Solid waste management is one of the most important and complex international issues. Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don has developed a new strategy for the creation of a system of waste recycling. For its success must enter a single system to manage solid waste using geographic information systems. This problem has become more important due to the increased amount of waste, complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the problem. Rapid globalization and urbanization have increased the number of solid waste, which is currently in landfills in many countries. Emissions and leaching of chemicals or toxic substances into groundwater leads to environmental pollution. In recent years, a growing scale of environmental degradation has led to the formulation of numerous initiatives, conventions and conferences, and stringent laws and statutes throughout the world.
Keywords: Municipal solid waste management, GIS-technologies, Sustainable development, Separate collection, Recycling
The article considers the methodological approaches tо the definition of risk assessment of occupational risk,taking into account the analysis of occupational morbidity and class working conditions for individual professional groups.
Keywords: professional risk, analysis,evaluation,methodology,an integral indicator
The historical facts of the collection and disposal of garbage in cities. Due to the significant increase in the volume of waste, existing methods of disposal have been ineffective. A new approach that can solve the problem, a «Zero Waste». Widespread dissemination of «Zero Waste» assumes the responsibility of manufacturers, environmentally friendly design, reduction of waste, reuse and recycle - all within a single approach. With the dual system in Germany - Duales System Deutschland DSD new strategy of economic activities in the area of waste, the purpose of which is the careful use and conservation of natural resources (ie, closed-loop strategy of economic activity).
Keywords: solid waste, garbage, recycling, packaging, zero waste
The paper was presented one of the major classification schemes of software reliability models. Consider other possible classification scheme, their relationship and interconnectivity. Studied most frequent methods and factors of software reliability. Shows the formula for calculating the reliability of some models.
Keywords: software reliability models, classification models of software reliability, software reliability factors, the formula for calculating the reliability of software
In the article consideres aspects of ground resources rational usage and estimation. There are unique properties of ground resources, division of ground fund on categories. Schematically shown control system of lands rational usage.
Keywords: Settlement, ground resources, estimation, ecological-economic aspects
The article considers the methodological issues of the economic assessment of damage from pollution, the difficulty of obtaining an objective assessment of the damage. Given shape ecosystem resilience to external influences as carrying capacity of the environment to the ejection of matter and energy into the environment as a result of economic activity. Carrying capacity of the environment is considered as a kind of natural resource potential of the rationale for the development of economic evaluation of the carrying capacity of a natural resource. The basic problems of economic evaluation of the implementation of the carrying capacity.
Keywords: Carrying capacity built-up areas, the economic carrying capacity assessment, the economic damage from pollution, ecosystem, the problem of realization of economic carrying capacity assessment
This article is related to technological problems of cavities with kamufletnyh explosions, during which the temperature in the cavity greatly exceeds the initial temperature of the array. Often these cavities are created in an array of rock salt. Because the salt even at light loads demonstrate expressive flow properties, it is interesting solution to the problem of creep salt massif with a cavity under the action of a force (pressure inside the cavity and the pressure of the soil), and thermal loads.
Keywords: heterogeneity, creep, highly elastic deformation, hydrochloric array coupling equation, the integral relations
This article related to the technological problem. Books and manuscripts are subjected to natural aging due to the fragility of the raw materials, the deterioration of the conditions of storage, as well as losses of fragments due to repeated or careless operation. Therefore, for libraries, archives and museums is particularly important in matters of preservation of documents not only the process of conservation, but the recovery of the lost fragments.
Keywords: technology, restoration, conservation, listodolivochnye machines, vacuum table, the machine for making pulp
The article is devoted to impact trucking companies, as municipal facilities, the surrounding urban environment. It looks at the technology of the core processes of companies, in terms of the negative impact on the ecosystem components. Based on the analysis of the physical model of the process of air pollution and the physical model to reduce pollution.
Keywords: municipal services, transport enterprises, pollutants, aerosols, eco-efficiency, environmental safety
The article deals with the calculation and justification of fire distances (gaps) between the buildings in built up areas on the basis of the model. The automated system can be run in automated preparation of design documentation AutoCAD programming language Visual C + +, the technology ObjectARX.
Keywords: fire breaks, modeling, system AutoCAD, ObjectARX technology
Formulating the basic calculating method for reinforced concrete structures based on common physical signs. There are prerequisites for the developed method.
Keywords: reinforced concrete pillar, the method of calculation, stress, Chart Options.
"The results of the computational experiment, Show, that the dependence of the relatively carrying capacity on the relatively eccentricity is almost independent on the reinforcement Ratio or on and concrete type. "
Keywords: High- Strong concrete, self-compacting concrete, modulus of elasticity, column.
