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  • Mathematical model uncertainties management systems and methods used for their research

    Describes the mathematical model uncertainties of the most common in systems of automatic control. The methods of research of automatic control systems in the presence of uncertainties, allowing to reach the target of control.

    Keywords: mathematical models, uncertainty management systems, methods of research, robust stability, interval methods

  • A New Hybrid Table/Analytical Approach to MOSFET Modeling for Cryogenic Technologies

    In this paper, a new simple and accurate hybrid table/analytical model of the MOSFET drain current based on the interpolation of table parameters is proposed. This new hybrid table model has an accuracy similar to the pure table models but requires no complex parameter extraction. The drain current in the hybrid model is calculated as the product of the analytical model current and the correction factor approximated by two-dimensional series.

    Keywords: MOS-transistor, MOSFET parameters, cryogenic temperature, parametric identification

  • Adjusting characteristics of the planetary generator of the moment

    In article dependences of resistance are investigated on drove the planetary mechanism from the operating moment on the central wheel. The hypothesis about active and jet components of mechanical resistance is offered in compliance with a method of electromechanical analogies. Results of pilot studies of the adjusting characteristic of the generator of the moment confirming theoretical provisions are presented.

    Keywords: moment generator, adjusting characteristic, electromechanical analogies, jet resistance

  • Prospects for the use of genre classification of Web documents in search engines

    The paper discusses possible options for the use of genre classification results of Web documents in search engines. The proposed methods can improve the quality of search engines.

    Keywords: Web document classification, text documents, search engines, search engine results page, search quality, diversity

  • Experimental investiganios of deformation and fracture of plates at repeated impact loading.

    The paper describes the experimental complex designed for impact testing of thin-walled structural elements, as well as the results of experiments on one-time and repeated impact deformation of square plates. The experimental complex uses an induction-dynamic motor as loading device, which allows to conduct repeated impact loading. Impact test were done on thin square steel hinged plates. The time variation of strain components were determined by use of strain gauges and analog-digital converter connected to PC. Experiments on repeated impact loading show that averaged number of cycles to plate's punching is equal to 79 cycles, which coincides to low-cycle area.

    Keywords: impact, deformation, fracture, thin-walled structures, plate. Experimental investigations

  • Improvement of the provision of public social services

    Determined the relationship of the provision of public соцальных services, the system of state administration and administrative reform. Is an advanced version of the stages of administrative reform, with the purpose of revealing in her place and role of public social services. The analysis of the stages shown that it was decided to many of the tasks set in the field of improvement of the provision of public social services, but still enough problems still remain unresolved. The authors have identified problems in this sphere of scientific interest.

    Keywords: state social service, the system of state management, administrative reform, the problem of providing public services

  • Influence of liquid and firm azotn-phosphorus fertilizers on productivity and quality of grain after neparolvy predecessors

    This article represents results of researches of efficiency of plants in the winter of wheat at introduction of different types of fertilizers, their combinations, dosages on the main backgrounds of the Priazovsky zone Rostov to acquire – winter wheat, sunflower and peas. 

    Keywords: Winter wheat, peas, sunflower, KAS, ammoniac saltpeter, carbamide, ZhKU, productivity, quality

  • Superfine mist collection in the electrostatic precipitator

    The article presents the results of experimental research of the fine mist collection in the electrostatic presipitator.The data confirm the high efficiency of electric cleaning in point of oil mist

    Keywords: gas dust cleaning, electrostatic precipitator, mist collection, collection efficiency, metal-working

  • The system of automated construction of the social network graph

    To analyze social network graph effectively one needs a web-based tool, to parse network data automatically. In the first part of the paper we descibe a structre of the data we gain, including who comments whom information. Then we explain usage of Drupal CMF with Feeds module to parse network data and save it to database. The data obtained consist of name of the comment author, date posted, journal author, comment text, title of the comment. Prepared graph can be exported for further use.

    Keywords: social network graph, web-page parser, drupal cmf, feeds module, comments importer, comments graph

  • The development strategy of the company in the context of the dynamics of its property

    The paper discusses options for building enterprise development strategies and formulation of strategic accounting of property on the basis of the strategies. Strategic Property records organized using tools accounting engineering, allowing to determine a reasonable estimate of the property on a date distributions and dynamics

    Keywords: strategic development, strategic account ownership, accounting tools engineering, dynamics of Ownership

  • Recovery of impulse signals in cable lines

    The most effective solutions for recovery of impulse signals in dispersing cable lines can be perfomed on the base of heterojunction SiGe BiCMOS technology and are based on combining in one IC high-frequensy analog blocks on heterojunction bipolar transistors and control unit and adaptive correction of parameters on the base of CMOS transistors. Equalizer chip with adaptive correction of parameters provides hidh quality of recovery of signals with smallest costs for tuning and adjustment of cable lines.

    Keywords: equalizer, recovery of signals, heterojunction bipolar transistors

  • Geo-ecological consequences of drawdown- suffusion processes

    The research of the proluvial and eluvial-diluvial loess-like loams with wide distribution in the Kuban plain was conducted. In this work the properties of the collapsible loess soils, which developed the processes that lead deformation of the engineering structures, violation of planning fields, to their water logging, etc, was considered. The analysis of subsidence processes, their origins and causes activation is provided. The link between subsidence and suffusion processes was conditioned. It is proved that the subsidence processes significantly affect the safety and population’s comfort living. The issues about the regime observations of these processes are raised.

