Questions by definition are considered the basic organization environments on providing consumers in Zhkh.Issledovany environments to providing consumers in housing and communal services is a set of tools, forms, methods and the processes of the economic analysis directed on an assessment of a real environment of providing, identification of its factors defining and development of tactical policy organization environments
Keywords: housing-and-municipal хозяйствеконъюнктура organizations; economic analysis; tactical policy.
To the East Donbass agglomeration has developed thematic maps of subsiding soils, indicating their capacity, groundwater levels, surface subsidence above mining, landslide and erosion hazards. Sources of information were the materials of the geological surveys, maps and literature data, and numerical modeling. For the purposes of industrial and civil construction built the final map of the cumulative effects of geological hazards.
Keywords: geological hazard, modeling, geofiltration,subsidence, landslides, erosion, underflooding, agglomeration.
To the Volgodon settlement-system has developed thematic maps of subsiding soils, indicating their capacity, groundwater levels, landslide and erosion hazards. Sources of information were the materials of the geological surveys, remote sensing of the Earth and local geological maps . Application of GIS-technologies and numerical geofiltration has significantly increased the quality of the results. On the basis of the results, has developed a comprehensive map of geological hazards.
Keywords: geological hazard, modeling, geofiltration, subsidence, landslides, erosion, underflooding, remote sensing
The article is devoted to the problem of shortage of parking spaces in Rostov-on-Don, as well as domestic and foreign experience in the construction of above-ground parking spaces in crowded conditions prevailing urban environment. As a solution considered construction of automatic car parks in the walls of the old damaged buildings, as one of the components of the program of the Administration of Rostov to improve the traffic situation in the city. The article shows few examples of functioning of such parking lots in Moscow, Budapest, Detroit (Ohio, USA). Also the article concludes about the opportunities and challenges of the work on the adaptation of buildings for parking in Rostov-on-Don.
Keywords: automatic parking, restoration, preservation, historic building facade
Zoning of territories is one of the mechanisms of real estate management. Economic analysis of real estate includes consideration of the problems of spatial – economic development of real estate which exists in specially organized space. Difference in land value, expressed through economic parameters of real estate, forms the basis of territorial – economic zoning, definition of cost equivalent of real estate objects. Global practice shows, that it is increase of land value as a result of zonal-territorial policy realization that leads to the maximal economic benefit. Only joint influence on real estate objects and their spatial environment сan provide the best social and economic results.
Keywords: Zoning of territories, real estate management, economic analysis, zonal-territorial policy realization, spatial – economic development of real estate
The article provides an overview of foreign standards : LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, and their comparative analysis . In analyzing the selection criteria of a standard for certification of buildings in Russia , as well as examples of the first objects that are certified according to international standards . American LEED, BREEAM British and German DGNB standards formed the basis for the formation of Russian Green Building standards . In addition, take into account the requirements of Russian standards GOST standards , building codes and other regulations in force in Russia .
Keywords: ecological construction, architecture SCP, certification, standards for green building, green building
At the present stage, energy-efficient construction is one of the important issues included in the legislation in most countries. One of the promising ways of lowering thermal energy demand for heating is to reduce heat losses with air exchange in buildings, which accounts for over 60% of heat loss.
Civilizational development of the society is only possible with the decrease in specific energy consumption and economical use of heat. The article discusses the main methods to improve energy performance of buildings under construction and operation. It also addressed issues of investment in energy efficiency projects. The article substantiates the effectiveness of the combined extract and input ventilation with heat recovery of vented emissions in Rostov- on-Don.
Keywords: energy conservation, improvement of the energy efficiency, efficiency assessment, investment, energy-saving measures.
Discusses the problems of transition from open to closed systems of connection of consumers to the heat network. On the basis of fundamental analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the various connection schemes of buildings comparison of energy efficiency and reliability of open and closed systems of a heat supply. Basic conditions guaranteeing the possibility of the device of the closed heating systems in buildings, присоединненных to thermal networks on the open circuit. Shows the need for reconstruction of water supply systems and power supply of the building when it transferred from open to closed scheme accession to the heat network.
Keywords: heat supply, district heating, closed heat supply scheme, open circuit heat supply, individual heating unit, reliability of heat supply, energy efficiency.
To create in Rostov-on-Don, ecologically effective, technologically advanced and durable green plantings to solve the problem: 1. Create a variety of trees for landscaping cities and towns; 2. Determine the principles of green plantings, ensuring their maximum environmental efficiency. In the steppe zone of Russia should use the structure of the park, with a high proportion of dense plantings (400 trees per hectare) of long-lived trees of the first magnitude.
Keywords: green building, greening cities, assortment of trees, ecologically effective green plantings, the steppe zone
The article shows how preservation of capital construction, the basic problems of conservation and technical survey of capital construction.
Keywords: Conservation of capital construction, technical survey
Development of urban areas, especially Rostov-on-Don, which is one the largest city of the south of Russia, should be based on a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the structure of housing stock and engineering services, which provide all types of resources for the city. Research of the structure of housing stock, analysis of residential and private housings, municipal and business buildings, information on the territorial distribution of these objects with reference to the topography would allow to create a reliable information base for the development of district heating schemes. Housing stock of Rostov-on-Don was ranked by the year of construction, number of floors and material of the wall. The article assesses the providing of municipal and business buildings, kindergartens, schools, institutions consumer services, culture and sport institutions.
Keywords: urban development, energy, heating, year of construction, material of walls, floors
"Examines the relationship of the concepts on the example of post-war reconstruction of post-war reconstruction of the city of Rostov-on-Don.
In 1945, the Chairman of the Committee on Architecture AG Mordvinov announced seven conditions under which you can create the city.
In 1945, the development of the urban plan of rebuilding the city of Rostov-on-Don was appointed academician of architecture VN Semenov.
In 1949. master plan was finalized at the construction site.
In general, the basic idea of the architect was executed. Among the fifteen cities prone to restore the city of Rostov was restored in all seven conditions put forward by the Chairman and the Committee for Architecture AG Mordvinov, projected architecture academician VN Semenov and given a reality by means of the chief architect of YA Rehbein."
Keywords: master plan, concept, post-war reconstruction, the condition of the city
Increase of investment appeal of municipality - one of the most important directions of social and economic development of territories. Local governments have real possibilities essentially to influence on investment climate of the territory. The most effective tool in this case is the investment passport of municipality - the complex newsletter, calculated for potential investors
Keywords: city-planning, investment passport, sustainable development of territories, complex assessment of the territory
The article is devoted to solving the problem of energy saving in housing stock and communal services of the municipality by creating a model of housing stock with the help of modern geographic information systems.
Spatial model of energy efficiency, presented in this paper, built in the software environment of ArcGIS. This model allows to monitor and comprehensive evaluation of energy consumption in the building stock of Rostov-on-Don, as well as to solve the problems associated with increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings.
Keywords: energy conservation, improvement of the energy efficiency, the reconstruction of urban development, urban development, housing stock
One of the priorities of socio-economic development of the municipality is the effective work aimed at improving the quality of life. In this article the problem of placement for agency of health care and education considers at reconstruction of urban areas. There is an investment attractiveness and environmental condition in focus, when choosing a site location of the agency of health care and education
Keywords: Geoinformational systems, environmental safety, investment attractiveness, reconstruction, electronic map