The article describes the methodology for developing a client-server application intended for constructing a virtual museum. The creation of the server part of the application with the functions of processing and executing requests from the client part, as well as the creation of a database and interaction with it, is discussed in detail. The client part is developed using the Angular framework and the TypeScript language; the three-dimensional implementation is based on the three.js library, which is an add-on to WebGL technology. The server part is developed on the ASP.NET Core platform in C#. The database schema is based on a Code-First approach using Entity Framework Core. Microsoft SQL Server is used as the database management system.
Keywords: client-server application, virtual tour designer, virtual museum, three.js library, framework, Angular, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, Code-First, WebGL
Flight safety is one of the most important priorities of civil aviation. In recent years, there has been a downward trend in the number of aviation accidents, which is associated with the introduction of new technologies and training methods. One of these methods is computer simulator training (CTP).KTP is a training method in which LE specialists practice skills and procedures in a virtual environment that simulates real flight conditions. KTP allows you to increase the effectiveness of training, reduce the risk of errors and ensure that training meets modern safety requirements aviation simulators, development of simulator systems, simulators of aviation instrumentation.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
Models and a software package have been developed that allow for the analysis of counterparties for the probability of fulfilling government contracts. A comparative analysis of machine learning models has been conducted: logistic regression, decision forest, clustering, and neural network. A software package has been developed that allows for contract forecasting. A computational experiment has been conducted to analyze counterparties taking into account contracts that have been fulfilled or not completed by them. The best model has been established, demonstrating a forecast accuracy of 97.89% by the accuracy metric.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, cybersecurity, intelligent models, financial sector, government contracts, information infrastructure
Multilayer edge commutation in 3D integration technologies can simplify the design of microassemblies and reduce the length of edge electrical connections. However, this commutation is vulnerable to thermomechanical stresses and requires preliminary analysis of the product design. This paper shows the results of modeling various variants of multilayer edge commutation for 3D microassemblies, differing both in the dielectric material used at the edge redistribution layer and in the material for sealing the microassembly volume. It has been established that the lowest values of thermomechanical stresses in commutation are characteristic of materials whose temperature coefficient of linear expansion is as close as possible to this parameter of conductors. At the same time, the use of composite dielectrics in redistribution layers leads to a more significant decrease in stresses than the use of more thermally stable unfilled polymers.
Keywords: 3D integration, packaging, thermomechanical stresses, polyimide, redistribution layer
The article is devoted to the development of an algorithm for three-dimensional terrain reconstruction based on single satellite images. The algorithm is based on the algorithmic formation of three-dimensional models based on the output data of two deep learning models to solve the problems of elevation restoration and instance segmentation, respectively. The paper also presents methods for processing large satellite images with deep learning models. The algorithm proposed in the framework of the work makes it possible to significantly reduce the requirements for input data in the problem of three-dimensional reconstruction.
Keywords: three-dimensional reconstruction, deep learning, computer vision, elevation restoration, segmentation, depth determination, contour approximation
The influence of the diffraction divergence of an acoustic beam on the characteristics of a single-channel acousto-optic correlator (AOC) is considered. A mathematical model is being developed to optimize the divergence of the acoustic beam of a single-channel acousto-optic correlator. It is shown that it boils down to amplitude and phase modulation of the pulse response of the device, and the nature of the parasitic modulation turns out to be invariant to the type of the correlator reference signal. As a result of numerical calculations, dependences were obtained that allow us to quantify the effect of diffraction divergence on the operation of the ACS. Methods of compensation for parasitic modulation are proposed, which makes it possible to improve the functionality of acousto-optic correlators.
