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  • On the evaluation of dust characteristics using dispersed analysis of variance of additive-simplex type to reduce particle leakage out from the dust in the dust aspiration’ collectors building industry

    The article is devoted to the issue of improving the environmental safety of the construction industry by improving dust collectors of dust removal systems for the aspiration schemes of the construction industry/ It was proposed use additive-integrated dispersive analysis of variance of dust particles emissions throw out into the atmosphere by aspiration systems. The article proposes the improvement of complex analysis of variance using hydrodynamic criteria in output functions. Modified output data and additive-simplex allows getting approach to evaluate characteristics - equivalent sizes and speeds of sedimentation-soiling of dust particles with a higher degree of accuracy of the results. It makes possibility to determine the ranges of size’s and velocities’ changes with real ability. It is possible to obtain more reliable data of sedimentation rates and equivalent particle sizes for the studied dust samples of building materials using the distributions of the hydrodynamics criteria. Analytical approach to determining the density’ distribution of the numerical values of the hydrodynamics criteria in the output function allowed us to clarify the more real values of sedimentation rates and the equivalent particle sizes and the range of their changes both. This way analysis of variance of dispersed dust particles could call additive-complex or simplex approach. The obtained regressions in processing the research results were used in the development of devices for capturing dust of dispersed building materials from emissions. This way could significantly reduced dust leakage out from aspiration collectors of decreasing dust systems while purifying emissions at the building enterprises. This approach is one of the most effective ways to improve the environmental safety of the building industry.

    Keywords: Dust, building material, dust collector, cleaning, leakage, analysis of variance, velocity, sedimentation, criterion, emission, atmosphere, dust removal, aspiration

  • Bibi-Khanym mosque as a historical and architectural complex

    The history of the study of the archaeological complex of bi-Khanum swords in Samarkand is considered. The description of the ancient building is given. The methods of construction of the monument are studied, the reconstruction of the ancient appearance of the complex, the materials used and construction methods are given

    Keywords: organization of construction; history of architecture, history of the industry

  • Inspection of the technical condition of precast reinforced concrete columns of the ABK building of a cotton mill in the city of Shakhty

    The article discusses the results of a survey of the technical condition of precast reinforced concrete columns of the building of the administrative building of the cotton mill in Shakhty. A calibration calculation for bearing capacity was made taking into account additional loads. Identified extensive damage the main ones are: - destruction of the protective layer of concrete, exposure and corrosive wear up to 10% of the cross section of the working and transverse reinforcement of columns; - cracks in the protective layer of concrete on the surface of the shelves of columns. The technical condition of the building structures of the administrative building for the period of the survey is assessed as unsuitable to the conditions of normal operation (partially operational). A calibration calculation was made and recommendations were developed for restoring the bearing capacity of precast concrete columns.

    Keywords: concrete, bearing capacity, reinforced concrete, structures, reinforcement, constant load, strength, operational reliability, deformation, reinforcement

  • Innovative methods to reduce the cost of crane beams

    The issue of improving the cost reduction of crane structures is considered. Results of experimental experience of the device of beams of new type are given. Methods of economy of materials at production of beams are offered

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, construction of cranes and crane tracks

  • Application of structural coatings in frame-type buildings

    The question of economy of metal at production of building designs is considered. Measures for the organization of effective production in the current projects of high-rise and long-span buildings are proposed. Measures of increase of efficiency of construction are considered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, production of building materials

  • Analytical determination of thermal and radiation deformations of concretes and mortars with low aggregates content

    Experimental verification of the existing method of analytical determination of radiation and thermal deformations of concretes and solutions on the basis of data on deformations of aggregate and cement stone for materials with low content of aggregates is carried out. The test was carried out on samples of solutions with different content of aggregate-sand based on the results of determining the size changes after heating at temperatures from 105 ° C to 400 ° C. It is shown that at the volume content of fillers less than 52% there are differences between the calculated and experimental values of changes in the size of solutions after heating. Moreover, the differences increase with the decrease in the volume content of the filler, with an increase in the heating temperature and the difference between the thermal deformations of the filler and the cement stone. The obtained results allow to correct the results of calculations using the specified existing analytical method for concretes and solutions with a filler content of less than 52%

    Keywords: thermal and radiation deformations, solutions and concretes, analytical and experimental determination, filler content, microstructural stresses, cracking

  • Bioarchitecture-a modern view of underground construction

    The transformation of the natural environment will force humanity to look for a new look at the problems of architecture and urban design. Nowadays, the construction of passive houses is a standard, and green roofs are included in the design of modern cities. Therefore, the urban cluster will gradually transform into sustainable bionic systems that will protect nature and stop further degradation and exploitation of public green spaces.

