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  • Rural estate construction of Russian landowners Kazan province

    Based on statistical processing of various archival data on estate construction by rural landowners of the Kazan province, general information on the number of settlements where estates were built was collected, and the main periods of development and dynamics of this phenomenon for the period from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century were identified. As a result of the study, materials were obtained on 438 settlements where landowners' real estate objects were identified. The specified data were summarized in a single table divided into four main periods: from 1557 to 1650 - the beginning of the development period; from 1651 to 1803 - the period of formation of the main territorial groups; from 1804 to 1875 - the period of the most intensive development; from 1876 to 1918 - the period of stabilization and transition to liquidation. These periods made it possible to identify 70 settlements actively involved in estate construction by landowners for more than 200 years.

    Keywords: development dynamics, estate construction, landowners, Kazan province, quantitative indicators, periods of existence

  • Organization of construction fortresses in the post-Golden Horde khanates

    Defensive structures of the Middle Ages were (and are) unique objects both in historical, architectural, and engineering terms. They intertwine the eras of many peoples and ethnic groups. Their development was influenced by a large number of factors. Their detailed analysis is the purpose of this work.

    Keywords: defensive structures, architecture, fortress, construction, architectural appearance, stages of development, Kazan yurt

  • The use of analytical methods in the study of pile foundations of historical and cultural heritage sites

    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that historical areas of cities and individual buildings that are objects of historical and architectural heritage were once built on pile foundations. Until the beginning of the 20th century, wooden elements, usually up to 9.0 m long, were laid as piles at the base of buildings and structures, which over a long period of operation received defects and damage in the form of damage by soft rot up to the complete destruction of the heads. The purpose of the work is to study the stress-strain state of the pile foundation at successive stages of development of defects and damage. The work systematizes the results of examinations of wooden piles and other elements located in the ground for a long time; laboratory studies of the actual operation of piles in water-saturated silt-clay soils were carried out. The results of field and laboratory studies are included in the calculation apparatus implemented by the finite element method in an elastoplastic formulation. The authors showed the actual operation of pile foundations of historical and architectural heritage objects at successive stages of pile damage and obtained a calculation model at the stage of complete destruction of the pile heads. Laboratory and theoretical studies have shown that in the modern practice of preserving objects of historical and architectural heritage, there is a vicious practice, which consists in the fact that they often strengthen the foundations in cases where there is no need for this, and sometimes it is even harmful.

    Keywords: cultural heritage sites, artificial foundations, piles, wood, water-saturated soils, structures, technical expertise

  • The conditions and factors that influenced the development of the architecture of defensive structures of the Kazan yurt in the XV-XVI centuries

    The defensive structures of the Kazan yurt are unique in both historical and architecturally objects. The era of many peoples and ethnic groups intertwined in them. Their development was influenced by a large number of factors. Their detailed analysis is the purpose of this work.

    Keywords: defensive structures, architecture, fortress, construction, architectural appearance, stages of development, Kazan yurt