АнглийскийПеревести вGoogleBingThis article is devoted to the development of suhodolnyh pits in the permafrost zone. For the development of fields in the Arctic requires a large amount of sand for engineering training close to roads, well pads, sites for the installation of complex gas treatment, high pressure pump stations, the Central points of separation and other site projects. Development suhodolnyh quarries of sand in the Arctic requires further activities for the preparation of the sand to a condition suitable for construction. Range transport of sand from the quarry to the designed object will be considered acceptable when the object is within 20 km of the planned quarry, the transportation distance is more than 20 km puts an end to the possibility of further implementation of the project and directly affects the net present value of the project. Improvement of technology of development of dry sand in quarries can positively influence the Economics of the projectThis article is devoted to the development of suhodolnyh pits in the permafrost zone. For the development of fields in the Arctic requires a large amount of sand for engineering training close to roads, well pads, sites for the installation of complex gas treatment, high pressure pump stations, the Central points of separation and other site projects. Development suhodolnyh quarries of sand in the Arctic requires further activities for the preparation of the sand to a condition suitable for construction. Range transport of sand from the quarry to the designed object will be considered acceptable when the object is within 20 km of the planned quarry, the transportation distance is more than 20 km puts an end to the possibility of further implementation of the project and directly affects the net present value of the project. Improvement of technology of development of dry sand in quarries can positively influence the Economics of the project
Keywords: permafrost, perennial cryolithozone, quarries, sand, sand, career preparation to sand mining, development of oil and gas fields.production
The article contains material reflecting the prospects of development of hydrothermal resources formation waters of the Azov-Kuban artesian basin.
Keywords: hydrothermal energy, groundwater, methane gas saturation
Repair of the bridge superstructures made to restore the performance of the facilities from damage incurred during operation. The main technical measures to improve the durability of structures buildings are reconstruction work on the prevention of water penetration from the roadway construction on the underlying design of superstructures and supports. Repair badly damaged sections of shelves extreme beams of the superstructure shall be mopping up indicators of acidity of not less than pH> 12 (concrete), followed by reduction of the dimensions of the concrete B30; F300 (in Spanish hlor.solyah.); W8 with pre-staging of additional rebar epoxy glue. Repair surface defects superstructures beams includes: To prepare and clean the defective concrete surfaces slabs beams superstructures sandblasting method, a chemical cleaning of the valve; Repair of surface defects of slabs beams non-shrink fast-hardening dry mix containing polymer fiber EMACO®90 and EMACO ®S88C; To restore the protective layer thickness of 20 to 40 mm is provided the use of a repair composition EMACO®S88S. For hydrophobic facades superstructures, attachments, etc. used water repellent water-based to protect concrete surfaces, which is designed for use on old and new concrete surfaces of bridges MASTERSEAL®303V.
Keywords: repair; concrete bridge; superstructures; fittings; waterproofing; anti-corrosion coating; MASTERSEAL; EMACO
In the article the algorithm of construction of an array of points, put in correspondence to points of a compartment of a surface is resulted. Calculation formulas for the coordinates of points are shown. The possible cases of the location of the corner points of the array are considered. And the conclusion is made that this algorithm will help in modeling acoustic, optical and other processes.
Keywords: array of points, surface area, algorithm for matching array points, geometric modeling, radix-vector
In the article the analysis of KPI of industrial enterprises, considers the various factors limiting the production growth and the development of guidelines for improving production efficiency. Most economists believe that increasing production efficiency, competitiveness of products and services can be achieved on the basis of systematic analysis of economic activities of the enterprise. The analysis of activities provides an opportunity to develop the necessary strategy and tactics of development of the enterprise, which form the basis for the production programme, revealed reserves of increase of production efficiency.
Keywords: economy, industry, improvement, efficiency, factors, Finance, sustainability, management
This article discusses image transfer in JPEG2000 format using JPWL antinoise coding via noisy channel with occurrence of packet errors. The main problem is recovery of received image with minimum deviations from input original. The aim of this work is to study experimentally the capability of JPWL protection to maintain quality of received and decoded image depending on the level of packet loss in data transmission channel. The experimental procedure consists of simulation of multiple transfer of JPWL protected image with the size of 1024×768 pixels and packet loss with the coded image data. Variable parameters of the study are: JPEG2000 coding procedure (irreversible conversion), Reed–Solomon codes used for JPWL protection, per cent of packet loss. Regular variant of JPWL protection is considered as well as combination of regular variant with algorithm of in-frame interleaving. The final experimental results are PSNR similarity extent of received and decoded image and input image, average per cent of completely recovered tiles with respect to tile number in code stream. The article describes the software complex developed for these studies, which includes JPEG2000 coder and decoder, JPWL coder and decoder, means of code stream dividing into RTP packets, simulating means of packet loss, assembling of frames from RTP packets. Operation flowcharts of JPEG2000 coder and decoder are described. It is mentioned that under conditions of packet errors JPEG2000 decoder should be able to process partially damaged or absent tiles. In-frame interleaving of code stream is described aimed at improvement of its stability with regard to packet errors. Three hypotheses are formulated. Hypothesis 1: in the case of packet loss the regular JPWL extension is unable to maintain quality of received and decoded image. Hypothesis 2: in the case of packet loss the regular JPWL extension in combination with algorithm of in-frame interleaving maintains the quality of received and decoded image. Hypothesis 3: in the case of packet loss and with application of algorithm of in-frame interleaving the PSNR value of received and decoded image depends statistically on the number of tiles completely recovered by JPWL decoder. As a result of the experimental study, all the hypotheses were fully confirmed.
