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  • Microwave method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways

    The paper describes the method for determining the position of the contact wire of electrified railways using microwaves. The method is based on the triangulation system of two georadars and allows to determine a contact wire zigzag and height from the rail head. The proposed method is all-weather with the possibility of continuous monitoring of the overhead contact wire in plan and profile with the opportunity to automate the processing and signaling abnormalities.

    Keywords: railroad contact line, contact wire location, GPR, automatic control systems

  • Nonferroelectric ceramic of La2-xSrxNiO4 with colossal permittivity

    By self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHTS) prepared fine powder оf La2-xSrxNiO4 composition , which is used to obtain dense ceramics exhibiting the properties of n-type semiconductor. Prolonged annealing of the samples resulted in a decrease of the conductivity on the order of 3-4, and the changing nature of the dielectric spectrum: dielectric constant ε' has a stable value of 4·104 Hz in the range of 0,4 − 1·105 Hz .

    Keywords: dielectric constant, phase separation, nikelate of strontium lanthanum, self-extending high-temperature synthesis

  • The synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system.

    The article presents an approach to synthesis of inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles for SUGV on-board path planning system, algorithmic basis of which is an adaptive control method for intellectual robots. The inhibitory quasi-fields of obstacles are used for path optimization by safety criteria.

    Keywords: Robotics, SUGV, local navigation, path planning, trajectory optimization

  • Modeling of three-level vertical marketing system

    An original mathematical model describing different activities of actors in the vertical marketing system is presented. They are a provider, a agent, a trading enterprise are presented as a controlling subjects. The model is based on the game-theoretical and hierarchical approach. An equilibrium of Germeyer G1 game in terms of sustainable development is established. The method of impulsion is used as a method of hierarchical control to solve this model. The main system operation laws based on numerical experiments are presented.

    Keywords: game theory, hierarchical, three-level control system, method of impulsion

  • Simulated modeling as a means of traffic network section modernization

    The main laws valid for a series of traffic jams relating to a series of intersections are considered. Their usage facilitates optimization of simulated models of a traffic network section. The problems of traffic jams emergence on the I thoroughfare of Volgograd are investigated with the help of simulated modeling.

    Keywords: simulated modeling, series of traffic jams, traffic flows, genetic algorithm, traffic capacity

  • Ultrasonic examination technology of nuclear reactor’s industrial pipelines

    Acoustic system parameters were selected and calculated: wave modes used when controlling, wave entry and frequency angles according to kind of decay process and ultrasonic attenuation. Control procedure was developed

    Keywords: ultrozvuk, frequency, attenuation process, technology, acoustic system

  • Nonstoichiometry and electrochromism of oxides and polyalkaline tungsten bronzes

    Nonstoichiometric tungsten oxides WO3–x and oxide alkaline tungsten bronzes have been studied because of their potential applications in electrochromic devices such as solar panel arrays and “smart windows”. Different phases of 
    WO3–x have been considered. In this part we present results of our research which clearly show that all Magneli phases of tungsten oxides  WOx (namely W40O118, W20O58, W5O14, W18O49, W8O23, W3O8) and oxide tungsten bronzes MxMyWO3 at M-Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs. They are characterized by metal – like properties. Their band structures display an energy gap in the valence band just below the Fermi level.
    We present results of our electrochemical synthesis of tungsten oxide bronzes in ionic melts of the polytungsten salts. Among the new state – of – the art methods for their manufacture, electrochemical synthesis in ionic melts, which  makes considerably better use of existing technologies, is highly productive, based on the discharge of oxyanions of the polytungstates.  

