Due to the constant increase in production, new structural materials development and growing rates of non-renewable resources consumption, the issue of increasing the machinery resource is urgent. Thus, it is necessary to develop technologies for spraying coatings that improve the functional characteristics of products, in particular, impact strength, microhardness, resistance to wear, corrosion and other environmental factors by modifying the surface layer structural-phase state. These technologies application is necessary in strategically important industries, such as machine tool manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, chemical, energy, etc. This article is devoted to the facility development for multicomponent nanocomposite coatings sputtering. The design and commissioning of such a facility requires a high time and material resources investment. In this regard, it is necessary to use modern computer software systems that allow simulating multiphysics processes that take place during the facility operation. The simulation of the cathode-anode unit was carried out. Based on the simulation results it was shown that it is necessary to take into account the physical processes in the interelectrode region when designing the plasma spraying unit, since the resource of the cathode-electrode unit and the productivity of the sputtering process directly depend on the parameters of the discharge and the resulting plasma jet. Thus, high temperature and current density, as well as the arc spot abrupt movement, lead to increased wear and failure of the copper nozzles. The maximum values of the temperature and velocity of the plasma jet during spraying were 32000 K and 1800 m/s, respectively.
Keywords: plasma spraying, multicomponent nanocomposite coatings, multiphysics processes, mathematical modeling
The problems of the operation of buildings on subsidence soils of the Rostov region are considered. A brief analysis of the methods used to consolidate the soil. Concrete examples of the use of cementation and silicatization of soil bases in the development of reconstruction projects for buildings in the cities of Shakhty and Taganrog, Rostov Region are given. An integrated approach to the choice of technology for fixing the soil base of reconstructed objects is proposed, which provides for the simultaneous consideration of the following factors: - basic physical and mechanical properties of soils; - mineralogical composition of soils; - change in the state of the soil base during the operation of the building (local decompression, erosion, chemical and mechanical suffusion, etc.); - chemical composition and groundwater level, forecast of their change; - terrain, the danger of activation of landslide processes; - the presence of retaining walls and other retaining structures in the zone of influence, assessment of the loads on them in the process of consolidation; - the technical condition of building structures of the building, including its underground part and the blind area; - the status of the reconstructed object. With special care and precaution, it is necessary to choose the technological and design parameters of soil consolidation for cultural heritage sites of federal or regional significance; - technical and economic indicators.
Keywords: subsidence of soils, strengthening of soils, fixing of soils, cementation, silicatization, Geology, construction, cultural heritage object
As a result of the analysis of normative documentation and soil fixing works, a brief historical review of the physicochemical methods of soil fixing was presented. Examples of the application of these methods in Russia and the world are considered.
Keywords: subsidence soils, cementation, soaking, heaps, mudding, subsidence, deformation, pit, soil consolidation
Restoration and strengthening of building structures damaged during operation in conditions of constant soaking and aggressive influence of liquids. On the example of the overhaul of the floor structures of the premises and tunnels of the champagne factory "Abrau-Durso" were shown the most effective and technological ways to strengthen the load-bearing structures.
Keywords: shotcrete, concrete, reinforcement, bearing structures, reinforcement, bearing capacity, shotcrete, reinforcement, corrosion, repair, finishing
The use of benign technologies in the reconstruction of a building that is an object of cultural heritage is analyzed on a concrete example. Conclusions on the use of selected technology
Keywords: cultural heritage, cultural heritage object, preservation of cultural heritage objects, monument, sparing technologies, restoration, soil, consolidation, foundation, foundation, deformation, inspection
The methods of injection fixing the soils of the base under the foundations of cultural heritage are considered. The specific examples show the features of soil consolidation by cementation and silicatization methods. The technological features of soil consolidation, taking into account the material of the foundations and the technical condition of cultural heritage sites are given
Keywords: cementation, silicatization, injector, soil, consolidation, foundation, object of cultural heritage, sediment, subsidence, deformation
The analysis of the projects for securing the soil foundations, which are part of the new construction projects of educational institutions in the Rostov region in 2016-18, is carried out. On the example of the construction of schools in the cities of Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Shakhty, Novocherkassk, Aksai and the village of Chaltyr, the main technical and technological solutions for soil consolidation are considered, depending on the engineering and geological conditions of the construction sites
Keywords: cementation, injector, soil, consolidation, foundation, soil piles, retaining walls, sediment, subsidence, deformation
The results of a survey of the technical condition of the buildings included in the list of objects of the cultural heritage of the Rostov Region are analyzed. Identified features of the foundations of buildings built in the middle of the XIX - early XX centuries. Recommendations are given on the preliminary assessment of the scope of work on the technical survey of foundations and foundations, as well as restorations for similar buildings constructed in the specified period
Keywords: objects of cultural heritage, bases, foundations, inspection of the technical condition of buildings