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  • Search and scoring of feeds of indicators of compromise for industries

    In the article, the authors propose an approach that allows assessing the relevance of using indicators of compromise for a particular industry. The current problems associated with the redundancy of indicators of compromise and the low level of trust in their sources are highlighted. An approach is proposed that allows quantifying the relationship between indicators and the source, as well as scoring sources.

    Keywords: compromise indicator, feed of the compromise indicator, rating of feeds

  • An overview of service tools based on machine learning for writing program source code

    In recent years, the use of various tools based on machine learning in the process of writing the source code of various programs, interfaces, and websites has been gaining momentum. These include programs that help in testing applications, programs that analyze the developer's code, as well as assistant programs that help write code right in the process, predicting and prompting the developer with options for the finished program code. In this article, just the same, such assistant programs will be considered in order to analyze the shortcomings and justify the need to develop functionality in this direction.

    Keywords: source code, machine learning, neural networks, application testing problem, natural language processing

  • Influence of observance of the frame dome-shaped roofs assembly design technology on the quality of the completed object and its service properties

    The article examines the influence of observance of the frame dome-shaped roofs assembly technology on the quality of the completed object. This theme is relevant enough, as the building roofs, constructed in accordance with the aforementioned technology, are often found in modern business clusters. It`s natural that prospective investors are interested in perfect quality and seamless service properties of similar construction object designs. The authors considered features of the frame dome-shaped designs construction and assigned its pros and cons; the review of the technical investigation of one of the shopping centers was conducted with purpose of showing the consequences of inaccurate observance of the specified designs installation technology. Subject to facility technical investigation results, recommendations for the safety operation of dome support structures were given.

    Keywords: steel designs, frame dome-shaped objects, frame dome-shaped roofs installation, technical investigation of frame dome-shaped roofs, spherical sheath imperfections

  • Application of the combined neural network method for web-oriented low-rate DDoS-attack detection

    In this paper we present the method of detecting of low-rate DDoS-attacks on the http-services. A low-rate attack model in the form of a chronological series of events with an additive superposition of attack and normal traffic is used. The task of developing a method of detection of low-rate attacks is formulated as allocation of homogeneous groups (patterns) of the time series, based on pattern recognition models, and the subsequent construction of prediction model for each separate group.

    Keywords: intrusion detection; low-rate attacks; denial of service, artificial neural network; networks security, pattern recognition

  • Application of warehouse equipment for mechanized installation of floor structures during the erections of frame houses with a flat slab

    The article discusses the possibilities of using forklift trucks (stacker-reach trucks) for mechanized installation of dividing walls, when cast-in-place slabs are assembled or manufactured. It is emphasized that in the early 1980s similar equipment that didn’t have a series production, was used in the construction of buildings by the lift-slab method. Some technical characteristics of the old equipment and modern warehouse equipment are compared, the advantages of the modern are revealed. It is noted that the simultaneous use of warehouse equipment on several floors of the erected frame building can lead to a significant reduction in the construction time. It is also indicated that the stacker-reach trucks used at the construction site are multifunctional, since they can not only transport construction cargo but also serve as an auxiliary equipment for safe work at a certain altitude when performing welding operations and fixing joints.

    Keywords: precast and cast-in-situ frame building, mechanized installation of dividing walls, remote site, forklift truck, stacker-reach truck, working site

  • Economic-organizing problems and perspectives of forming of grain distribution logistic system in Russia

    Theoretical-methodological basis of forming of grain distribution logistic system in Russia is considered, modern economic-organizing problems of operation of this system are revealed. Reasons for export developing as perspective line of grain logistic distribution  system in Russia are established.

    Keywords: logistics, logistic system, grain distribution, export

  • The development of the structure of the tools of the analysis dynamic mechanical systems of the class tooth issues

    In persisting article is offered structure and functional composition of the programme modules of the tools of the analysis dynamic mechanical systems of the class tooth issues. In change from existing, proposed programme complex contains the extended composition of the modules. This enables, in particular, check convergence iteration computing processes, way to visualizations of the current importance of the full kinetic energy of the fluctuations of the under investigation mechanical system. The broughted composition each of block of the programme complex, with detailed description of the purpose included modules into them.

