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  • Implementation of the algorithm for updating the lists of cancelled certificates of the certifying center

    The most important problem in using an electronic signature is updating the lists of revoked certificates. Currently, there is no single solution to automate this process. This paper presents one of the solutions to this problem using the example of integrated use of the capabilities of the operating system, cryptography tools and standard certificate management libraries.

    Keywords: information security, software, lists of revoked certificates

  • Analysis of staffing of information protection units in the subjects of the Russian Federation based on regression modeling

    Regression analysis based on the use of statistical data and their processing by special methods is an effective method of researching and forecasting the number of employees of structural units. In this paper, based on statistical information on 81 regional offices of the Social Fund of Russia, a regression analysis of the staffing of individual information protection divisions was carried out taking into account the total area and population of the regions. It is shown that a number of subjects are understaffed and some of them, on the contrary, are overstaffed.

    Keywords: information protection, regression model, adequacy criteria, forecasting, staffing analysis, information protection units

  • Realization of electronic signature management algorithms

    The use of electronic signatures has recently become widespread and has become an integral part of most business processes. The electronic signature management tools offered by the cryptography vendor are not always able to satisfy all the requests of organizations. In this paper we consider an approach aimed at solving most of the problems of electronic signature management. The essence of the method consists in the combined use of both libraries of the cryptography tools developer and the capabilities of highly specialized libraries for working with cryptography and documents.

    Keywords: software, electronic signature management, stamp, electronic signature visualization, information protection

  • Regression modeling of the staffing of information security units

    An urgent task of many organizations is currently the issue of staffing in the field of information security. And this problem mostly lies in the difficulty of determining the correspondence between functional responsibilities and the norms of working hours for each individual specialist. At the moment, there are no regulatory documents that strictly outline the norms of labor costs for specific functional obligations of specialists, which would give an accurate answer on the quantitative composition of the information protection unit. In this paper, one of the solutions to the problem of constructing a quantitative model describing the number of information security units based on typical indicators of the organization's needs in the field of information security is implemented.

    Keywords: information protection, regression model, model competition, adequacy criteria, forecasting, staffing of information protection units

  • Aggregated nonlinear criterion for assessing software reliability

    The paper discusses a method for constructing a nonlinear software reliability efficiency function. The proposed algorithm is based on the use of information about the values ​​of reliability criteria, as well as some expert judgments. This approach differs significantly from previously proposed models for assessing software reliability, which are based on a probabilistic approach. In the proposed method, in addition to objective information, subjective expert assessments are taken into account, which allows for a more flexible assessment of the reliability of software products.

    Keywords: software reliability, probabilistic models, statistical models, partial performance criteria, linear programming, vector optimization, decision theory

  • Nonlinear regression model of functioning mining and metallurgical company

    The paper describes a multifactorial nonlinear regression model of revenue dynamics of the mining and metallurgical company Severstal, based on retrospective information for 2009-2021. Production volumes by type were used as independent variables: hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheet, galvanized sheet and sheet with other metal coating, rolled products, large diameter pipes, other pipe products and profiles. The criteria of multiple definition and Fisher, as well as the average absolute approximation error, were used as criteria for the adequacy of the model. A model competition was held to select the best regression dependence. As a result, a model is constructed containing inverse transformations of two independent variables in the right part.

    Keywords: regression model, least squares method, adequacy criteria, mining and metallurgical company, revenue, model competition

  • Forecasting flood inundations on the rivers of Siberia using the example of forecasting the water level in the Iya River (Eastern Siberia) based on a multifactor regression model

    In the work, based on the previously constructed multifactor dynamic regression model of water level in the Iya River (Eastern Siberia), the authors forecast this indicator for June 2023 in three options: pessimistic, optimistic and neutral (base). A comparison of the forecasting results with the actual value of the water level confirmed the high adequacy of the model and good prospects for its future successful use to solve a wide range of applied and practical problems.

    Keywords: regression model, river water level, lag time, seasonal variable, forecast, adequacy, criteria

  • Empirical analysis of the predictive properties of the continuous form of the maximum consistency method

    The article studies the possibility of using the continuous form of the maximum consistency method when constructing regression models to calculate the forecast values of the air transport passenger turnover indicator in the Russian Federation. The method under study is compared with classical methods of regression analysis - least squares and moduli. To assess the predictive properties of the methods, the average relative forecast error and the continuous form of the criterion for the consistency of behavior between the calculated and actual values of the dependent variable are used. As a result of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the possibility of using the method under study to solve forecast problems.

    Keywords: least squares method, continuous form of the maximum consistency method, modeling, passenger turnover, air transport, adequacy criteria

  • Developing a Piecewise Linear Regression Model for a Steel Company Using Continuous Form of Maximum Consistency Method

    The paper presents a brief overview of publications describing the experience of using mathematical modeling methods to solve various problems. A multivariate piecewise linear regression model of a steel company was built using the continuous form of the maximum consistency method. To assess the adequacy of the model, the following criteria were used: average relative error of approximation, continuous criterion of consistency of behavior, sum of modules of approximation errors. It is concluded that the resulting model has sufficient accuracy and can be used for forecasting.

