The article is devoted to the scientific basis for the concept of safe principles of sustainable development in the process of urban planning and selection of investment and construction projects of development of urban territories. The author on the basis of the analysis of legislation and normative and legal basis discussed approaches to the characterization of the safe development of the urban environment, studied the principles of sustainable development-based approach to the application of the concept of acceptable and reasonable risk in the planning of urban development of urban territories, identifies areas and the boundaries of their realization.
Keywords: concept of security, urban planning, integrated development, urban territories, the risk of
The characteristic of ammonium electrolytes for electrodeposition of an alloy zinc-nickel is given. Corrosion properties, microhardness and phase structure of coverings by an alloy zinc-nickel are studied.
Keywords: electrodeposition, properties of coverings an alloy zinc-nickel, the electrolytes containing chloride of ammonium
At the present stage, energy-efficient construction is one of the important issues included in the legislation in most countries. One of the promising ways of lowering thermal energy demand for heating is to reduce heat losses with air exchange in buildings, which accounts for over 60% of heat loss.
Civilizational development of the society is only possible with the decrease in specific energy consumption and economical use of heat. The article discusses the main methods to improve energy performance of buildings under construction and operation. It also addressed issues of investment in energy efficiency projects. The article substantiates the effectiveness of the combined extract and input ventilation with heat recovery of vented emissions in Rostov- on-Don.
Keywords: energy conservation, improvement of the energy efficiency, efficiency assessment, investment, energy-saving measures.
In article efficiency and accuracy медов measurements of noise characteristics of the equipment and cars are considered.
Keywords: The risk, injuring factors, labour safety
The article describes the methods of forming the program of technical and economic feasibility of reconstruction. The program is based on the technical and economic calculations which justify the need for its development. It is important to take into account the technical and economic indices which provide a minimal amount of construction works. During the development of technical and economic parameters, it is necessary to take into account the organization of construction, the terms of energy saving, heating, water supply, drainage and industrial waste water, human resources, the environment, the effectiveness of capital investments. All questions are considered for the perspective of the development of science and technology.
Keywords: site renovation, technical-and-economic indexes
Technology of fabricating unheated gas sensors based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) using different temperature and time modes of a two stages IR-pyrolyze is developed for the remote control of the human condition. Gas-sensing elements based on PAN films and cobalt- and copper-containing PAN films are fabricated. Gas sensitive characteristics of the gained samples to CO, Cl2 and CHCl3 in atmospheric conditions are determined. We have found that gas-sensitivity of the samples depends on the composition of the original film-forming solution and on the process parameters of fabricating the film material. Moreover the samples show sensitivity and selectivity at room temperature. The benefits of this study is that films based on PAN and metal-PAN are the most promising material for electronic engineering including gas sensors for the remote monitoring of the human condition.
Keywords: Nanocomposite materials, gas-sensing layer, metal-containing organic polymers, IR- pyrolyze
Results of research the ties of refrectory oxide, which form in the course of filling with stainless steels, and specific point defects impairing casts of stainless steel.
Keywords: quartz mould, chromium steel, oxides, chemical analysis, physicochemical interaction
Polypyrrole is a perspective material for gas sensors. Property of polymeric chains can vary largely depending on their packing. Power characteristics are studied. Features of a structure and power tetramers thiophenes with methyl, ethyl, propyl substitutions in position 3 pyrroles a cycle are investigated. The most perspective and stable tetramers are revealed from the thermodynamic point. The estimation of laws of formation of a polymeric chain is spent. Influence of the assistant on stability tetramers is considered.
Keywords: Polypyrrole, quantum-chemical research, influence of alkyl substituents, tetramer, cycle, polymeric chain, power tetramers
In this article authors give information about problem of fiber-optical communication lines thermal-electric degradation and its consequences and study main reasons and factors which have an influence upon the degree of thermal-electric degradation. Possible and the most promising research ways are examined in this subject area; they let not only study this subject of fiber-optical communication lines thermal-electric degradation in detail but to solve this problem in whole.
Keywords: electromagnetic field, thermal-electric degradation, fiber-optical communication lines, FOC-cored static wire, kevlar, electrified railway
Formation of competitiveness of the enterprises demands the all-round analysis of the competitive environment. This analysis should be carried out regularly. Monitoring allows to solve this problem. The purposes and monitoring problems form analysis indicators. The system of monitoring of the competitive environment for sphere of building design is constructed. Monitoring indicators on four groups of parametres are allocated: scale and dynamics of the market, profitableness of the market, a competition condition in the branch market, reliability and safety. The procedure of payments of indicators of monitoring is presented. The subject of monitoring is the professional association.
Keywords: monitoring, competitive environment, estimation indicators, subject of monitoring, sphere of building design
Results of computer modeling intense the deformed condition of a design of road clothes of the lesovozny highway on vertical movings and tangents to tension by a method of final elements on the program PLAXIS complex are given. Deformation of constructive layers of road clothes occurs under the influence of loadings from a lesovozny road train. Results of researches of change of tangents of tension and vertical movings are given for a covering, the basis, a working layer of earth of a road bed.
Keywords: stone mastic asphalt, lesovozny road train, design of road clothes.
Development of urban areas, especially Rostov-on-Don, which is one the largest city of the south of Russia, should be based on a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the structure of housing stock and engineering services, which provide all types of resources for the city. Research of the structure of housing stock, analysis of residential and private housings, municipal and business buildings, information on the territorial distribution of these objects with reference to the topography would allow to create a reliable information base for the development of district heating schemes. Housing stock of Rostov-on-Don was ranked by the year of construction, number of floors and material of the wall. The article assesses the providing of municipal and business buildings, kindergartens, schools, institutions consumer services, culture and sport institutions.
Keywords: urban development, energy, heating, year of construction, material of walls, floors
The article is devoted to solving the problem of energy saving in housing stock and communal services of the municipality by creating a model of housing stock with the help of modern geographic information systems.
Spatial model of energy efficiency, presented in this paper, built in the software environment of ArcGIS. This model allows to monitor and comprehensive evaluation of energy consumption in the building stock of Rostov-on-Don, as well as to solve the problems associated with increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings.
Keywords: energy conservation, improvement of the energy efficiency, the reconstruction of urban development, urban development, housing stock
This article discusses the definition of the bearing capacity of piles to strengthen the base of the building, with the considering differential settlement, with formulation of a nonlinear problem of a residential building in Belovo, Kemerovo region. These results were used at develop methodology for restoration of buildings and structures on the basis of monitoring
Keywords: differential settlement, bearing capacity of piles, physical nonlinear formulation, finite element method
The problem of organizing network infrastructure of the training complex is considered in this paper. Described training complex designed for loading/unloading machine operators training. The variant of the solution that satisfies the requirements is proposed. The work was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education (contract № 13.G25.31.0093) as part of the RF Government Regulation № 218 "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian higher education institutions and organizations implementing complex projects on high-tech production"
Keywords: Computer training complex, architecture, control, crane