Abstract: This article is devoted to the formation of a methodology for determining the duration of emergency recovery work, in case of damage to buildings and their structures from the effects of force factors, which is an important industrial and social task. The main indicator adopted in this article for calculating the duration is the duration criterion (Upr). In the course of the study, factors were formed and grouped according to segmental characteristics, based on the degree of their influence on the duration of emergency recovery operations, a multiple regression equation was compiled, which allowed taking into account the influence of the most significant factors on a single assessment scale. The findings of the study are supposed to be used to determine the duration of emergency recovery work. Thus, the methodology for determining the duration of work is an important tool in the complex of measures for the effective conduct of restoration work and minimizing costs.
Keywords: emergency recovery work, organizational and technological model, method of expert assessments, multiple regression equation, capital construction project, technical condition of the building, force impact, ranking, duration of emergency recovery
The article presents an approach to the development of a case-based decision support system for assessing the safety of a section of a city's transport system. To store the database of precedents, it is proposed to use an OWL ontology. The use of the ontological approach allows a more accurate interpretation of the subject area, and over time will expand and supplement information about the precedent. The precedent structure is defined. The ontology architecture is given: classes, properties and instances. An example of filling the ontology with precedents is given, using the example of the city of Volgograd. Measure of proximity to compare precedents is proposed. The procedure for adding new precedents to the knowledge base is considered. With the help of the developed decision support system, it is possible to assess the safety of both individual road sections and the entire transport infrastructure of the city.
Keywords: ontology, reasoning by precedents, transport, transport security
Refrigerating machines are designed to cover peak heat generation in public buildings. At the same time, peak loads are often short-term and most of the time the refrigerating machines operate at 40-60% of their maximum capacity. The article deals with the issues of uneven cold consumption on the example of a sports complex located in Volgograd. When designing the air conditioning system of the games hall, a cooling system with the use of "chiller-fan coils"is used. An effective solution to reduce costs is to include a cold storage battery in the cooling station circuit. The use of a cold storage battery allows you to reduce operating costs.
Keywords: cooling system, air conditioning system, refrigeration machine, cold storage, energy consumption, peak loads, variable energy consumption
High cost and shortage of cement in the construction market of the Russian Federation determines the need to find ways to save it. One of the promising directions of improving the technology of concrete, providing the opportunity for significant savings of cement is the production of concretes of new generation. Such concretes are of high quality or highly functional. Mandatory element of the technology of such concretes is the introduction in their composition of organic additives (OMD). Using the methods of the experiment planning theory in the developed compositions of organic additives depending on the fineness of the mineral component and dosage of superplasticizer. It is established that the use of the proposed organic-mineral additives will allow to save from 15 to 30% of cement without loss of concrete strength.
Keywords: saving of cement, superplasticizer, mineral component, organic additive, the strength of concrete, design of experiments
To describe the dynamics of the temperature field in the surface layers of the earth taken up the heat balance of the earth's surface. Taken into account are three components of the heat flow: convective heat transfer with air, solar radiation, heat flow from the surface layers of the soil. The boundary conditions on the surface of the soil is considered the temperature of the ground surface, which is determined from the heat balance of the surface layer of the sun radiation. The temperature distribution in the soil is determined using the method of finite differences. A layer of soil has a certain thermal inertia, which leads to delaying the achievement of minimum temperatures in the soil column relative to the time of achievement of the minimum surface temperature. In the surface layer of soil to a depth of approximately 300 mm, is almost complete attenuation of the diurnal temperature fluctuations in the month of June with account of solar radiation in conditions of the South of Russia.
Keywords: heat pump, возобнавляемые sources of energy, solar radiation, transient mode, soil
The existing methods of calculation of the annual change in soil temperature. Identified areas of their application and the possible deviations from reality. The requirements to the boundary conditions of the calculation. Defines the principles of the choice of initial conditions. The preconditions for the development of a universal method of calculation.
Keywords: heat pump, renewable energy, solar radiation, transient mode, soil