Since 2017, EVRAZ ZSMK JSC has been developing and operating a mathematical model covering all processing stages from ore extraction to final products – SMM Forecast. The model will be used to calculate technical cases, plans, and parity prices for iron ore and coal, and its use brought more than 200 million rubles of economic effect in 2020 alone. The use of a universal mathematical model made it possible in 2023 to begin the development of a module for daily optimization of an agglomeration factory and blast furnace production. The article discusses the experience of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC in the development and implementation of a daily planning system based on the monthly planning model of SMM Forecast, as well as methods for achieving an acceptable speed of multi-period optimization. The SMM Forecast system was originally designed for end-to-end, scenario-based calculation of the main raw materials from ore and coal to finished products in a volumetric monthly planning. The system uses optimization algorithms to search for a global target function to maximize margin income under specified constraints. The mathematical model of redistribution uses the norms and technologies specified in the company's regulatory documents. At the same time, the model is universal and the transfer of algorithms from monthly to daily mode was carried out with minimal modifications. The article also discusses the difficulties encountered and various methods of solving these problems. The first problem faced by the developers was the low speed of optimization of the model in daily dynamics due to the strong complication of the optimization load. The calculation time has increased significantly, and to solve this problem, it took the introduction of a number of optimization cycles aimed at reducing the speed of solving equations, introducing variable boundaries, and determining starting points. As a result, the calculation time for one month was about 40 minutes. The second problem was the need to develop a complex supply management algorithm and optimize stacking at the sinter plant. As a result of solving this problem, a working tool has been developed that brings additional income to the enterprise.
Keywords: metallurgy, modeling, planning, daily planning, sintering plant, blast furnace shop, stacking
This article is dedicated to developing a method for diagnosing depression using the analysis of user behavior in a video game on the Unity platform. The method involves employing machine learning to train classification models based on data from gaming sessions of users with confirmed diagnoses of depression. As part of the research, users are engaged in playing a video game, during which their in-game behavior is analyzed using specific depression criteria taken from the DSM-5 diagnostic guidelines. Subsequently, this data is used to train and evaluate machine learning models capable of classifying users based on their in-game behavior. Gaming session data is serialized and stored in the Firebase Realtime Database in text format for further use by the classification model. Classification methods such as decision trees, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, and random forest methods have been applied. The diagnostic method in the virtual space demonstrates prospects for remote depression diagnosis using video games. Machine learning models trained based on gaming session data show the ability to effectively distinguish users with and without depression, confirming the potential of this approach for early identification of depressive states. Using video games as a diagnostic tool enables a more accessible and engaging approach to detecting mental disorders, which can increase awareness and aid in combating depression in society.
Keywords: videogame, unity, psychiatric diagnosis, depression, machine learning, classification, behavior analysis, in-game behavior, diagnosis, virtual space
the work is devoted to a comparative analysis of various calculation and mathematical models among themselves. The calculation of the frame joint of reinforced concrete structures is performed: a pylon and a cantilever beam. Three methods for performing the calculation of this joint are proposed: an analytical method, a rod FEM model and a volumetric FEM model. The analysis of the calculation results is performed: a comparison of internal forces and calculated reinforcement. The consequences of a superficial analysis of the structure and simplification of calculation models are shown using the example of damage to a real structure under the action of operational loads.
Keywords: reinforced concrete console, structure calculation, node calculation, Lira 10, Russian software, optimal design of reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement analysis
The article analyzes modern approaches to psychological and pedagogical support for the professional and personal development of students in the context of a digital educational environment at a technical university. Key methodological approaches are discussed, such as activity-based, student-centered, and competency-based, which ensure a comprehensive support system for students and contribute to their successful adaptation and socialization. Special attention is given to the integration of digital technologies into the process of psychological and pedagogical support, including the use of online platforms, virtual training, and tools for career diagnostics, which allows for effective solutions to student diagnostics and individualized support. The main areas of work within the framework of digital support are described, such as diagnosing adaptation difficulties, psychological counseling, and career orientation, all implemented using modern digital technologies. The use of online surveys, specialized programs for career diagnostics, and remote counseling enables the timely identification of student issues and the development of personalized support measures. The results of empirical studies are analyzed, confirming the effectiveness of digital technologies in psychological and pedagogical support, as well as identifying key challenges faced by students in the context of digital learning. The article concludes with the significant potential of the digital educational environment for improving the quality of education and developing professional competencies. The necessity of further improving digital support tools to enhance the educational process and increase student engagement is emphasized.