    Keywords: The mechanical system, tooth issue, modeling, programme complex, dynamic of the system

  • Analysis of the structure and composition of the control system of technological parameters in the process of recuperation of gasoline

    Consideration of effective many contour of automatic control systems in the process of gasoline recuperation, describes the case for the selected controller primary efficacy (the temperature inside the adsorber)

    Keywords: multicircuit automatic control system, kasadnaya control system, the control system with feedforward compensation,  quality criteria efficiency of automatic control system

  • Experimental research of silicon detector current pulse processing electronic module

    Measurement results of basic characteristics of electronic module based on two specialized analog integrated circuits depending on different square area silicon detectors using source of 239Pu alpha particles is given. Processing of current pulses typically consists to convert them into a voltage by charge sensitive amplifiers and reduce noise by bandpass filters. Earlier for work with avalanche photodiode we have developed, constructed and tested two electronic modules "CRP-MDL-1" and "CRP-MDL-2". During the measurements was investigated spectrometric channel response on exposure to ionizing radiation from a source of alpha particles 239Pu and test input signals, thus we determined basic technical characteristics including energy resolution and noise characteristics. As a result, research found, that the output signal has the following timings: rise time - 1 us (levels of 0.1-0.9), peak time - 1.4 us, fall time - 1.8 us pulse width - 3.5 us. The conversion factor of module working with silicon detector (area of ​​1000 mm2 and a capacity 500 pF) consists about 10.6 mV / fC, or 0.47 V / MeV. Integral nonlinearity of spectrometer path is not worse 0.4% in the range from about 0.1 to 3.2 V. The energy resolution was 89.1 keV line of 5157 keV. The experimental studies revealed that using an external low-noise transistors developed module can be used in the construction of standard radiometric paths. It is appropriate to use the developed design-circuit solutions for implementing 4-channel chip for multi-channel radiometric and spectrometric systems.

    Keywords: silicon detector, charge sensitive amplifier, spectrometer, radiometric system, ionizing radiation

  • The effectiveness of the project production ground works for laying of utilities

    This article is devoted to the consideration of economic, social and urban effect in the co-production work on the laying of utilities. The main results of evaluation of the economic efficiency of the options considered gasket types of utilities.

    Keywords: efficiency, design, evaluation, variance, network engineering, installation

  • Current state of a services sector and tendency of its development (on materials of the Rostov region)

    It is noted that the services sector in the Rostov region isn't always accompanied by due quality and availability. Major factors which will affect dynamics of development of a services sector are defined. Dynamics of volume of paid services in subjects of the Southern federal district is analysed. The conclusion is drawn that the greatest possible ensuring requirements of the population of the region of the Rostov region in services of high level demands the unconditional solution of actual tasks which are also presented in work.  

    Keywords: services sector, tendency, development, quality, dynamics.

  • Electronics module for avalanche photodiode signal readout

    Circuit features of the electronics module for avalanche photodiode signal read-out, created on a basis of the specialized analog IC, are considered. Measurement re-sults of characteristics and noise depending on signal source capacity are given.

    Keywords: avalanche photo diode, readout electronic, charge sensitive amplifier, shaper, electronics module

  • Economic efficiency of phased development of dry ports

    After accession of Russia into the WTO the tasks related to the development of infrastructure have been sharpen. With the growing volume of cargo traffic and the lack of opportunity for the extensive development of the port infrastructure, the alternative of building the dry port can be only feasible, although explicitly the most expensive. Due to this reason the method of gradual development of the dry port which provides significant economic efficiency was addressed in the article.

    Keywords: dry ports, net present value, the efficiency of the investments

  • Application simulation software package ChemCAD in training complex automation systems for the study of distillation units

    When teaching students the basics of automatic control in the food, chemical and petrochemical industries have difficulty with the lack of opportunities for experiments on real objects. This article discusses the possibility of using software modeling complex ChemCAD to study the process of rectification to simulate real object to its mathematical model, to conduct research of static and dynamic regimes, to study the characteristics of various systems of regulation processes.
    Keywords: rectification, ChemCAD, simulation, simulator, automation.


  • Program-logical control distillation columns

    Grocery distillation columns are characterized by fluctuations in the power options settings in a wide range and high quality requirements of the resulting product. Lack of continuous analyzers in a process control loop, making it virtually impossible to implement an autonomous system controlling the composition of the top product. This article focuses on the algorithm and software control logic grocery distillation columns.
    Keywords: ChemCAD, rectification, automation, control, automatic control system.