Keywords: diffraction divergence of an acoustic beam, mathematical model of an acousto-optic correlator, ultrasonic light modulator, electroacoustic transducer, reference transparency
The paper proposes a hybrid multi-agent solution search algorithm containing procedures that simulate the behavior of a bee colony, a swarm of agents and co-evolution methods, with a reconfigurable architecture. The developed hybrid algorithm is based on a hierarchical multi-population approach, which allows, using the diversity of a set of solutions, to expand the areas of search for solutions. Formulations of metaheuristics for a bee colony and a swarm of agents of a canonical species are presented. As a measure of the similarity of two solutions, affinity is used - a measure of equivalence, relatedness (similarity, closeness) of two solutions. The principle of operation and application of the directed mutation operator is revealed. A description of the modified chromosome swarm paradigm is given, which provides the ability to search for solutions with integer parameter values, in contrast to canonical methods. The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n2)-O(n3).
Keywords: swarm of agents, bee colony, co-evolution, search space, hybridization, reconfigurable architecture
The article offers a variant of the development of lighting design projects for outdoor architectural lighting. Based on the modeling of light distribution in the DIALux 4.13 program, brushes have been created using specific lighting devices that simulate lighting effects from real lighting devices. A variant of the sketch of outdoor architectural lighting using Adobe Photoshop has been created with the implementation of local lighting techniques using the example of a drama theater building. Using a three-dimensional model of the object, a light design project was created in the DIALux EVO program. The proposed method of creating sketches is useful in professional activities related to the development of sketches of lighting design projects based on their high-quality photographs without the need to develop three-dimensional models, for conceptual proposals of fragments of the urban light environment and landscape territories. Having developed a base of brushes (based on real light distributions of lighting devices), it is possible to create sketches of architectural lighting of buildings that implement various lighting techniques.
Keywords: adobe photoshop, dialux 4.13, dialux evo, sketch, brush, building facade, outdoor architectural lighting, lighting effect, lighting technique, architectural lighting concept
To check the efficiency and correctness of the implementation of primary and secondary signal processing algorithms in onboard radar systems for Arctic purposes in the functional tasks of detecting weather conditions that are potentially hazardous to flight, it is advisable to use numerical modeling of radar signal simulators. This is due to the fact that during preliminary tests under adverse weather conditions there is a potential danger of losing control over the flight of the radar carrier, especially in the case of developing unmanned aircraft platforms. In addition, there are very rare weather phenomena, such as wind shear, the detection of which during tests is an unlikely event. All this leads to the fact that the development and debugging of onboard radars for low-altitude carriers that solve the problem of meteorological navigation during flight, it is advisable to carry out the method of semi-naturalistic modeling, using databases for the formation of reflected signals that contain a set of initial parameters that allow imitation either in real time or according to a pre-planned flight scenario and a prepared special set of signal signature records. This article proposes an algorithm for working with a database and subsequent numerical modeling, which allows estimating the necessary spectral components of signal signatures for a pulse-Doppler radar that estimates the radial component of wind speed in each resolution element, which is used for further calculation of the F-factor of wind shear hazard.
Keywords: airborne radar, database, simulation, numerical modeling, meteorological navigation, Arctic, wind shear
The article is devoted to the consideration of multi-criteria Pareto optimization methods based on genetic algorithms. The NSGA-III and AGE-MOEA-II methods are considered, and their comparative analysis is given. The results obtained are important both for theoretical research in the field of genetic algorithms and for practical application in engineering and other fields where multicriteria optimization plays a key role.