    Keywords: bioarchitecture, external environment, architecture, landscape

  • Mathematical modeling of the distributed ledger in the sphere of real estate lease as a network of mass service

    This article presents a mathematical model of the distributed registry as a Queuing network. The main components of this network, as well as their formal representation are considered. The model of the peer-to-peer network is visualized, the vector of the network state is defined, and the restrictions of the state space are defined. After that, the laws of distribution of individual flows and service time were presented. In addition, the design elements of the infinitesimal matrix were determined. Based on the data obtained, a simulation model of this process was produced. For simulation, the Anylogic package was used. The results of simulation were analyzed and the most optimal parameters were selected.

    Keywords: Queuing network, information security, distributed registries, computer science and engineering, mathematical modeling information system, corda

  • The principle of coating of welded products with metallized coatings

    The question of improvement of coatings of welded products is considered. The possibility of replacing sandblasting is being studied. The possibility of reducing the cost of welding is considered

    Keywords: construction materials, reduction of construction materials costs

  • Experience of Foundation installation on pre-compacted soil

    The question of the device of the bases on preliminary condensed basis is considered. Measures are proposed to ensure the reliability and durability of the structure, taking into account the experience of construction in the USSR. Measures of increase of efficiency of construction are considered.

    Keywords: organization of construction; economy of construction, soil strengthening, foundations

  • The potential for the effectiveness of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of construction from the design stage to commissioning

    This article discusses the quality of final construction products and methods of its evaluation. Identified, proposed and justified the need for the introduction of a comprehensive quality indicator. On the basis of the analysis of the existing methods of quality control, it is proposed to create a Department in the service of the technical customer, which will deal with quality issues at all stages of the life cycle of the construction project.

    Keywords: construction; quality; quality control; quality indicator; complex quality indicator; organization of construction production; project management; quality assessment; control over the maintenance of as-built documentation, obtaining permission to put the

  • Software implementation of a single-layer neural network for the recognition of digital symbols.

    Existing methods for character recognition are considered, and the advantages and disadvantages of using neural networks for character recognition are revealed. The review of methods for character recognition is given. The advantages and disadvantages of algorithms for text recognition are also defined. The algorithm of the simplest single-layer neural network for recognition of calligraphic and printed figures is realized. In the work, the learning ability of this single-layer neural network was analyzed.

    Keywords: Character recognition, single-layer, neural network, algorithms, perceptron

  • Assessment of the influence of the heterogeneity of the bedding ratio of the soil foundation on the VAT of structural elements of the building (when calculating the final draft)

    This article discusses a comparative analysis of the results of calculations of a building erected on an unevenly deformable base. The authors, taking into account the peculiarities of the engineering-geological conditions of the territory of the city of Volgograd, made a verification assessment of the influence of the heterogeneity of the bedding coefficient of the soil foundation on the VAT of the structural elements of the building when calculating the final draft.

    Keywords: bulk soils, foundations, bases, bed ratio, backfilling, compliance, stiffness diaphragm, stress-strain state

  • Reserves for improving the efficiency of organizational and design solutions of residential buildings

    The article provides a systematic review of measures to improve the economic efficiency of construction works. The question of improvement of installation works of building structures is studied. A set of tools for improving the economic efficiency of installation work is proposed

    Keywords: organization of construction, quality management

  • Adaptive models of overcoming the risks of the life world of a young family

    The process of overcoming the risks of destruction of the life world by young spouses is studied. Methods of cognitive modeling are used. The theory of adaptive control is chosen as the basic paradigm. This allowed the study to build on the existing theoretical basis of structural analysis of adaptive systems with models in the adaptation circuit.To use the practical experience of cognitive modeling of systems with the inclusion of a person in the adaptation circuit, for example, training models based on a double feedback loop. It is proposed to use the technology of solving problems, based on the experience of past situations, namely, the technology of output based on precedents (Case-Based Reasoning, or CBR). A generalized adaptive model of reducing the risks of destruction of the life world of a young family on the basis of a double CBR – cycle is developed. The model describes the process of self-development of young spouses through continuous training in complex problem situations

    Keywords: young family, life world, risk, cognitive modeling, model, precedent, adaptation