the problems of moisture (cooling) in the mass-transfer apparatus at different parameters of fluid spray and varying the magnitude of the influence of the electric field in the zone of the spray.
Keywords: heat and mass transfer, mist dispersion, electroaerosol, electrostatic dissipation.
This article discusses the problems of retail network in Russia and the main directions of development of the domestic networks in connection with the expansion of foreign networks and Russia's WTO accession. In the harsh conditions of competition will survive only those commercial enterprises that will practically use logistic as business philosophy and methodology, and the main provisions of logistics management in their business practice
Keywords: Retail network, development of retail network, Logistizatcija retail network problems network retail, logistics strategy, logistics management
It is considered questions of automation of the productions, directed on increase of efficiency of the operating enterprises and the organisation of the new enterprises providing decrease of losses of wood resources, expenses of energy and time at all stages industrial forest exploitation. Descriptions of the developed algorithm and a method of automated management are resulted by processes and information streams of the wood enterprises
Keywords: The automated control systems, modelling methods, algorithm, processes industrial forest exploitation
The methods of construction and repair of temporary winter roads, proposed technical solution for creating devices that provide a significant increase in strength, bearing capacity and durability of the repaired snegoledovogo cover winter road at full mechanization of the process of recovery.
Keywords: Winter road, a temporary winter road, moisturizing, repairing, mechanized complex snow mass, milling machine, load capacity
A timber industry complex is a complex of technological processes linked with timber harvesting, wood transport and woodworking. For their optimization are used mathematical and economic methods. The brief overview of the application of mathematical modeling methods for the analysis and optimization of technological processes in the forestry sector is given in the article. Queuing theory is used for analysis of forestry process. For example harvesting technology with the round logs production for wooden construction is considered as G/G/1 queuing system. Well-developed models of queuing theory are recommended for analyzing of forestry process. Simulation models are recommended for deep analysis of forestry process.
Keywords: Forestry process, woodworking, cylindering, queuing theory, timber industry manufacture, wood construction
The paper contains a description of a new method for automatic generation of maps of goods placement. Map of goods placement created by the author's search algorithm. The algorithm is based on ideas of evolutionary search. The proposed algorithm works with a population of constant size, allows not use complex search methods and for a reasonable time find a solution close to the optimum.
Keywords: simulation, evolutionary computation, multicriteria optimization, genetic algorithms
The results of a patent search in the field of quality improvement of main piping valve gate’s sealing faces for the plants of nuclear power, thermal power and oil and gas industries are given
Keywords: valve gate, wedge valve, main piping, patent search, sealing face
The need for specialists who know the basics of engineering creativity and practical skills of invention and the feasibility of using this methodology for functional and technological analysis. The results of the use of the said methodology in Petrozavodsk state University.
Keywords: analysis and synthesis, methodology, technology patentable subject matter
Maximum power pointtracking algorithms are widely used in the solar converters in order to obtain maximum power from the solar array. The article provides a brief description of the work of these algorithms, description of the method of testing based on mathematical modeling using Matlab, Simulink and SimScape packages. The results of modeling and comparative analysis of the studied algorithms, its strengths and weaknesses revealed.
Keywords: maximum power point, maximum power point tracker, photovoltaic, buck converter, comparative study of algorithms, perturb and observe method, constant voltage method, constant current method, icremental conductance method
Vocal speech is a random process. Taking into account the fact that the main characteristics of a singing voice vary with time, in the article vocal speech is studied as an acoustic nonstationary random process. To describe this process we should calculate one of its informative parameters – the autocorrelation function. The findings show that there are some differences between the autocorrelation functions for professional and nonprofessional singers. This helps to make a quantitative assessment of a singer’s professionalism which, alongside with a vocal teacher’s subjective assessment, can present an objective view on a singer’s voice and provide a good basis for optimization of academic voice training. Moreover a teacher does not have to be technically educated because this quantitative assessment is presented in diagrams which are quite easy to assess visually. It is especially important to consider when we use the given voice assessing method in music schools, colleges and universities.
Keywords: Vocal speech, acoustic signal, nonstationary random process, autocorrelation function, the maximum autocorrelation interval, quantitative assessment
In article the structure, functional architecture and mathematical model of the system intended for automated management by information procedures in the automated information system are considered. The offered model is based on monitoring of initial and flowing conditions of the information streams subjected recomposition on the basis of operating markers by the serving router. A system kernel is the Server of configurations supporting discrete disciplines of management by service.
Keywords: information service, priority management, an information stream
In this paper we study of the local atomic and electronic structure of nanostructured condensed material for rechargeable current sources on the basis of 15mas.%V2O5/Fe/LiF nanocomposite within charge-discharge cycle. Principle component analysis (PCA) of the series of Fe K-edge spectra collected during 1 st charge showing the concentrations of the components Fe, FeF2 and V[FeV]O4. We found the changes in the V oxidation state from the analysis of the experimental Fe K- and V K- XANES spectra. Total and partial density of states of components are presented.
Keywords: nanostructured materials for rechargeable current sources, dynamics of local atomic and electronic structures, XANES, DFT
The problems of building the architecture and design of the database structure for the storage of the structure of the chemical compounds and their analysis using heuristic algorithms
Proposed the structure of the database that allows you to store information about the structure of chemical compounds with varying degrees of detail. This approach simplifies forming of the structural descriptors used to build models of "structure-property" based on the genetic algorithms.
Keywords: database architecture, chemicals, data mining, heuristics
Production lines for manufacturing of cylindrical logs for wood construction are considered in the article. Technological factors influencing on efficiency of production lines are identified and classified. Results of research can be basis for improving production lines.
Keywords: Woodworking, cylindering, technological line, wood costraction, factors
The article is concerned with designing online identification algorithm for identification plunger model for wicket gate of Kaplan turbine adaptive control system. Algorithm is based on generalised recurrent least square method and invariant embedding method. Computer modeling using designed algorithm and using real experimental data shows that algorithm is effective.
Keywords: adaptive control system, diagnostic system, Kaplan turbine wicket gate, plunger, linearized models, identification, recurrent least square