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  • Improvement and optimization of the management of the organization of schemes under the current economic situation

    The article describes the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of improving the organizational structures of management of the organization in a market economy, supported by experimentation introduction into practice of the construction company; developed proposals to improve the organizational structure on the basis of the enterprises of the construction sector carried out by the scientific and practical studies and the experimental data.

    Keywords: structure, organization, management, construction, quality of life, system optimization

  • A possible approach to the representation of the domain structure in automatic abstracting

    The problem of representation of the structure of the domain, which could be used in automatic summarization is described in this paper. As a solution to this problem, the authors propose to use a denotat-based text analysis technique , developed by A.I. Novikov and his school (Institute of Linguistics). This technique was the basis of the proposed infological model that makes it possible to view the structure of a particular subject area, and ultimately the creation of a system of automatic summarization.

    Keywords: denotation, abstracting, understanding infological model, neural network, text comprehension, semantic clotting

  • Experimental Study of Denotative Model of Understanding in Applications of Automated Abstracting Systems

    The article deals with an experimental study of computer representation of the structure of the domain, which can be used in the automatic summarization. As a theoretical basis for the study psycholinguistic theory of AI Novikov was selected. The denotative text analysis technique which allows to explicate text's meaning in a graph structure was tested. The use of this technique allowed the authors to create a computational model for the automatic construction of graphs that reflect the contents of the natural text.

    Keywords: denotation, computing experiment, abstracting, understanding infological model, understanding of the text, meaning clotting

  • The usage of the parametric methods of statistics in the oil field equipment diagnostics

    The methods of the diagnostics and oil-and-gas installations state analysis reliability increasing based on usage of the parametric methods of statistics are discussed in this paper. The variance analysis of the mechanical properties of the pump rods made of normalized steel is given in this paper (according to the data of the manufacturing plant for the period of 10 years). It is found that breaking point and yield stress are distributed with the truncated normal laws in the region of minimum values. The obtained average values and variation coefficients of the mechanical properties within the steel grade permit to calculate the statistically significant changes of the mechanical characteristics. The correlations between Vickers hardness and breaking point (Vickers hardness and yield stress) in the case of steels produced in the Russian Federation for the pressure-operated vessels are also presented in this paper. These correlations permit to determine the strength characteristics with the relative error of 12% according to the hardness value. In the case of transferring the obtained correlations on the steels produced in Japan the systematic underestimation of the yield stress is 0,85 fold with respect to the value given in the certificate. The factors that influence on the microanalysis sensitivity and accuracy are revealed, the optimal scanning electron microscope mode and research conditions for the chosen patterns are also determined. Evaluation of the systematic inaccuracy of determining the carbon content in the steel is obtained in this paper. It is found that the measurement error for the scan area from 3 x 3 to 20 x 20 mm and accelerating voltage from 10 to 15 kv is minimal. The usage of the obtained results permits to increase the validity of the findings in the diagnosed installations condition evaluation and determining the conditions of their further exploitation.

    Keywords: diagnostics, oil field equipment, parametric statistics, variance analysis, precision of measurements, mechanical properties, microanalysis

  • Investigation of stress-strain state of reinforced concrete arch with a view of viscoelasticity on the basis of different theories of creep

    We investigated the creep of concrete arches based on the following theories: the theory of linear creep by Harutyunyan-Maslov, kinetic theory, the theory of flow, theory of aging, and nonlinear theory of Y. Gurieva. We considered viscoelastic model of the concrete, ie total strain was represented as the sum of elastic strain and creep strain. Solution of the problem was carried out by finite element method. We considered the arch rigidly clamped at the ends and loaded with a uniformly distributed load. Graphs of growth of deflection and stress distribution in the reinforcement and concrete are represented. We obtained the substantial redistribution of stress between the reinforcement and the concrete during creep: in reinforcement stresses increased and in concrete stresses decreased. The strongest redistribution occurs on the theory Y. Gureva.

    Keywords: reinforced concrete arch, creep theory of heredity, aging theory, the theory of flow, kinetic theory, finite element method, stress-strain state

  • Model of adaptive allocation of scarce resources based on innovative non-manipulable mechanisms

    This article discusses some aspects of the balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among enterprises. The author's solution to this problem on the basis of non-manipulable mechanisms to support decision-making. It is proved that under certain conditions, in particular when not transferable utility, optimal decision-making processes in economic systems must be sought in the class of non-manipulable mechanisms.

    Keywords: innovative resources, the concept of a balanced allocation of scarce resources, theory of economy of the active connect, non-manipulable of a mechanisms, transferable utility.

  • Development of logical and conceptual model for decision-making in the theory of the economy of the active connect

    This article discusses some aspects of the development of logical and conceptual model for decision-making in the theory of the economy of the active connect.The article offers author's solution to this problem on the basis of the extreme values ​​of Choque integral. It is proved that under certain conditions, in particular when not transferable utility, optimal decision-making procedures for the balanced allocation of scarce resources in economic systems must be sought in the class of information and cognitive technologies included in the list of critical technologies of modern Russia.

