The authors implemented methodological apparatus homeostatics used to determine the effect of the internal contradictions of the processes of functioning and development of socio-economic systems and management to the survival of the system and its transition to a new stable state.
Keywords: structural and functional stability of the transport and logistics cluster, the cybernetic approach Homeostatics
Using the expression for the dynamic model calculations were performed, identified analytical and graphical relationship between resistance, systemic and the number of enterprises - participants cluster associations to characterize the sustainability of transport and logistics cluster to fluctuations in external traffic
Keywords: transport and logistics cluster, the dynamic model of stability
The development of the clusters formation in Russia is determined by the national and regional peculiarities, where the parameters of the economical and institutional development of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation are the main. The positive tendencies of the main parameters of the regions’ economy and also the infrastructure development and government support determine the regional clusters’ potential of the effective functioning.
Keywords: development of the clusters, regional peculiarities, institutional development