Keywords: construction and technical forensic examination, special knowledge, forensic expert, examination production, examination procedure
The work is devoted to the study of the temperature distribution and equivalent voltage on the surface of a thermal radiation receiver during experimental and computational series. The experiments showed a qualitative and quantitative coincidence of the temperature data obtained by thermal imaging with the results of numerical modeling. The average error was 0.5℃, with a maximum deviation of 1.5℃ at individual points, which is due to edge effects and thermal insulation features. The computational model reproduces the main characteristics of the temperature field, including the effect of shielding, using a relatively low density of the computational grid. As part of the verification of the numerical model, the analysis of grid convergence was carried out, as well as the control of residuals and control of solution parameters were performed.
Keywords: heat exchanger, numerical and analytical calculation, convective and radiant heat transfer, efficiency improvement, outgoing flue gas, heat recovery, gas-liquid heat exchanger, numerical modeling, mathematical model, ANSYS Workbench software
The stability calculation of a П-shaped hinged frame is considered. The concept of r-like frames is introduced as frames with the same ratio r of the linear stiffnesses of the transom and the strut. It is shown that the parameter vcr , which determines the critical load on the frame, is the same for r-like frames. Approximate formulas allowing to determine the critical load parameter vcr and design lengths of compressed bars with an error not exceeding 2% are obtained.
Keywords: flat frame, stability, critical force, reduced length coefficient, r-like frames, approximation, least squares method
The use of simulation analysis requires a large number of models and computational time. Reduce the calculation time in complex complex simulation and statistical modeling, allowing the implementation of parallel programming technologies in the implemented models. This paper sets the task of parallelizing the algorithmization of simulation modeling of the dynamics of a certain indicator (using the example of a model of the dynamics of cargo volume in a storage warehouse). The model is presented in the form of lines for calculating input and output flows, specified as: a moving average autoregressive model with trend components; flows of the described processes, specified according to the principle of limiting the limitation on the volume (size) of the limiting parameter, with strong stationarity of each of them. A parallelization algorithm using OpenMP technology is proposed. The efficiency indicators of the parallel algorithm are estimated: speedup, calculated as the ratio of the execution time of the sequential and parallel algorithm, and efficiency, reflecting the proportion of time that computational threads spend in calculations, and representing the ratio of the speedup to the sequential result of the processors. The dependence of the execution of the sequential and parallel algorithm on the number of simulations has been constructed. The efficiency of the parallel algorithm for the main stages of the simulation implementation was obtained at the level of 73%, the speedup is 4.38 with the number of processors 6. Computational experiments demonstrate a fairly high efficiency of the proposed parallel algorithm.
Keywords: simulation modeling, parallel programming, parallel algorithm efficiency, warehouse loading model, OpenMP technology
The paper presents a mathematical model, algorithm and simulation results of the steam pressure control process in a steam curtain of a tubular furnace of a diesel fuel hydrotreating technological installation based on a PID-controller with filtration of the current control error of a double moving average.
Keywords: automation, subsystem, control, control, steam curtain of a tubular furnace, steam pressure, moving average
The article discusses the possibilities of using virtual reality technologies to organize fire safety training for schoolchildren. The requirements for the virtual simulator are formulated from the point of view of ensuring the possibility of conducting classes on practicing evacuation skills from the building of a specific educational organization. A functional model of a virtual simulator is presented, built on the basis of the methodology of structural analysis and design, describing the process of developing a virtual space with interactive elements and organizing training for the evacuation of students based on it. A semantic description of the control signals of the functional model, its inputs, mechanisms and outputs is given. The contents of the model subsystems are revealed. Requirements for software, hardware and methodological support for training using virtual reality technologies when conducting fire training are formulated. The concept of creating a digital twin of a building of a general education organization in virtual space is substantiated. Examples of improving virtual space by using the results of mathematical modeling of fire are given. The use of visualization of smoke and flame in virtual space is justified to avoid the occurrence of panic in children during evacuation in fire conditions. Conclusions are drawn about the advantages of the proposed virtual simulator. The prospects for further research and solution to the problem of developing skills for evacuating students from a building of a general education organization in case of fire are listed.