    Keywords: innovative resources, theory of the economy of the active connect, the Choque integral, the concept of a balanced allocation of scarce innovation resources

  • Features of the relationship career orientations and beliefs about the success of the students enrolled in engineering degrees

    The article updated issue of the ideas about the success in the national psychology . It is noted that the implementation of a successful career in modern conditions is possible only if the formation of a holistic way of career. Describes how to identify the relationship of career orientations and beliefs about the success of the students enrolled in engineering degrees .

    Keywords: career, career orientation , success, the success of the submission , the submission of a career , career path , a student

  • Entrepreneurial activity in the aspect of economic evaluation of environmental impact

    The article deals with the actual problems are the economic aspects of environmental impact assessment in the field of entrepreneurship. Highlighted the problematic aspects of their analysis is carried out, are possible solutions.

    Keywords: systems of environmental economy, organization and management, environmental protection system.

  • Functional and cost characteristics of medical information systems: experience of the system analysis

    The hierarchical classification of medical information systems (MIS), accepted in article, is proved. Authors present main goals of MIS various types usage, including directory and information-analytical support of acceptance (choice) for diagnostic, medical, administrative and other types of decisions; medico-statistical calculations performance and so forth. For separate units of the medical equipment the functional purpose of their software is analyzed; its structure and cost; used communication protocols with MIS of the medical institutions (MI). For MIS of MI-scale is considered in detail necessary functionality; costs of creation, introduction and operation (including costs of hardware, telecommunication equipment, personnel training, all-system software and so forth). Concerning MIS, applied to management of regions health care sphere, their functional tasks are presented, some features of complex MIS are specified. In article is specified role of «federal level»-MIS in control system of the health care sphere. Authors investigate necessary levels of information and communication competence of patients, medical, technical and administrative personnel of MI - from positions of development, introduction and operation of MIS. The expedient directions and methods of ensuring such competence are analyzed.

    Keywords: medical information systems, hierarchical structure, functions, cost, development, exploitation

  • Controlled parameters of grain aeration

    The author attempts to to justify the necessary process parameters controlled aeration of grain for the purpose of drying. Applied a systematic approach. The drying process is presented in the form of interaction of the "drying agent" and "grain" layer. By using elements of information theory evaluated informative value of each of the elements in the system and the system as a whole on the basis of data on the state of the grain layer. Position aeration considered as objects with distributed parameters. It has been established that adequate process control aeration sufficient to control the parameters of drying agent inlet cereal layer.

    Keywords: grain, elementary layer, active ventilation, drying, temperature, humidity, drying, agent, informative, entropy, equilibrium, bit.

  • On the rational management and exploitation of resources in the Krasnoyarsk region

    The article analyzes the main reserves of natural resources development and investment projects for the development of the Krasnoyarsk region. More assess the forest resources of the region. Particular emphasis is placed on problems that hinder the pace of development. Highlighted the main problems of the forest sector of the region. According to the results of the analysis of the findings, which indicate the main directions of development of the region on the development and processing resources of the region. A further objective of the structural adjustment of the economy of the region is the maximum use of the resource potential and implementation as a key tool of industrial policy, the cluster approach and the model of innovative development.

    Keywords: investment project, environmental management, industrial plant, wood processing, forest resources, forestry, infrastructure, transport infrastructure, the Lower Angara region, regional economy, the exploitation of resources.

  • Optimization method of measuring the active power by the method of delays

    The article discusses the application of the method of delays in electric power networks and the possibility of its further improvement in order to reduce the number of calculations and simplify the hardware implementation.To do this, conducted a study on the impact of the delay signal measurement result. The result of the study is to select the optimal delay time. The model proposed in MatLab Simulink program and a study of measurement error as the frequency of mains voltage.

    Keywords: measuring, power, electric network, the method of delays, delay time, optimization, modeling

  • Shape memory alloys in the vehicle: increased safety

    Experimental and theoretical study of the models of elastic-plastic elements vehicles manufactured from alloys with shape memory effect. Dynamic tests were carried out in the area of deformation (20-30%), which allowed to achieve optimum energy absorption and return to its original position for subsequent deformation. The model proved highly efficient in terms of the one-dimensional dynamic loading, such full-scale, and allow for the absorption from 55.8 to 97.8% of the inputs, depending on the initial geometrical proportions. Evaluation of the effect of the scale factor in the simulation of elastic-plastic elements on the basis of an alloy with shape memory effect showed the possibility of transferring the results of experimental studies on a real model of the car of the future.

    Keywords: model, elastic-plastic element, alloy, shape memory effect, the dynamic test, the scale factor, the car of the future

  • On testing of experimental model of the element-proof equipment drivers motor transport (part 2)

    The analysis of domestic innovative solutions describing shock devices. Topical area of research is to reduce the dimensions of such devices while maintaining their energopogloschatelnoy capacity and use of new materials such as shape memory alloys. The technique of testing such ustroustv with elements made of these materials.

    Keywords: shockproof devices, dimensions, energopogloshchayushchaya ability, alloys, shape memory, the method of testing