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+7 961 270-60-01

  • Planning structure and security of buildings of foreign embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions

    Abstract. The article examines the spatial planning solutions of buildings of foreign embassies from the point of view of general security, access control, protection from terrorist acts and other types of criminal encroachments. The relevance of the work is increasing as public safety in general and the growing tension in international relations become increasingly important. The main goal is to study architectural solutions, dividing the planning structure by access levels and identifying the most characteristic protective means used by designers. The object of the study is the buildings of embassies, the subject is their layout and functional zoning. As a research method, an analysis of modern buildings is carried out, divided into groups depending on the planning organization and volumetric structure. The examples demonstrate exactly how a volumetric structure can meet security requirements, how architectural techniques for separating human flows, restricting and controlling access, and others are used.

    Keywords: consulate, security, surveillance, planning, atrium, anti-terrorism, embassy, ​​architecture, control, protection

  • Development of architectural and planning techniques in penitentiary architecture

    This study will examine the historical formation of the architecture of places of detention. The author gives space to the volumetric and planning transformation of prisons, examines the history of their emergence in stages and reveals the connection of these changes with the changes in the state and society as a whole. The study deals with the issues of restraint of freedom from inside and outside the penitentiary institutions, and partially touches upon the connection between fortification and penitentiary institutions in the sense of the continuity of the urban, architectural and landscape planning techniques of defence used. The study also presents examples of modern layouts; the types of layouts and the architectural means and techniques used in them to create a safe and comfortable environment are summarised in a table as material for analysis. In addition, as the results of the study, the main issues and directions of further development of prison architecture are indicated, and the author proposes models of optimal architectural and planning organisation in terms of security, surveillance and access control.

    Keywords: security, prisons, penitentiary architecture, architecture, detention centres, design