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      Semicars, as is known, are a universal rolling stock. For today in RZD and in transport HIGH SCHOOLS of the country works of research character on regulation and operation optimization by a universal rolling stock are actively conducted. In article a task in view on optimum control empty cars of various patterns of ownership with use of a transport problem.

    Keywords: Park of semicars, cars own involved (ВСП), empty a traffic volume, the First cargo company (ПГК), the Second cargo company (ВГК), and the basic plan

  • Conditions of formation of debris flows in the Pšeha River basin

    Conditions of forming mud flows in Pšeha River basin Briefly outlines the formation of solids debris flows in the Pšehi tectonic-dependent geographical, geomorphological, geological, lithological, meteorological, soil-rastitel′nymh and anthropogenic factors.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production

  • Increase of system effectiveness of two - stage transportation: on an example of management of a solid municipal waste

    The model of increase of efficiency of the created system of transportation of a municipal waste is presented. Need for carrying out modeling and the actions connected with reorganization of system, because of possible increase in total expenses is proved at shift of positions of reloading stations of rather optimum points owing to local conditions of the territory of municipality.

    Keywords: a solid municipal waste, technological process of transportation, two - stage transportation

  • Use of an inversion multidimensional classification in conceptual design

      The article is devoted to the methodology of construction of fields of knowledge through the use of procedures inversion, allowing to most fully present the essence of the studied object, its inner content, expressed as a unity of diversity contradictory properties ensuring its integrity required for the generation of new knowledge as an increase to the number of criteria for the classification and, accordingly, the space of the classification.

    Keywords: conceptual design, fields of knowledge, classification, inversion

  • Modeling and analysis of the demand for new transport network improving objects

    When introducing a new facility to improve the transport network, there are appear many risks. The priority is the financial riskbecause core funding for these projects comes from private organizations. Careful calculation of demand is an integral part of the development project. For the effective analysis of the transport network since the project requires a conscientious approach to the latest technology.

    Keywords: Transport network: improving objects, Transport network, Demand for transport routes, Traffic flow, Mathematical modeling of demand

  • Rheology salt massif with a spherical cavity

    This article is related to technological problems of cavities with kamufletnyh explosions, during which the temperature in the cavity greatly exceeds the initial temperature of the array. Often these cavities are created in an array of rock salt. Because the salt even at light loads demonstrate expressive flow properties, it is interesting solution to the problem of creep salt massif with a cavity under the action of a force (pressure inside the cavity and the pressure of the soil), and thermal loads.

    Keywords: heterogeneity, creep, highly elastic deformation, hydrochloric array coupling equation, the integral relations

  • Tools to support the modeling process, which is based on L-systems

    It is proposed software-technological complex for modeling, which uses L-systems (Lindenmayer Systems) as the tools of modeling and visualization. The main purpose is to construct models of processes and structures that have a fractal nature. The complex supports different types of L-systems: deterministic context-free L-systems, stochastic L-systems, parametric L-systems, context sensitive L-systems. The developed tools have been used to model and analyze the socio-economic processes.

    Keywords: L-systems, modeling, Fractal, Self-similar structures, Production rules, Grammar, Graphic interpretation

  • Development of algorithm of an assessment of influence of transport factors on ekologo-economic safety of the country

    Article is devoted to justification of approaches to development of algorithm of an assessment of influence of railway transport on a state of environment for ensuring ekologo-economic safety of the country. Offers on use what econometrical modeling for development of imitating model of system of environmental management for the purpose of damage prevention to environment from impact on it anthropogenous factors of the enterprises-prirodopolzovateley, including emergency situations are proved. Stages of realization of a technique of an ekologo-economic justification of nature protection administrative decisions in environmental management system on railway transport are considered.

    Keywords: railway transport, influence, assessment, ekologo-economic safety, environment, administrative nature protection

  • About kinetics of heat irradiation in mixing and solidification of astringent

    Knowledge of the kinetics heat irradiation give more sources for understanding physico-chemical process connected with solidification astringent. On curves of heat irradiation you can traced three stage and then read the kinetic equations describing each of them.

    Keywords: kinetics, heat irradiation, speed, stages, astringent

  • Search of optimum location of stations of an overload solid municipal waste mathematical methods

    In article the technique of optimization of placement of waste reloading stations, allowing to define both location, and number of stations that allows to reduce both operational and capital expenditure for the organization and functioning of system of the address with a waste is offered.

    Keywords: technological process of transportation, a solid municipal waste, critical distance

  • Control methods of microstructure construction process of piezoelectric ceramics based on doped titanate lead and its electrophysical properties

    The article describes methods allows to control the degree of anisotropy piezoelectric ceramics based on doped phase PbTiO3. As a model of the object has been selected phase of Pb0,76Ca0,24Ti0,94(Cd0,5W0,5)0,06O3. The model phase was obtained by the following methods: by solid state reaction method and the chemical construction. For comparison phases obtained by these methods were used modern analytical research methods (DTA, TGA, XRF, XRD, power and tunneling microscopy, computer-program research results). Piezoceramic samples were obtained from the synthesized phases and electrical parameters were measured. Were revealed that the samples, obtained from the charge, synthesized by chemical construction had values of  piezoelectric constants d31 and d33 much more than samples obtained by the method of solid state reaction.
    Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, anisotropy, ultrasonic issue systems.

    Keywords: piezoelectric ceramics, anisotropy, ultrasonic issue systems

  • Problems of education and a culture of student health

      Main areas of modern human life and society (education, work, leisure) require the application of complex human ¬ lovecheskih forces and capabilities - physical, psychological, emotional ¬ tional, intellectual, and spiritual. Difficult transition to a market economy in 90 years, affected the fitness and sports motion, ¬. Socio-economic factors and conditions were the prerequisite for the formation of unhealthy motivations some part of students and the students, and this has a negative impact on their health and physical fitness.

    Keywords: Education, training, rehabilitation, and social disease caused by the problem of professional personnel, college environment, culture, science, intellectual work and the result of labor

  • Anomalous electron emission in the soft X-ray irradiation of the surface of electrets

     Theoretical model of anomalous electron emission has built for an soft x-ray irradiation of  surface elektrets, explaining the different character of correlation between energy and emission intensity of ferroelectric  solid solution PbTiO3 - CaTiO3 and nonferroelectric  ceramics CaTiO3.  Shown that  due electret surface irradiation the  Schottky area is  depleted by nonequilibrium charge carriers.

    Keywords: Emission, electret, ferroelectricity, Schottky area

      The model of areas fire safety effective management taking into account real condition of the housing fund is develop dint his article by its authors. This model allows evaluation of the urban a reconstruction objects fire safety on the basis of the index method. The developed methodology makes the housing fund objects technical condition analyzing and their classifying according to the fire safety index possible; moreover it helps to emphasize the areas on the territory of municipality. The model includes a number of recommendations and fire prevention measures aim edatin creasing the level of fire safety inurban areas.

    Keywords: urban areas, housing fund, methodology, fire safety, technical condition

      In article are offered the main problems arising at release of a figured brick are shown and versions of their decision. Prospects of production of a figured ceramic brick on the basis of siliceous breeds – silica clay the description of technological decisions is given by production of products by way of compression formation. Offered classification of a figured brick by a form and appointment, and also design of the most demanded forms of an obverse brick is given.                                                                          

    Keywords: Figured brick, silica clay, form, pressed brick, production process, design.