    Keywords: mathematical modeling, piecewise linear regression, least modulus method, continuous form of maximum consistency method, steel company

  • Refinement of the regression multifactor model of water level in the Iya River (Eastern Siberia)

    The paper presents a refined regression model of water level dynamics in the Siberian river Iya, which includes six natural factors on the right side (the number of days with precipitation in the Sayan Mountains, average day and night temperatures for the month, the amount of precipitation, snow depth, average atmospheric pressure for the month ) taking into account the delay, as well as a specially generated seasonal variable. The high adequacy of the model is indicated by the values ​​of the criteria of multiple determination, Fisher, and the average relative error of approximation. The constructed model can be effectively used to solve a wide range of forecasting problems.

    Keywords: regression model, river water level, lag time, seasonal variable, forecast

  • Leontief dynamic model with nonlinear predictors for the gross domestic product of Russia

    The paper presents an ordinary and dynamic piecewise linear Leontief model with nonlinear predictors for the gross domestic product of Russia. The following variables are used as independent variables: the number of able-bodied population, retail trade turnover, and capital investment. In the right part of the model, along with the current value of investment volume, its lagged values with a lag of one and two years are included. The average relative error of approximation of each model and the values of the vector of triggers of independent variables were calculated.

    Keywords: Leontief model, nonlinear predictors, gross domestic product, least modulus method, average relative approximation error, vector of triggers, linear-Boolean programming problem

  • The regression modieling the level of Ia river, Irkutsk State

    Analyses for the current publishes show that the problem of forecast water overflowing is actual and often causing a lot health threaten and other dangerouses. This article offers computing, analysis and development the regression model of the level of Ia river. The final model correspont the real data with proper level. The final calculation means that this model could be used for real forecast for defend the people from water's overflow.

    Keywords: model, simulation, river, water level, flood, emergency, forecast, statistics, monitoring, analysis, iya river, Irkutsk region

  • Implementation of a competition for regression models in assessing the amount of social and pension funding

    Social and pension provision are key processes in the activities of any state, and the issues of forecasting expenses for them are among the most important in the economy. The task of evaluating the effectiveness of the pension fund has been solved by various methods, including regression analysis methods. This task is particularly difficult due to the presence of a large number of factors determining the activity of the pension fund, such as: the number of recipients of old-age pensions, the number of policyholders, self-employed policyholders, recipients of benefits, insured persons and working pensioners. As the main approach to the study, the method of implementing a model competition was applied. Those variants that violated the meaningful meaning of the variables and did not fully reflect the behavior of the modeled process were excluded from the resulting set of alternative model options. The final option was selected using the multi-criteria selection method. It is revealed that the use of relative variables is important for qualitative modeling of the studied processes. The above model shows that an increase in the ratio of the number of employers and the self-employed to the number of insured persons leads to a decrease in the cost of financing social and pension provision.The model can be effectively used for short-term forecasting of the total annual volume of financing of the pension fund department in the context of changing social and macroeconomic factors.

    Keywords: pension fund, regression model, model competition, adequacy criteria, forecasting

  • Organization of a competition for regression models of unloading wagons on railway transport

    The paper describes the procedure for conducting a competition for regression models based on statistical data for the East Siberian Railway. At the same time, it is assumed to build a set of additive alternative versions of the model with the subsequent choice of the best option based on the involvement of a number of adequacy criteria. The unloading of wagons is singled out as the output variable of the model, and the input variables are: the average gross weight of a freight train, cases of failures of technical means of the 1st – 2nd category of operational nature, the working fleet of freight wagons. The implementation of the model competition allowed us to build over two hundred alternative options, from which the best alternative was selected using multi-criteria selection methods based in this case on a continuous criterion of consistency of behavior.

    Keywords: railway transport, mathematical model, regression analysis, least squares method, model competition, adequacy criteria, multi-criteria selection

  • Application of expert data in the construction of a regression model for assessing the level of security of information carriers

    A review of publications by Russian and foreign researchers on the issues of modeling the process of assessing the degree of security of individual components of an informatization object (automated system) is presented. The main factors influencing the level of security are analyzed. The types of objects of unauthorized influence are given. The choice of the “information carrier” as the main generalized object and the list of actual threats to it are substantiated, their brief analysis is given. As the output (dependent) variable of the developed regression model, the level of information carrier security is determined. The input (independent) variables are the degree of danger of threats: illegal access to protected information; unauthorized copying of protected information; overcoming physical protection; loss of carriers of information. The developed model has the form of a regression equation and can be used to predict the level of security of information carriers.

    Keywords: information security, informatization object, automated system, information carriers, information security threats, security level, regression model, expert information, adequacy criteria