Electronics is the most capacious and rapidly developing industry in our country. Modern methods of designing electronic devices are unthinkable without the use of computer technology, in particular, specialized programs for computer analysis and modeling of circuit diagrams of the devices being developed. Intelligence is the key link in electronics at the present stage of its development. This is due to the emergence and widespread adoption of microcircuits such as microcontrollers. This aspect provides fundamentally new opportunities for solving a wide variety of tasks, including tasks of a strategic orientation that require prompt solutions. All this became possible primarily because devices based on a microcontroller require algorithmic and further software, which makes it possible to create intelligent systems and devices. One such device will be discussed in this article. The developed device is a system consisting directly of a control system, an actuating device, which is a decision-making device, a power unit and peripheral devices. The article explains the idea, the principle of operation of the developed device, the structural and schematic diagrams of the developed main blocks of the device, as well as their algorithmic support, which is based on the principle of intelligent control. The developed device is designed to automatically maintain the level of illumination at the level set by the operator in the premises of industrial enterprises.
Keywords: intelligent control, sensor unit, binary code, synchronization circuit, transistor switch, bus driver, optosimistor, control system, actuator, power unit
An urgent scientific and technical task is the development of electric energy converters with high operational and energy characteristics. The use of modern methods for the development and analysis of power electronics circuits based on the use of computer equipment allows us to successfully solve this problem. In this article, a schematic diagram of an alternating voltage regulator has been developed, in which a control system based on a microcontroller implementing an algorithm for pulse-phase regulation of the variable output voltage is used to control a power thyristor key. The control system, a power thyristor key, is synchronized with the moments of transition through zero of the supply voltage of a sinusoidal shape. The controller circuit is adapted for computer modeling in the environment of the PROTEUS software product. In the article, a block diagram is also developed and a software implementation in assembly language of the microcontroller operation algorithm is performed. As a result of computer modeling, time diagrams of voltages on the main elements of the AC voltage regulator circuit are obtained. Time diagrams explain the features of electromagnetic processes occurring in the controller circuit. The results of computer modeling, the controller circuit, the developed algorithm and the microcontroller software can be used in the development of electric energy converters for automatic control systems of electrical equipment.
Keywords: computer simulation, thyristor regulator, alternating voltage, microcontroller operation algorithm, time diagrams, transistor switch, control system, damping circuit, power thyristor, active-inductive load