Contract type of regulation of relations ensures the high quality of the transaction operations only in the event of development of market of means of control of the relationship. Such instruments in the first place should include a sufficient number of intermediaries in the commodity markets, the development of information and communication infrastructures, availability of the enterprises of specialized services and units on the implementation of the construction products and the purchase of material and technical resources. Their action leads to high competitiveness of the market of construction products, but with the lack of development of quality of interaction can be achieved through organizational factors through the implementation of certain models of the construction cluster.
Keywords: cluster competitiveness, small business, structure of the interaction, the method of organization
"The increased in fertility from 2000 for the last 8 years have seen the positive dynamics of preschool educational institutions, while maintaining the number of institutions themselves. In the short term, the number of children in need of day care centers will only increase. And even with the stabilization of population reproduction rates burden on the existing network is much higher than standard level. Even with the current share of children enrolled in preschool education, in short and medium term need to create additional places and building new kindergartens. "
Keywords: Sustainable development, city-planning and ecological substantiation, needs of the population in kindergarten, service area, expert Systems, geological and ecological risks, geoinformational techonologies, Green building certification
The article examines evolution of the ideas about the main goal of enterprise activity from the profit maximization to the value maximization for all stakeholders. The conception of controlling is examined. The need of controlling adoption in integrated business groups is substantiated.
Keywords: restructuring, controlling, conception, value-oriented management, integrated business group
Questions of decrease in an expense of materials and work expenses are considered at the device of the bases reinforced by elements of increased rigidity.
Keywords: reinforcing elements, prosadochny soil, strengthening of the bases
The problem of a radial compressive stress in the sample to assess their impact on the parameters of these stresses pressing indentors
Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive
We consider the problem of pressing a conical indenter in pre-compressed radial force elastoplastic medium. The influence of the initial stresses on the parameters of the indentation.
Keywords: Diagnostics, resource efficiency, mechanical properties, strength, ductility, hardness, toughness, nondestructive testing, destructive
"Current economic problems in the sphere of human environmental organization led to the birth of synthetic science - architectural ecology. Task of energy efficiency and alternative energy sources use in the condition of ecological balance of environment created demand for energy-efficient building design. The search of new approaches and energy-efficient technologies proceeds in two mutually compatible directions: energy-efficient and energy-active homes. Complex approach to the ecological and energy problems solution considering all direction differences. architecture, energy-efficient buildings, energy efficiency, energy-efficient technologies, energy-efficient homes, energy-active homes. "
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The basic problem of fires at various locations due to power surges, electrical network, modern technical ways to protect electrical equipment from power surges, electrical outlet and are encouraged to develop a device that allows fundamentally solve the problem.
Keywords: Power surges, electrical network, fire, device.
In deciding on the role of professional and applied physical training must be based on needs and goals dvinatelnoy activity Occupational Health professionals have devoted themselves to their profession, many godv, and given the state of the physical fitness of students enrolled in higher education institutions and economic profile similar to it. These two aspects are interrelated and constitute a single process.
Keywords: Physical education, physical abilities, motor activity, manufacturing operations
Engineering networks in the Rostov region are strongly worn-out. The main objective of a solution is construction, reconstruction or modernization of engineering networks of the Rostov region. Association of efforts of spheres of housing and communal services and telecommunication systems, will allow to solve a number of the main objectives of a considered problem. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare a complex of the organizational and technological actions which have been directly connected with works on joint laying of engineering networks and telecommunication systems.
Keywords: Organization, Decision, Joint laying, Construction, Reconstruction
This paper presents a method for calculating the spread for the generalized (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares. A brief description of the relevance of tasks, related to the calculation of market value of derivative of assets and concomitant calculations. Substantiate the use of Martingale ideology in studies of financial markets. Describes the essence of the generalized model (B, S)-market in case of buying up shares, as well as the principle of calculating of upper and lower value of the option-call European type.
Keywords: financial market, option, spread, model completeness, arbitration, financial strategy, the model of Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, financial liability, the martingale
"The paper presents the solids control dust. Powered device for solids control dust and gas flow. The advantage of this device is that the air flow is not introduced sensor, distorts the parameters of the air flow. The necessary circuit device, and the necessary formulas for the calculation. "
Keywords: Air flow, dust-gas flow, solids, piezoelectric transducer, vibration, tailing.
The modern concept of the health and vitality of the population based on the basis of education and active recovery, primarily children, teenagers and students. These objectives are clearly presented in the curriculum of physical culture, their implementation is the development of physical culture of personality, sotsiolizatsii, helps maintain a healthy lifestyle (no nicotine, alcohol, and drugs). All this is in the interest of v modern state, society and the individual.
Keywords: The concept of maintaining health, physical culture, identity, socialization, healthy living, non-drug measures to strengthen the viability of the organism.