This paper presents method of calculation of angular power spectra and signal to noise plus interferences ratio in presence of active antenna element mutual coupling.
Keywords: Active antenna array, Rx-Tx antenna module, spatial structure, mutual coupling, nonlinear distortion
This article describes an approach to create a model based on neural network for use in photoplethysmography. Using this model the development of a method for measuring blood pressure in the distal vessels. Such an approach allows for comfortable removal of diagnostic parameters for the need for long-term testing. These methods can be used to analyze the state of the human operator, and in particular, the driver at pre-shift control for skrinningovyh surveys.
Keywords: photoplethysmogram, cardio-vascular system, neural network modeling
In article questions of modeling of priority management by formation of information streams in information systems with the centralized source of data with use of the mechanism of sockets are considered. This question is staticized in connection with necessity of optimum control of information processes in the automated control systems. Management is based on change of priorities of forming processes, depending on ranks of clients. On the basis of an experimental material the analytical dependences establishing the relations of parameters and criteria of management are received.
Keywords: a process priority, a delay of information service, an information stream
In article the algorithm of construction of development not linear surfaces is de-scribed. The algorithm is realised on technology ObjectARX for AutoCAD. It has allowed to integrate algorithm in AutoCAD. The developed algorithms can be used in various technical problems where there is a necessity of construction of development of surfaces.
Keywords: nonlinear surface, surface development, triangulation method
Construction lending risks define a special operations procedure for lender. The most important measure to construction lending risk minimization are the covenants (information and financial). The information covenants are used for minimization the hidden information (pre-contractual opportunism), and financial covenants (positive and negative) – for minimization the hidden action (post-contractual opportunism). Institutionalization of covenants as a relevant control and supervision procedure allow to reduce information asymmetry and make the construction lending process less risky and more predictable for concerned parties (agent and principal).
Keywords: real estate financing, default risk, construction loans, credit capacity, debt, financial covenant
Combined method which allows analyzing parameters of the nanoscale atomic and electronic structure of materials relying on three different methods (x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAFS), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy) was developed. The method was applied for the study of nickel oxide nanoparticles, which serve as an efficient catalyst for the artificial photosynthesis process.
Keywords: solar energy, artificial photosynthesis, NiO, Raman, x-ray diffraction, XAFS
We have carried out the analysis on the scientific and technological literature on methods of calculation and analysis of the x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and Raman spectra used to analyse the structure of the materials for hydrogen storage under realistic operating conditions. The simulations were carried out for the series of small palladium nanoclusters with embedded hydrogen. Multiscale computer modelling was used to simulate the dynamics of structure of the materials during charge/discharge phases.
Keywords: hydrogen storage, XANES, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, fuel cell
One of the priorities of socio-economic development of the municipality is the effective work aimed at improving the efficiency of territorial resources’ using, quality development, reconstruction and modernization of the network of agency of health care. In this article the problem of placement for agency of health care considers at reconstruction of urban areas. There is an environmental condition in focus, when choosing a site location of the agency of health care.
Keywords: agency of health care planning, GIS-technologies, Sustainable development, reconstruction of urban areas, environmental condition
The questions of definition of subsidence by different methods. Points out the defects in the regulations and the factors that must be considered when determining the subsidence in the laboratory. The results determine the subsidence of its own weight of soil, obtained by different methods.
Keywords: subsidence, flooding, filtering, warping, base
Strengthening of processes of eutrophication and toxification reservoirs examined in the aspect of emergency. Shows the negative effects of "bloom" of blue-green mikrvodorosley and proposed approaches to localization and liquidation of emergency situations caused by their massive development.
Keywords: emergencies, water, cyanobacteria, "bloom" of blue-green algae, toxification, eutrophication
"Construction production is connected with emergence of a number of negative impacts on environment. In article main types of the construction works, being accompanied the main are considered by loads of ecology. The special attention is given to a problem of construction garbage, options of a solution with a dump. Versions of the solution of a question of utilization of construction garbage - sorting, processing. Economic aspects of a solution with utilization of construction garbage: Ekonolmiya of materials, decrease in quantity of a waste. "
Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction production, ulilizatsiya, construction garbage,processing of materials
"Assessment of ecological safety of construction materials at all stages of their existence from a pit before utilization. Drawing up of ecological passports on materials, details, products. Need of the analysis of ecological safety of existing construction and finishing materials for forecasting of possible ecological risks. "
Keywords: environment, negative impact, construction materials, ecological passport, ecological safety, reconstruction, new construction
The influence magnetic field on treatment of electroplating wastewater and sludge has been investigated. The increase in efficiency of processing electroplating wastewater and sludge by using magnetic field has been noted.
Keywords: water treatment, electroplating wastewater, magnetic field, electrocoagulator
The treatment of electroplating wastewater in electrocoagulator with bulk anodes has been described. Passivation and depassivation in metal shavings process chemistry has been analyzed.
Keywords: water treatment, electroplating wastewater, activation, electrocoagulator, electrode, passivation
The paper was presented one of the major classification schemes of software reliability models. Consider other possible classification scheme, their relationship and interconnectivity. Studied most frequent methods and factors of software reliability. Shows the formula for calculating the reliability of some models.
Keywords: software reliability models, classification models of software reliability, software reliability factors, the formula for calculating the reliability of software