with a different angle of twisting of floor slabs along the height of a unique building. The proposed method of research and application of the possibilities of the evolution of shaping allows to proceed to the modernization of BIM technologies in the design of unique buildings and structures.

    Keywords: parametric architecture, evolution of shaping, aerodynamics, finite element method, analytical surfaces

  • Investigation of the distribution of dust particles in a sports room

    This article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of fine dust particles in the gym. The monitoring of the dust content of the sports premises with fine particles was carried out, and the dispersed composition of the settled dust was also studied. The regularity of the dust distribution in the room depending on the measurement height is analyzed. The analysis of the state of the system of external respiratory organs is carried out.

    Keywords: monitoring, gym, dispersion analysis, fine particles, respiratory organs, PM2. 5, PM10, dust factor

  • Investigation of the dust factor in the residential premises of a multi-storey student dormitory

    This article is devoted to the study of the dust factor in the residential premises of a student dormitory during repair work, including the assessment of the regularities of the distribution of solid suspended particles by equivalent diameters (PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5 and PM10) and the determination of their concentrations.

    Keywords: dust pollution, PM2. 5, PM10, solid suspended particles, fine dust fractions, student dormitory

  • Assesment of information security during data transfer between access subjects in the client-server architecture

    As a result of the work, an algorithm was developed and a software tool was implemented that allows ensuring the confidentiality of information in the interaction between access subjects. The study of the dependence of the selected parameters of the elliptic curve on the processing time and transmission of the encrypted message has been carried out. Studies have shown that with an increase in the values of the parameters of the elliptic curve, the time for processing confidential information increases due to insufficient system resources.

    Keywords: confidential information, information leakage, asymmetric encryption, information reliability, system resources, communication channel