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  • Development of a mathematical model for optimizing the divergence of an acoustic beam of a single-channel acousto-optic correlator

    The influence of the diffraction divergence of an acoustic beam on the characteristics of a single-channel acousto-optic correlator (AOC) is considered. A mathematical model is being developed to optimize the divergence of the acoustic beam of a single-channel acousto-optic correlator. It is shown that it boils down to amplitude and phase modulation of the pulse response of the device, and the nature of the parasitic modulation turns out to be invariant to the type of the correlator reference signal. As a result of numerical calculations, dependences were obtained that allow us to quantify the effect of diffraction divergence on the operation of the ACS. Methods of compensation for parasitic modulation are proposed, which makes it possible to improve the functionality of acousto-optic correlators.

    Keywords: diffraction divergence of an acoustic beam, mathematical model of an acousto-optic correlator, ultrasonic light modulator, electroacoustic transducer, reference transparency

  • Numerical simulation to test the wind shear detection mode in radar signal simulators for airborne radars

    To check the efficiency and correctness of the implementation of primary and secondary signal processing algorithms in onboard radar systems for Arctic purposes in the functional tasks of detecting weather conditions that are potentially hazardous to flight, it is advisable to use numerical modeling of radar signal simulators. This is due to the fact that during preliminary tests under adverse weather conditions there is a potential danger of losing control over the flight of the radar carrier, especially in the case of developing unmanned aircraft platforms. In addition, there are very rare weather phenomena, such as wind shear, the detection of which during tests is an unlikely event. All this leads to the fact that the development and debugging of onboard radars for low-altitude carriers that solve the problem of meteorological navigation during flight, it is advisable to carry out the method of semi-naturalistic modeling, using databases for the formation of reflected signals that contain a set of initial parameters that allow imitation either in real time or according to a pre-planned flight scenario and a prepared special set of signal signature records. This article proposes an algorithm for working with a database and subsequent numerical modeling, which allows estimating the necessary spectral components of signal signatures for a pulse-Doppler radar that estimates the radial component of wind speed in each resolution element, which is used for further calculation of the F-factor of wind shear hazard.

    Keywords: airborne radar, database, simulation, numerical modeling, meteorological navigation, Arctic, wind shear

  • Development of a numerical method for assessing the energy requirements for airborne radars for weather navigation in polar latitudes

    A new numerical method for calculating weather conditions has been developed for airborne radar systems for Arctic purposes. Based on the numerical method obtained in the study, software was developed that takes into account various models of electromagnetic wave propagation in various weather conditions. The results of calculations for estimating the detection range of dangerous weather conditions are presented. This assessment indicates that the threshold for detecting adverse weather conditions can be reduced. The basis for lowering the threshold without deteriorating the resulting probabilities of correct detection and false alarm is the fact that the occurrence of cases of false detection is possible only when a certain total extent of difficult weather conditions is reached, which can already be considered dangerous for the flight. The features of the formation of reflected signals from Arctic rain clouds, turbulence over a snowy desert and wind shear are considered. It is shown that all of them are characterized by lower radar reflectivity, therefore the resulting detection ranges are less than those that can be obtained at more southern latitudes, but at the same time they are sufficient for the navigation of UAVs or small aircraft.

    Keywords: airborne radar, numerical methods for assessing weather conditions, weather navigation in polar latitudes, UAV navigation, hazardous weather formation

  • Using virtualization on the software package of virtualization tools “Brest” for teaching information security methods

    In the field of information security (IS), virtual simulation technology is used in many areas, its value has been proven and attracts the attention of many specialists in this field. Virtual modeling is widely implemented in information systems (IS) and plays an important role in IS research on big data platforms. The purpose of this work is to study and solve the problem of the lack of experimental environment for information security technologies in universities and colleges. After understanding the main points, a training research project was carried out using extensive use of virtual IS models. As a result of empirical analysis, the authors came to the conclusion that a platform for simulating a virtual experiment can solve the problem of developing professional competencies among students in the field of information security, increase students' interest in information security technologies and achieve the educational goal of developing an independent innovative spirit and practical skills among students. To implement the test system, software packages of BREST virtualization tools were used, installed on physical servers with the Astra Linux SE operating system.

    Keywords: information security, virtualization, software package of virtualization tools “BREST”, Astra Linux SE operating system, training of information security specialists

  • Advantages and disadvantages of using personal mobile devices in financial institutions

    This article discusses information system vulnerabilities associated with the use of personal mobile devices in financial services companies. The recommendations of this study will help to understand the importance of formulating an information security policy in this situation. The use of personal devices by employees has become commonplace in the workplace due to the increased reliance of business processes on Internet-based services and advances in technology. The organization benefits from the fact that employees buy, use their own devices, thus, the organization reduces the cost of providing employees with computer equipment and software for workplaces. However, a company can suffer huge losses if the use and connection of personal devices to the company's information technology infrastructure is not regulated and controlled. Hacking personal devices by intruders allows you to gain unauthorized access to the assets of information systems. Financial institutions handle highly sensitive information, which makes them more vulnerable when using personal devices. A qualitative research method was conducted with specially selected participants working in the information security departments of financial institutions. The study revealed the lack of an information security policy regarding personal devices and the use of an unlimited number of such devices by employees.

    Keywords: personal mobile devices, information security, unauthorized access, vulnerabilities, cyber attack

  • Analysis of methods for determining the center of gravity of an aircraft during various flight modes

    Methods for determining the position of the center of gravity and the static stability margin of an aircraft in flight are considered. Based on the analysis of the motion of an aircraft as a rigid body, possible methods for determining the position of the center of gravity are determined and their errors are calculated. Comparison of the errors of various methods made it possible to conclude that it is expedient to use a method based on the use of information on the fuel reserve.

    Keywords: center of gravity, moments of inertia of the aircraft, free vibrations, fuel consumption

  • Modeling the position of the aircraft center of gravity in various flight modes

    The article is devoted to the development of numerical methods for determining the position of the center of gravity and the static stability margin of an aircraft in flight. To perform the calculations, a number of mathematical models were developed. Based on the analysis of the motion of an aircraft as a rigid body, numerical methods for determining the position of the center of gravity are synthesized and their errors are calculated. Comparison of the errors of various methods made it possible to conclude that it is expedient to use a method based on the use of information on the fuel reserve.

    Keywords: simulation of the position of the center of gravity, numerical analysis of the position of the center of gravity, moments of inertia of the aircraft, free oscillations, fuel consumption.

  • Physical foundations and results of the study of absorption in thin films of germanium doped with silicon

    Theoretical relations are presented that serve to estimate the absorbing properties of thin optical films using functions that determine the envelopes of interference extrema in the transmission spectrum of a thin optical film on a plane-parallel transparent substrate, as well as the experimental results of estimating infrared losses in Ge films doped with Si.

    Keywords: interference, absorption, optics, film, refractive index

  • Application of relativistic theory in rocket dynamics

    In this work, the basic relations of relativistic rocket dynamics in the case of a multicomponent jet jet are obtained and investigated. Various types of relativistic rockets with a single-component jet jet are considered as special cases of the general theory. The limiting transition to nonrelativistic rocket dynamics has been made.

    Keywords: relativistic dynamics, multicomponent jet stream, ion engine, photon rocket