Keywords: virtual reality, virtual simulator, virtual space, fire safety, evacuation, fire training, mathematical modeling of fire, educational technologies, functional modeling
This article is devoted to the development of a method for detecting defects on the surface of a product based on anomaly detection methods using a feature extractor based on a convolutional neural network. The method involves the use of machine learning to train classification models based on the obtained features from a layer of a pre-trained U-Net neural network. As part of the study, an autoencoder is trained based on the U-Net model on data that does not contain images of defects. The features obtained from the neural network are classified using classical algorithms for identifying anomalies in the data. This method allows you to localize areas of anomalies in a test data set when only samples without anomalies are available for training. The proposed method not only provides anomaly detection capabilities, but also has high potential for automating quality control processes in various industries, including manufacturing, medicine, and information security. Due to the advantages of unsupervised machine learning models, such as robustness to unknown forms of anomalies, this method can significantly improve the efficiency of quality control and diagnostics, which in turn will reduce costs and increase productivity. It is expected that further research in this area will lead to even more accurate and reliable methods for detecting anomalies, which will contribute to the development of industry and science.
Keywords: U-Net, neural network, classification, anomaly, defect, novelty detection, autoencoder, machine learning, image, product quality, performance
In this paper, the problem of an equalizer design for high-speed receiver channel which is designed to compensate for the uneven frequency response of the input differential signal. Using special design methods, as well as modeling tools for frequency and transient characteristics, an equalizer with the ability to digitally adjust the gain was developed. This adjustment also reduces the impact of the spread of process parameters, which is inevitable during the production of the chip.
Keywords: attenuation, transceiver, equalizer, IP block, equalization, gain, amplitude
Abstract: This article is devoted to the formation of a methodology for determining the duration of emergency recovery work, in case of damage to buildings and their structures from the effects of force factors, which is an important industrial and social task. The main indicator adopted in this article for calculating the duration is the duration criterion (Upr). In the course of the study, factors were formed and grouped according to segmental characteristics, based on the degree of their influence on the duration of emergency recovery operations, a multiple regression equation was compiled, which allowed taking into account the influence of the most significant factors on a single assessment scale. The findings of the study are supposed to be used to determine the duration of emergency recovery work. Thus, the methodology for determining the duration of work is an important tool in the complex of measures for the effective conduct of restoration work and minimizing costs.
Keywords: emergency recovery work, organizational and technological model, method of expert assessments, multiple regression equation, capital construction project, technical condition of the building, force impact, ranking, duration of emergency recovery
A two-dimensional coefficient inverse problem of thermal conductivity for a finite functionally graded cylinder is investigated. The thermal conductivity coefficient is considered to be variable along the radial and axial coordinates. The direct problem of finding the temperature distribution at different moments of time with known boundary conditions and the thermal conductivity coefficient is formulated in a weak statement and solved in the FreeFem++ finite element package. The influence of various two-dimensional power laws of the thermal conductivity coefficient on additional information (the temperature of the outer surface of the cylinder) is investigated. A projection-iteration scheme is constructed to solve the inverse problem. The thermal conductivity coefficient is presented as the sum of the initial approximation and the correction function specified as an expansion in a system of polynomials. At each stage of the iteration process, the expansion coefficients are calculated from the solution of the system of algebraic equations obtained by discretizing the operator equation of the first kind. The results of computational experiments on restoring various two-dimensional laws of change in the thermal conductivity coefficient are presented.
Keywords: functionally graded cylinder, finite element package FreeFem++, identification, thermal conductivity coefficient, inverse problem, iterative-projection approach, operator equation
5G wireless networks are of great interest for research. Network Slicing is one of the key technologies that allows efficient use of resources in fifth-generation networks. This paper considers a method of resource allocation in 5G wireless networks using Network Slicing technology. The paper examined a model for accessing radio network resources, which includes several solutions to improve service efficiency by configuring the logical part of the network. This model uses network slicing technology and elastic traffic. In the practical part of the work, transition intensity matrices were constructed for two different configurations.
Keywords: queuing system, 5G, two - service queuing system, resource allocation, Network Slicing, elastic traffic, minimum guaranteed bitrate
The work is devoted to the development and research of a heat exchanger for a contact gas-liquid heat exchanger. To increase the efficiency of heat transfer, the surface receiving heat is equipped with longitudinal fins and transverse partitions that form vortex structures in a turbulent gas flow. The expected decrease in gas temperature is 300-600 °C when cooled with water at a temperature of 50 °C. Simulation modeling has been carried out, including analysis of temperature distribution and hydraulic resistance, thermal power and stresses.
Keywords: heat exchanger, efficiency improvement, exhaust flue gas, heat recovery, mixing heat exchanger, numerical modeling, mathematical model, pixelation method