The article presents the study of thermal conductivity of a promising building material “Corrugated veneer”, presents the sequence of the study, develops an installation for research, obtains the thermal conductivity coefficients of the material “Corrugated veneer”.
Keywords: wood materials, finishing materials, building materials, board materials, veneer, laminated wood
The paper presents the study of sound conductivity of a promising building material “Corrugated veneer”, the sequence of the study is presented, the installation for the study of sound conductivity is developed, the sound absorption and sound conductivity coefficients of the material “Corrugated veneer” are obtained.
Keywords: wood materials, finishing materials, building materials, board materials, veneer, laminated wood
Utilisation a waste of stone processing in production of other kinds products is an actual task for stone-cutting enterprises. In this study, the possibilities of using basalt dust generated during sawing, grinding and polishing of basalt and related minerals in the manufacture with concrete are studied. Three groups were prepared with different content of basalt dust - 0 %, 5 % and 20 %. After the final hardening performance of the concrete, the compressive strength testing was conducted on the specimens. The results showed that the addition (5%) added basalt dust practically did not reduce the strength ratio practically, the increase of basalt dust content up to 20% caused an average 16% reduction in the strength of the specimens. The fracture character that occurred in the specimens containing basalt dust corresponded to the fracture character that happened to similarly shaped concrete products.
Keywords: concrete, stone waste, strength, basalt
At present time, there are attempts to design and produce forest machines of highly-demanded classes in Russia. The paper evaluates the efficiency of forest machines under identical operating conditions. The analysis showed the possibility of using harvesters and forwarders of joint Belarusian and domestic production for logging works as an alternative to foreign forest machines. Evaluation of proposals revealed advanced Russian and Chinese models of forest machines. The research showed that in our country there are prerequisites for the development of forestry machine-building, while the main problem is the lack of production technologies for the manufacture of modern technological equipment and components. Under these conditions, the evolution of production on the national territory of forest machines and technological equipment without involving domestic or foreign capital and innovative technologies is a difficult task.
Keywords: domestic forest machine building, development prospects, forest machines, production
The high share of manual labor in forestry does not allow solving modern problems facing the Russian forest industry. The introduction of new machines and technologies using the achievements of modern science and technology is required. In order to identify the prospects for the use of robotic systems for solving reforestation problems, existing machines and technologies were studied, the results and experience of using both successful existing solutions and solutions under development were summarized, and, using elements of system analysis, new design solutions were found for the layout of the robotic platform and the landing module to it.
Keywords: reforestation, forest planting, robotic platform, forest module
The development of technical devices in almost all industries is aimed at creating universal devices that allow performing several operations. The forest industry is no exception. The creation of a taxation tool that provides the ability to perform several measuring operations, which is the goal of the work, will increase the efficiency of the taxator while reducing the physical load on him due to the need to have fewer measuring instruments with him. All this indicates the relevance of this work. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were solved in the course of the work, the main of which were: analysis of known designs of taxation instruments, synthesis of new technical solutions for their unification, patenting of a new technical solution. The use of system analysis made it possible to achieve the set goal, to propose a new patentable solution for a taxation device that combines the functions of an altimeter and a full gauge. The approach described in the paper to the creation of new designs of universal taxation devices can be used in teaching engineering creativity to students.
Keywords: full gauge, altimeter, taxation, forestry
mathematical models, optimizing the cost of sorting of wood, provide a rationale for dual-mode operation sorting line woodworking enterprise
Keywords: sorting line, round timber, mathematical models, forest drives
results of studies on ways to improve the tightness of slide gate valves for the main pipeline transport of nuclear power plants, oil and gas industry
Keywords: tightness, the sliding gate valve, pipe fittings, main pipelines
The brief review of patents vectored to the increase of louvre gate in valve’s impermeability is given. The reasons of insufficient impermeability are analyzed and the main technical solutions on its increase are defined
Keywords: impermeability, shut-off pipeline valve, gate, operational indexes
the article shows that recycling is being paid more and more attention in Russia and abroad, as the important factor of resource saving and solutions of ecological problem. It’s mentioned that despite the realized research and certain implementation experience, a lot of problems is still not solved. Special attention’s drawn to the acuteness of the problem of production and consumption waste recycling, the search and implementation of new sci-tech, business and also legislative solutions in this field
Keywords: nuclear energy, production waste, recycling, solid radioactive waste, ecology.
The article suggests improvement of increment borer construction by means of installing a ratchet into its handle. The suggested technical solution will allow increasing the efficiency of work with a borer while taking core of wood.
Keywords: Increment borer, preparatory works of forest logging, tree age, ratchet, core.