The article provides an overview of existing technical solutions, considered from the point of view of two approaches: complete replacement of the electrolysis plant with a modern analog; replacement of only the measuring part of the system. Based on the results of a review of existing technical solutions, it was concluded that the purchase and replacement of an entire electrolysis plant or a software measuring part is economically unprofitable, and Berezovskaya GRES can implement its own SEU-20 plant management system using modern Russian-made automation software, but its own development will bring significant economic benefits. due to the lower cost compared to foreign counterparts. Для проектируемой системы управления технологическим процессом выбрано необходимое оборудование. Рассчитано время реакции системы при аварийной ситуации. Разработаны электрическая структурная и функциональная схемы автоматизации электролизной установки СЭУ-20. Разработан интерфейс АРМ оператора и произведено моделирование разработанной программы с отработкой различных ситуаций.
Keywords: electrolysis plant, import substitution, remote control, remote control, PLC programming, APM operator
The article examines the problem of power supply of low-power devices remote from stationary power sources. The structural solutions of autonomous power supply systems of high and low power, which use renewable energy sources, are considered. It is shown that in autonomous micro and low-power power supply systems, MPPT-type controllers do not provide technical and economic advantages compared to controllers in which, due to simple structural and circuit design solutions, the necessary but sufficient minimum of functions for charging and discharging the energy storage of the power supply system is implemented. The models of circuit solutions of the controller nodes are presented, which implement the necessary minimum of functions for charging and discharging the energy storage device and the results of experimental studies showing the operability of the proposed circuit solutions.
Keywords: power supply system, controller, renewable energy source, pulse voltage converter, battery, voltage limiter
The article presents the prerequisites for the relevance of the processing and disposal of galvanic sludge generated from industrial enterprises, which in turn occupies numerous areas of land for storage, which harms the environment. An overview of the methods of processing and disposal of electroplating waste, including physical, chemical and biological processes. Experimental studies of galvanic sludge sediment are presented. The precipitate is a mixture of crystalline CaCO3, SiO2 and an amorphous phase, which is not determined by phase analysis. Modern advanced technologies for the processing and disposal of galvanic sludge are presented.
Keywords: galvanic sludge waste, automation, control, methods, sediment thermogram
The article presents the results of the study of the ventilation device. A system of automatic control of the process of regulating air exchange in a residential area has been developed, which allows you to control an element of the actuator, which increases the productivity and efficiency of the ventilation device. An automated module of the process of regulating air exchange in residential buildings has been developed, designed to control the regulation of air exchange and its determination in residential buildings in different periods of the year. The software module implements recalculation of the main heat and humidity parameters of the air.
Keywords: air exchange, automated module, automatic control, ventilation device
The article presents the results of a study of an automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources. The open architecture of the top-level software of the automated information and measurement system of commercial electricity metering, based on WEB technologies, has been developed and tested, which will allow further research and scientific activities in the field of mathematical and software processing of data on electricity consumption. A module of planning and management of enterprise resources has been developed for the implementation of AIIS KUE in the MCD based on the developed diagram of use cases.
Keywords: WEB technology, automated information and measurement system, electricity, energy consumption, automatic control
The article presents the results of a study of the stepper motor control system of a road printer. The use of a stepper motor imposes additional requirements on the road printer in terms of operating parameters control. The main requirement for the stepper motor of the road printer is to ensure the rotation of the rotor, at a given angle, which depends on the control mode. The description of the road printer is given. The dependencies of the stepper motor as a control object are given. Investigated for the stability of the Nyquist system. A simulation model of the stepper motor control system of a road printer has been developed and simulation results are presented.
Keywords: road printer, stepper motor, mathematical model, transfer function, modeling, controller
A new parallel programming language is being developed. A feature of this language will be that, based on the developed algorithm for solving any problem, it is possible with minimal effort to generate an effective parallel program code for different computation models. Such a parallel metalanguage is based on the dataflow computing model with a dynamically formed context. The graphic version of the metalanguage has the advantage of a clear presentation of information and is much better suited to the nature of human perception. The concept of graphical programming consists in compiling a program from a set of certain objects and connecting them together according to special rules. In addition, each of the objects and the connection between them in the form of a directional line have a set of properties and attributes, which, when compiled, convert them into an object with the necessary logical load corresponding to the program algorithm being created. The article provides a graphical representation and description of such metalanguage elements as “token”, “standard node” and “single-port node”, “node with three standard inputs” and “group symmetric node”, as well as program structures: “group”, “cycle” and ""module"". A whole series of parallel programs was created using a graphical version of the metalanguage.
Keywords: graphical representation, metalanguage, parallelization of computations, dataflow computing model
There are various programming models for high-performance computing systems. Each of them has its own requirements for the structure and properties of the algorithm, which force the rewriting of the algorithm to match them. One solution to this problem is to move to a new parallel programming paradigm. The new metalanguage of parallel programming will give the opportunity to create a mathematical description of the algorithm, and then derive from it effective programs for various computing platforms. The article describes the approaches to the translation of the program into its own basic subset of the parallel language of the parallel dataflow computing system (PDCS). The basic concepts of the metalanguage are defined. The limitations of the basic subset of the PDCS parallel language are given. It describes the options for translating multi-input nodes and program structures (groups, cycles and branches). Translation of the program on the metalanguage into the basic subset of the PDCS parallel language will further help to solve the problem of translating the metalanguage into languages of other architectural platforms.
Keywords: parallel programming, metalanguage, dataflow computing model, translation from metalanguage