    Keywords: oxide alkali bronzes, alkaline tungsten bronzes, tungsten, molybdenum, nonstoichiometry, tungsten oxides, electroconductivity, electrochromism

  • Perfomance prediction of ladge dimension random number generators anlgorithms implementations on reconfigurable arcitectures with coprocessors

    This article discusses problem of improving performance of large dimension random number generators. With current trends , as an accelerator for CPU considered field-programmable gate array ( FPGAs ) . The analysis of hardware implementations of algorithms of random number generators offered by the Altera company is carried out. It is offered to use a method of calculation of a gain of productivity Reconfigurable Amenability Test (RAT) offered by B. Holland, K. Nagarajan and A. D. George. Assessment of several random number generators is made by this method. Received results it is analyzed, and on the basis of the drawn conclusions, simulation of the algorithms showing a high rate of a gain of productivity is made. Results received theoretically and during simulation are compared.

    Keywords: Reconfigurable amenability test, field-programmable gate array, random number generator, high-performance calculating performance prediction

  • A method for controlling the quality of the blocks of granite rock acoustic NDT methods

    This article outlines the rationale and relevance of the theme of its relevance in a real production. A brief description of the object of research , as well as the causes of the defects of the object. Later in the article describes the methods used to conduct the study , describes the applicable non-destructive and destructive methods . Describes the results obtained in the course of work , methods of mathematical processing , obtained correlations . The graphs dependencies. Next, a method developed that allows for quality control.

    Keywords: granite, nondestructive testing, destructive testing, careers, ultrasound, natural frequency, correlations

  • Calculation of coefficient of operating conditions of pipelines of the West Siberian region.

    Calculation of coefficient of operating conditions of the pipeline is presented in article for the West Siberian region. Dependence of service life of the pipeline on this coefficient is presented. The data of samples witnesses received in laboratory of nondestructive control, confirming relevance of this subject are provided.

    Keywords: corrosion, wall thickness, standard service life, pipeline, coefficient of working conditions, diameter, pressure, settlement resistance.

  • Possibilities of regulation of processes of heatmoist processing in mass-exchanged devices at influence of electric field

    the problems of moisture (cooling) in the mass-transfer apparatus at different parameters of fluid spray and varying the magnitude of the influence of the electric field in the zone of the spray.

    Keywords: heat and mass transfer, mist dispersion, electroaerosol, electrostatic dissipation.

  • Calculation of the capacitance of the capacitor on the DC link active harmonic filter

    Block diagram of the active harmonic filter is considered.  State table inverter power switches active harmonic filter is considered. Calculated the capacitance on the DC link active harmonic filters. The calculation takes into account the power converter losses in the active harmonic filter.

    Keywords: active harmonic filter, distortion power, energy storage capacitor

  • Application of analog-to-digital converter in the evaluation of the thermal state of elements of the hydraulic drive

    The substantiation of the need for the preparation of thermal hydraulic drive road construction machinery (SDM) operating in the North. Given that a significant number of failures falls on hydraulic drive elements, it becomes urgent need to study their work and causes of failures. In order to analyze the thermal training funds, the development of new systems is necessary to study thermal characteristics of hydraulic drive elements SDM operated at low subzero temperatures. It is necessary to take into account the rate of change of the processes occurring in the hydraulic drive. In accordance with the above requires a quality measuring equipment, created on the basis of analog-to-digital converters. For this analysis instrumentation for experimental studies. Currently, at the Department of Transportation and technological systems developed hardware and software for temperature measurement system for monitoring hydraulic drive elements SDM.

    Keywords: construction machinery, operation, negative temperature, hydraulic, thermal preparation, measurement, sensor

  • Analysis and development of approaches for the stimulating part of engineering staff remuneration

    The paper presents and analyzes the main methods of material stimulation of engineers and technician staff on russian and partly foreign enterprises, taking into account national management models. The article highlights the indicators that affect the stimulating part of remuneration for different occasions.

    Keywords: engineering and technical personnel, remuneration, the stimulating part of remuneration, performance labor.

  • Comparative evaluation macrodamages wheat, with variation schemes seed branch of cleaning machine.

    This article describes the way of the grain material in grain cleaning unit at various purification schemes. Researches on wheat injury when variii various schemes. Spotted seed purification scheme with the lowest percentage of damaged seeds and basic characteristics agaregata functioning under the scheme.

    Keywords: grain material, fractionation, seed cleaning, grain cleaning machine