Keywords: multicriteria optimization problem, Pareto front, genetic algorithm, NSGA-III, AGE-MOEA-II
In this paper, heat transfer in a staggered tube bundle under steady and pulsating flow conditions is analyzed using numerical simulation. The numerical study was conducted for tube bundles with 5, 10, and 15 longitudinal rows. The Reynolds number Re and the Prandtl number Pr were 3400 and 3 respectively. Flow pulsations were characterized by both symmetrical and asymmetrical reciprocating flow. The effect of pulsations was estimated using the product of the relative dimensionless pulsation amplitude and the Strouhal number A/DSh, which corresponded to values of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.4. The numerical study was conducted using Ansys Fluent. The flow hydrodynamics in the tube bundle was described using the Reynolds-averaged unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. Based on the results of numerical simulation, it was found that the effect of pulsations on heat transfer in the tube bundle varies depending on the number of longitudinal rows. It is shown that an increase in the number of rows leads to a decrease in the Nusselt number ratio in a pulsating flow compared to a steady flow. It is established that the thermal-hydraulic efficiency increases with an increase in the number of rows. It is shown that asymmetric pulsations are more effective than symmetric ones for intensifying heat transfer when taking into account energy costs
Keywords: heat transfer intensification, staggered tube bundle, heat transfer, numerical simulation, flow pulsations
The purpose of this work is to study the applicability of the U-Net architecture for automatically determining the contours of natural skins using the TensorFlow and Keras libraries in Python. A software application has been developed based on methods including OpenCV libraries, as well as a model for implementing a deep convolutional neural network. The dataset for training and testing the network was created using augmentation. Training was carried out using the stochastic gradient descent method after splitting the data sample into training and test images. In the future, the results obtained will be used to create an automated system that will make it possible to determine the contours of the skin and its defects, which in turn will open up the possibility of calculating the useful area of the skin and creating an automated layout of patterns taking into account the identified defects.
Keywords: computer vision, edge detection, natural skin, machine learning, convolutional neural networks, U-Net architecture, deep learning
Since 2017, EVRAZ ZSMK JSC has been developing and operating a mathematical model covering all processing stages from ore extraction to final products – SMM Forecast. The model will be used to calculate technical cases, plans, and parity prices for iron ore and coal, and its use brought more than 200 million rubles of economic effect in 2020 alone. The use of a universal mathematical model made it possible in 2023 to begin the development of a module for daily optimization of an agglomeration factory and blast furnace production. The article discusses the experience of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC in the development and implementation of a daily planning system based on the monthly planning model of SMM Forecast, as well as methods for achieving an acceptable speed of multi-period optimization. The SMM Forecast system was originally designed for end-to-end, scenario-based calculation of the main raw materials from ore and coal to finished products in a volumetric monthly planning. The system uses optimization algorithms to search for a global target function to maximize margin income under specified constraints. The mathematical model of redistribution uses the norms and technologies specified in the company's regulatory documents. At the same time, the model is universal and the transfer of algorithms from monthly to daily mode was carried out with minimal modifications. The article also discusses the difficulties encountered and various methods of solving these problems. The first problem faced by the developers was the low speed of optimization of the model in daily dynamics due to the strong complication of the optimization load. The calculation time has increased significantly, and to solve this problem, it took the introduction of a number of optimization cycles aimed at reducing the speed of solving equations, introducing variable boundaries, and determining starting points. As a result, the calculation time for one month was about 40 minutes. The second problem was the need to develop a complex supply management algorithm and optimize stacking at the sinter plant. As a result of solving this problem, a working tool has been developed that brings additional income to the enterprise.
Keywords: metallurgy, modeling, planning, daily planning, sintering plant, blast furnace shop, stacking
The rocks that form a natural geological reservoir for underground gas storage, during the operation of UGS, are exposed to prolonged cyclic loads caused by periodic injections and withdrawals of natural gas. At the same time, it is possible to develop and accumulate residual deformations in rocks that cause irreversible changes in the properties of rocks and this must be taken into account when designing and operating UGS.
Keywords: underground gas storage, geomechanical modeling, cavern, salt massif, deformations
the work is devoted to a comparative analysis of various calculation and mathematical models among themselves. The calculation of the frame joint of reinforced concrete structures is performed: a pylon and a cantilever beam. Three methods for performing the calculation of this joint are proposed: an analytical method, a rod FEM model and a volumetric FEM model. The analysis of the calculation results is performed: a comparison of internal forces and calculated reinforcement. The consequences of a superficial analysis of the structure and simplification of calculation models are shown using the example of damage to a real structure under the action of operational loads.
