The analysis of the use of a private car fleet owned by a large number of owners, which was previously in the hands of a single carrier, was performed. The results of the analysis showed that there are cases when the owners of rolling stock, regardless of the carrier's capabilities, send their empty cars in the opposite direction, which reduces the carrying capacity of the railway and leads to losses. To increase the interaction between the carrier and the operator, it is proposed to create a commercial dispatch circle as part of the traffic control center of the traffic management Directorate. The dispatcher of this division provides round-the-clock control over the progress of the operator's (customer's) cars on the road polygon in accordance with the application submitted by them, from the moment of receipt at the inter-road junctions to their arrival and submission for unloading on the way of General and non-public use of consignees at the destination station. The proposed measures help to increase the productivity of cars, reduce their working fleet, operating costs and the cost of transporting goods. The efficiency of the dispatch circle is determined.
Keywords: private fleet of cars, oncoming traffic of empty cars, additional load on infrastructure, infrastructure restrictions, creation of a dispatching circle of commercial dispatching, increased interaction, efficiency of cargo transportation
The analysis of the organization of passenger transportation in long-distance traffic in the direction of Center-South. It is known that the transportation of passenger and freight trains on the Russian railway network is carried out on the same tracks, and the dynamics of their growth is ahead of the development of the capacity and carrying capacity of the railway direction in question. In this regard, foreign and Russian experience in the development of growing volumes of passenger and cargo transportation in conditions of infrastructure constraints was studied. The measures of step-by-step development of high-speed and high-speed movement of passenger trains are proposed. The technique of calculation of efficiency of the organization of the considered types of movement of passenger trains on the direction Center-South is resulted.
Keywords: passenger transportation, prospective volumes, infrastructure constraints, methods of development, high-speed transportation, efficiency of high-speed traffic
Abstract: The analysis of the operational work of the district station Salsk in terms of increasing the volume of freight traffic in the direction of Kotelnikovo-Tikhoretskaya-9km.Developed measures to promote the development of infrastructure and improve the technology of the station and ensure the passage of the growing volume of freight trains. The estimation of the economic efficiency of the station in the conditions of implementation of the proposed measures.
Keywords: Key words: station, analysis of work, capacity, problems, activities, technology, economic efficiency
Abstract: the results of the analysis of existing and projected volumes of export cargo transportation in the freight-stressed areas of the Russian railway network to the ports of Azov-the black sea basin are Presented. It is established that the growth of traffic ahead of the development of the transport capacity of the studied railway directions. In this regard, foreign and Russian experience in the development of growing volumes of cargo transportation in terms of infrastructure constraints due to the organization of heavy train traffic has been studied. The measures of development of heavy traffic of trains are offered. The method of calculation of efficiency of the organization of heavy traffic on one of sites of the North Caucasian railroad is given.
Keywords: Key words: export transportation, perspective volumes, infrastructure restrictions, ways of elimination, efficiency of heavy traffic