The article discusses the methodology and concept of situation rooms. The methodology and concept of situation rooms has a long history. As a first step, one can recall the methodology of a classic board in Cretaceous technology. Smart boards have now emerged, where hardware and software are present alongside the light pencil, to display various kinds of information. The second level in cognitive modeling systems is the collective panel display of various information products. Finally, the third level of situation rooms implies a significant development of the software and hardware of the decision-maker support complex. The high level of complexity of the third stage in the creation of the situation room is the creation of developed mathematical support in brainstorming tasks, as well as in the provision of analysis of weakly structured systems. However, while our work deals with the creation of a theoretical model of semantic identification of various scenes, situations of the person making the decision.
Keywords: Information collection and display system, decision maker, electronic counteraction
The effectiveness of the system for collecting, transmitting and displaying communication node information in the Pareto-logarithm decision-making system is discussed. A decision formalism is proposed to test a simple hypothesis on a system for collecting, receiving and transmitting information. It is based on the presentation of penalty and cognitive functions of the decision-making system of various species, then the phenomenon of fighting antagonistic systems is considered and the time of compromise is established. All models discussed only consider two-parameter families of penalty and cognitive functions. It is worth stressing that the classical formalism of decision-making theory stops at the problems of choosing from a family of some alternatives. Objective forms of decision-making, which are widely known in Bayesian ideology, are widespread
Keywords: Information collection and display system, decision-making system, decision-maker
In this paper, the task of identifying a system for collecting, transmitting and displaying information of a coastal control center for autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles in a Beta-Logarithm decision making system is considered. When assessing the degree of effectiveness of the relevant system of collecting, transmitting and displaying information (CSPA) for a decision maker (DM), the case is considered when the cognitive function does not immediately reach its maximum.
Keywords: the system for the collection of information transfer and display (MEOL), the coastal control center (MCU) autonomous unmanned apparatus (AUV), the decision maker (DM), the cognitive function of DM
In this paper we consider the problem of choosing an acceptable system of collection, transmission and display of information of the coastal control center of Autonomous uninhabited vehicles (ANPA) in the theory of decision-making. In the case of an exponential decision-making system, which provides a hypothesis about the acceptability of the system of collection, transmission and display of information, it is necessary to determine the total time of semantic identification of forest topology "A" - graph [1] (the principle of additivity). This requires additional test experiments or known data on the time of understanding the semantics in specific situations. If this time is less than the normative, or more precisely the time of compromise, then such a system of collection, transmission and display of information can be recommended for operation in an exponential decision-making system. Otherwise, such a system cannot be recommended to the decision-maker of the type under discussion.
Keywords: the system of collection, transmission and display of information (TDI) of the communication center of the coastal control center (as CCCCC) Autonomous uninhabited devices (AUD), decision-maker (DM), cognitive function of DM