Keywords: JPEG 2000, JPWL, packet errors, noise-immune encoding, decoded image quality
The project for creation of the first in Russia Engineering Forum of scientific and technological activities, social and technological entrepreneurship “Rozmysly” is presented, this forum develops the principles of an open public interdisciplinary electronic environment. The substantiation of the social significance of the project is given. The new project implies involving an even wider range of practitioners, research engineers, young scientists, applicants, graduate students, students and even senior pupils in scientific engineering knowledge by providing them with the opportunity to publish, read and discuss the results of promising research and development works, engineering solutions, inventions and rationalization or innovative proposals in the form of an electronic preprint. Conceptually, the project represents a new culture of scientific publications based on global and mini Internet platforms. It is shown that the basic advantage is achieved through the implementation of an open access initiative. From the date of publication, the material is available for the widest possible range of readers. The project is a kind of an interdisciplinary scientific and technological engineering forum.
Keywords: site, Internet platform, engineering forum and storage, open access, preprint, foresight
The article deals with the issues of impact interaction of particles with layers of dispersed material of different thickness. The influence of the interaction velocity and the thickness of the substrate on the appearance and structure of the collision result is investigated. It is established that at low speeds there is a crater formation while the particle is on the substrate surface. With the growth of the interaction rate, the formation of a crown is observed, and particles penetrate into the substrate material. Experimentally determined the values of the velocity and thickness of the substrate, corresponding to the beginning of the formation of the crown.
Keywords: particle, blow, flow, splash, reflection, speed, stream, the bulk material flow, the recovery factor of speed, the substrate
The problems of young families are analyzed. The relevance of the study of the social welfare of modern young families is shown. A cognitive model of achievement and stabilization of the social welfare of a young family was constructed on the basis of the results of the study ""The Life of a Young Family in the Rostov Region"", 2017. It is shown that the basic model of achieving social well-being is a two-loop scheme with positive feedback. Each of the contours of which corresponds to the basic characteristics: socio-cultural and economic well-being. The principal problem of the factor of satisfaction of needs is revealed. The necessity of creating a full-fledged monitoring system of the socio-economic level of a young family included in the social policy framework of the state is shown.
Keywords: young family, social welfare, system characteristic, cognitive modeling, model, two-circuit scheme, feedback
The article presents a technique for designing and assigning the composition of the molding mixture, which is based on the calculation and experimental approach to determining the composition, taking into account the quality of raw materials used and the requirements for the properties of concrete products produced.
Keywords: Hard pressed concrete, cement, water content of the mixture, two-factor experiment, rotatable composite simplexummable plan, regression equation of the experiment, quasi-factor analysis
Background: The quality of electricity is one of the main problems necessary for the normal functioning of responsible technological processes in which a slight distortion of the supply voltage can lead to a violation of the normal operation of enterprises. There are several solutions to this problem: uninterruptible power systems, fast automatic power reserve technology (FAPR), dynamic voltage distortion compensator (DVDC). The most interesting solution is the application of dynamic voltage distortion. Material and methods: The principles of constructing a dynamic voltage distortion compensator with multilevel voltage inverters are investigated. An imitation model constructed under the following assumptions is proposed: an ideal case of the main circuit system (without higher harmonics) is considered, the nonlinearity of the transformer is not taken into account, short-circuit currents are absent, only constant load power is used. Assumptions are justified by the fact that in practice their error is no more than 3-5%, which is permissible. The results are obtained by modeling the system in the MatLab 2016b package. Results: A fundamentally new structural and functional scheme of a dynamic voltage distortion compensator with a multilevel system is developed. The requirements for the dynamic compensator of voltage distortion, load, LC-filters, current-voltage transformers and a converter are determined. Simulation of the simulation model has shown that the system works and corresponds to the expected results. Conclusions: The proposed voltage compensation system will solve the problem of the normal functioning of technological processes. The simulation results showed that the declared functional of the DVDC provides compensation of the voltage level in a given range of voltage dips. The obtained results can be used to stabilize the power supply: in the power supply systems of medical institutions, electric transport, critical energy facilities of a high category.
Keywords: Dynamic voltage distortion compensator (DVDC), automatic control system, operation modes of DVDC, model of the DVDC system, multilevel voltage inverter, simulation model, voltage distortion, volt-additional transformer, electric power, voltage failure
The research that results from the work presented is the means of transforming space imagery. A transformation method based on the use of projective geometry methods is proposed. A completed study of the proposed method for mathematical image and terrain models showed a high degree of accuracy and a number of advantages over traditional image transformations
Keywords: Photogrammetry, transformations, cosmic images, projective geometry
It is studied problems of building of buildings with a difficult step skeleton. Prospects and economic efficiency of building of buildings of this kind are considered. One of perspective projects of this kind is in detail described. Building merits and demerits come to light.
Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures
Prospects of a universalisation of civil-engineering designs of modern housing estates are studied. Possibility of erection of the multipurpose universal housing estates having a full infrastructure is considered. Questions of ergonomics, an aesthetics, economy and housing and communal services of ready object are studied
Keywords: organization of construction; high-rise housing; reinforced concrete and steel structures
The study presents the results of years of research in the field of creation of effective management of the firm from the position of applied linguistics. The aim of this work is the presentation of scientific and practical results of using the technology of process management organization, methods of linguistic efficiency taking into account the factors of linguistic personality of the employee. The study deals with the description of applied linguistic and managerial models, views, practical results of its application in the applied field to assess to maintain production and reduce losses.
Keywords: applied linguistics, organization, planning and enterprise management, language personality, employee motivation