    Keywords: Drawdown, suffusion, soil, loess material, geodynamics, geo-ecology.

  • Sylvinite ore desliming under ultrasonic treatment

    The process of sylvinite ores desliming with ultrasonic treatment is considered. The influence of frequency, intensity and duration of impact to the insoluble rest removal efficiency of sylvinite ores crystals is defined. The optimum mode of sylvinite ores desliming with ultrasonic treatment is established.

    Keywords: desliming, desliming degree, sylvinite ore, ultrasonic treatment, insoluble rest

  • On the interrelation between preparatory and main works in forest harvesting

    The article considers the questions of interrelation between preparatory and main works in forest harvesting. It also examines a method of monitoring of their effectiveness with the use of geographic information systems considering the evaluation of forest offence during these works. 

    Keywords: organization of forest management, forest offence, geographic information system, preparatory works, forest logging

  • The management peculiarity of submerging land resources of the south Russia

    This article is dedicated to the land’s resources management, exposing to drawing and flooding as a result of water level lifting in reservoirs and rivers during the floods and heavy showers. The dangerous nature processes inflict great damage to environment, so they need identical administrative decisions.

    Keywords: Land’s resources, damage, management of land’s resources.

  • From the history of the land relations

    Short digression to history of the ground relations of Russia, including Kabarda and Balkariya is given in the various periods of their development. The main acts on regulation of ground transformations at 19-20 eyelids are analyzed. The author's assessment of carried-out reforms is given.

    Keywords: history, the agrarian reform, serfdom, [volnootpushcheniya], Warks, princes, the land bank

  • Economic aspects of food supply in the KBR.

    Reviews the current state of food security in Kabardino Balkaria

    Keywords: food security in the region, the structure of the food processing industry, the consumption of major food

  • The direction of development of the food system at the regional level

    The main directions of regional impact on the solution of a question of food supply of the population of the region are considered from the local regional budget.targets of a diversification of management are presented by innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

    Keywords: food supply of the region, measure of regulation of food supply, structure of actions for regulation of food supply by local authorities

  • High-frequency active filter units mixed SoC based on a current amplifier

    The paper shows the feasibility of using a current amplifier in the filters RF and microwave ranges. By analyzing the basic structure of the second-order level sufficient conditions for the efficient use of active elements. The examples of methodological nature and formulated conclusions of practical importance.

    Keywords: RF filter, microwave filter, parametric sensitivity, current amplifiers, functional modeline setting

  • Hardware to store large data volumes

    One of the problems when storing large amounts of data is a rational choice of media. In this paper we evaluated the possibility of using magnetic tape, CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs, hard disk drives, drives to flash memory (SSD) for storage of large volumes of data with respect to reliability, performance,.cost and high-speed storage. The analysis showed that solid state drives can be used in case of the need for ultra-fast access to live data. The hard disk drive can be used as primary storage devices for storing operational data. DVD and Blu-ray library can be used for archival storage medium volumes (tens of terabytes). Tape libraries can be used to store very large volumes of data (terabytes or more). The lowest cost of storing 1 GB of data is $ 0.03 when you use tape libraries. The most expensive storage 1 GB solid state drive ($ 0.85).

    Keywords: storage devices, data storage, storage drive

  • Development of generator of random numbers on the points of the elliptic curve

    The article is about generators of random numbers (GPN) constructed on points of an elliptic curve and algorithms of development irreducible polynomials over prime fields. It describes their advantages and main features. The authors analyzes the algorithm of development GPN constructed on points of an elliptic curve with using irreducible polynomials of degree three over finite fields. In this approach, calculations were made in the system of residual classes. According to the results of computer simulation shows the advantages of algorithm in speed and security of a cryptosystem.

    Keywords: the generator of pseudo-random numbers, elliptic curve, system of residual classes, cryptographic security, irreducible polynomials

  • Synthesis interpolation algorithm line segment for planning trajectory of confluent two-tier mechanism

    Considered original interpolation method of the working tool path using confluent two-unit manipulator. This method is based on the separation of the links on the master and slave and the use of polar coordinates to determine the incremental rotation of angle units. It is adapted for use calculating hardware with floating point.

    Keywords: two-tier mechanism, circular interpolation, the kinematic model, floating point operations, the static accuracy of interpolation

  • Interactive means of ensuring the operational efficiency of household refrigeration appliances

    Article is devoted to development and use of three classes of the interactive electronic technical managements for household refrigerating appliances. In article, the material in which recommendations about use of the interactive electronic technical managements, as interactive means of ensuring of operational efficiency of household refrigerating appliances are made, at carrying out repair or diagnostic work is prepared.

    Keywords: efficiency assessment, operational efficiency, household refrigerating appliance, interactive electronic technical managements

  • Propagation of acoustic waves in underground water pipelines

    In operation the case of distribution of an ultrasonic wave in a water pipe located in the dense ground and subject to activity of radial pressure of a ground is viewed.

    Keywords: acoustics, monitoring, ground, distribution, wave, water pipe

  • Propagation of acoustic waves in the of water closed structure at the interface

    In operation the case when the cylindrical pipe is not completely filled by water is viewed, the ultrasonic radiator is located on a shell of a water pipe. It is shown, that for the given case, it is expedient to view the symmetrical and assymetric modes of distribution of an ultrasonic wave.

    Keywords: acoustics, emitter, wave, water pipe