Keywords: reinforced concrete console, structure calculation, node calculation, Lira 10, Russian software, optimal design of reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement analysis
A mathematical model for managing a commercial organization that specializes in the production and sale of asphalt and asphalt concrete is presented and analyzed in this paper. The study is based on mathematical modeling principles and management theory. An organized two-tier management system has been proposed, consisting of an asphalt manufacturer and its clients. The problem was considered numerically using various types of input data, and the company "FIRM PROFILE LLC" provided necessary information for calculations. The paper analyzes the results obtained and offers practical recommendations for improving the management of this enterprise.
Keywords: optimal management, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling, enterprise model, hierarchical system
This paper discusses the influence of the turbulence model selection in predicting heat transfer in tube bundles in two- and three-dimensional settings. Numerical studies were performed for in-line and staggered tube bundles using Ansys Fluent software with three RANS turbulence models (k-ω SST, RSM EWT, and RNG k-ε) and a laminar solver. The tube lengths l in three dimensions were 0.5D and 3D, with a fixed tube diameter D. The Reynolds number Re ranged from 100 to 2900. The results showed that the turbulence model selection affects the qualitative flow pattern in tube bundles, with two-dimensional structures predominating in the flow regardless of the turbulence model selection. Therefore, the tube length has virtually no effect on the ability to predict heat transfer intensity. It is shown that when using the laminar solver, the effect of the bundle tube length can be significant depending on Re and the bundle layout. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained for the RSM EWT and RNG k-ε EWT models. For a staggered bundle, when choosing the k-ω SST model, satisfactory agreement with experimental data is observed, while the heat transfer of the in-line bundle is significantly underestimated. The use of the laminar solver in a steady-state formulation is justified for a pronounced laminar flow, at Re < 1000 with a further increase in Re, it is necessary to use a unsteady formulation with sufficient time and mesh resolution.
Keywords: convective heat transfer, in-line tube bundle, staggered tube bundle, computational simulation, turbulence modeling
The work is devoted to the study of the temperature distribution and equivalent voltage on the surface of a thermal radiation receiver during experimental and computational series. The experiments showed a qualitative and quantitative coincidence of the temperature data obtained by thermal imaging with the results of numerical modeling. The average error was 0.5℃, with a maximum deviation of 1.5℃ at individual points, which is due to edge effects and thermal insulation features. The computational model reproduces the main characteristics of the temperature field, including the effect of shielding, using a relatively low density of the computational grid. As part of the verification of the numerical model, the analysis of grid convergence was carried out, as well as the control of residuals and control of solution parameters were performed.
Keywords: heat exchanger, numerical and analytical calculation, convective and radiant heat transfer, efficiency improvement, outgoing flue gas, heat recovery, gas-liquid heat exchanger, numerical modeling, mathematical model, ANSYS Workbench software
The article deals with multi-criteria mathematical programming problems aimed at optimizing food production. One of the models of one-parameter programming is associated with solving the problem of combining crop production, animal husbandry and product processing. It is proposed to use the time factor as the main parameter, since some production and economic characteristics can be described by significant trends. The second multi-criteria parametric programming model makes it possible to optimize the production of agricultural products and harvesting of wild plants. in relation to the municipality, which is important for territories with developed agriculture and high potential of food forest resources.
Keywords: parametric programming, agricultural production, two-criteria model
The use of simulation analysis requires a large number of models and computational time. Reduce the calculation time in complex complex simulation and statistical modeling, allowing the implementation of parallel programming technologies in the implemented models. This paper sets the task of parallelizing the algorithmization of simulation modeling of the dynamics of a certain indicator (using the example of a model of the dynamics of cargo volume in a storage warehouse). The model is presented in the form of lines for calculating input and output flows, specified as: a moving average autoregressive model with trend components; flows of the described processes, specified according to the principle of limiting the limitation on the volume (size) of the limiting parameter, with strong stationarity of each of them. A parallelization algorithm using OpenMP technology is proposed. The efficiency indicators of the parallel algorithm are estimated: speedup, calculated as the ratio of the execution time of the sequential and parallel algorithm, and efficiency, reflecting the proportion of time that computational threads spend in calculations, and representing the ratio of the speedup to the sequential result of the processors. The dependence of the execution of the sequential and parallel algorithm on the number of simulations has been constructed. The efficiency of the parallel algorithm for the main stages of the simulation implementation was obtained at the level of 73%, the speedup is 4.38 with the number of processors 6. Computational experiments demonstrate a fairly high efficiency of the proposed parallel algorithm.
Keywords: simulation modeling, parallel programming, parallel algorithm efficiency, warehouse loading model, OpenMP technology
The problem of planning the sending of messages in a cellular network to destinations with known needs is considered. It is assumed that the costs of transmitting information on the one hand are proportional to the transmitted volumes and the cost of transmitting a unit of information over the selected communication channels in cases of exceeding the traffic established by the contract with the mobile operator, and on the other hand are associated with a fixed subscription fee for the use of channels, independent of the volume of information transmitted. An indicator of the quality of the plan in this setting is the total cost of sending the entire planned volume of messages. A procedure for reducing the formulated problem to a linear transport problem is proposed. The accuracy of the solution obtained on the basis of the proposed algorithm is estimated.
Keywords: single jump function, transport problem, minimum total cost criterion, computational complexity of the algorithm, confidence interval
In this paper, the problem of an equalizer design for high-speed receiver channel which is designed to compensate for the uneven frequency response of the input differential signal. Using special design methods, as well as modeling tools for frequency and transient characteristics, an equalizer with the ability to digitally adjust the gain was developed. This adjustment also reduces the impact of the spread of process parameters, which is inevitable during the production of the chip.
Keywords: attenuation, transceiver, equalizer, IP block, equalization, gain, amplitude
It is propossed to use foggy calculations to reduce the load on data transmission devices and computing systems in GIS. To improve the accuracy of estimating the efficiency of foggy calculations a non-Markov model of a multichannel system with queues, "warming up" and "cooling" is used. A method for calculating the probalistic-temporal characteristics of a non-Markov system with queues and with Cox distributions of the duration of "warming up" and "cooling" is prorosed. A program has been created to calculate the characteristics of the efficiency of fog calculations. The silution can be used as a software tool for predictive evaluation of the efficiency of access to geographic information systems, taking into account the features of fog computing technology and the costs of ensuring information security.
Keywords: fog computing, model of a multi-channel service system with queues, “warming up”, “cooling down”, geographic information systems, Cox distribution
The paper discusses a method for constructing a nonlinear software reliability efficiency function. The proposed algorithm is based on the use of information about the values of reliability criteria, as well as some expert judgments. This approach differs significantly from previously proposed models for assessing software reliability, which are based on a probabilistic approach. In the proposed method, in addition to objective information, subjective expert assessments are taken into account, which allows for a more flexible assessment of the reliability of software products.
Keywords: software reliability, probabilistic models, statistical models, partial performance criteria, linear programming, vector optimization, decision theory
The article examines the two-dimensional flow around rectangular cylinders with an aspect ratio from 0.1 to 2.0 using the k-Realizable turbulence model with a Reynolds number of 2×E5. Numerical calculations in the ANSYS Fluent program have obtained changes in the coefficients of drag, transverse force and the Struhal number depending on the size of the prism section. The calculations were carried out at the intensity of turbulence of the incoming flow 2% and 4%. According to the results of calculations, it was found that with turbulence 4%, there is a good coincidence of the total aerodynamic characteristics with the available experimental data.
Keywords: flow around a rectangular cylinder, k-e Realizable turbulence model, aerodynamic characteristics of a rectangular cylinder