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  • Potentials and strategies for the development of peripheral territories of the St. Petersburg agglomeration (on the example of the village of Novosaratovka)

    As part of the study, the problem of developing the peripheral territories of the St. Petersburg agglomeration according to the existing monocentric model will be raised. On the example of the territory of one of the settlements currently being developed in the peripheral zone of the agglomeration (the village of Novosaratovka), the potentials ("vectors") of its development will be identified and strategies for its development according to the polycentric model will be proposed, with the formation of a general strategy for the development of the settlement with the prospect of applying it to similar " new" territories.

    Keywords: St. Petersburg agglomeration, polycentric model, “dormitory” areas, peripheral territories, Novosaratovka village, ecological, socio-cultural, public and business potential, “vectors” of development, territory development strategy, support center

  • The main factors affecting the concentration of fine dust in the roadside areas of a linear city

    The article deals with the distribution of fine dust in the atmospheric air of roadside areas of cities with a linear configuration, factors affecting its concentration in the roadside area.

    Keywords: fine dust, roadside areas, road transport, wind speed, meteorological parameters

  • Modeling resource consumption in the process of development of residential areas

    The lack of water resources determines the problem of their rationing. Existing water consumption standards provide for a wide range of daily consumption values. This does not take into account possible measures to save water, provided for by the concept of buildings with a zero balance of water consumption. In addition, the technical specifications for the design of water supply systems include, for economic reasons, the smallest possible number of residents. The actual occupancy may exceed the planned one by several times, which requires further investment of additional funds already in the reconstruction of the newly built network. The objective of the study is to develop an analytical model of water consumption, the analysis of which allows us to evaluate the dynamics of changes in the specific water consumption with a variable population.

    Keywords: specific water consumption, indifference curves, resource replacement rates, marginal water consumption

  • The prospect of using automated process control systems with plasma coal burning in the Far North

    To consider the possibility of saving resources from the introduction of an automated process control system (APCS) of a boiler plant with plasma ignition of coal for increased efficiency in the conditions of the Far North. To investigate automated control systems for boiler installations with various options for preparing coal for plasma ignition of the boiler, to consider their main advantages and disadvantages. To substantiate the need for the introduction of automated process control systems of a boiler plant of increased efficiency. Based on the literature review and the results of the calculation of economic efficiency, to develop a plan for the implementation of an automated control system of a boiler plant of increased efficiency for the conditions of the far north.

    Keywords: energy resources, power engineering, boiler plant, automated control system

  • Analysis of the ratio of product quality and production capacity efficiency (OEE index)

    As practice has shown, enterprises that receive high profits achieve this by reducing costs, rather than increasing the price of products. The national project "Labor Productivity and Employment Support" defines one of the directions for achieving high labor productivity and product competitiveness as training in lean production tools. The article discusses the applied methods of lean production on the example of an architectural and artistic casting enterprise, and also shows the main indicators for evaluating the efficiency of using production capacities.

    Keywords: efficiency of equipment operation, ITS index, lean manufacturing methods, Pareto analysis

  • Overview of methods for stabilizing heaving soils in the Kirov region

    Due to the increasing pace of construction and overhaul of roads, there is a need to introduce more economical and efficient technologies. One of such technologies is soil stabilization. Based on the study of various scientific literature and project documentation, typical soils of the foundation and roadbed of the Kirov region have been established, and their features have been identified. During the study of the soils of the region, several dangerous geological processes were discovered that affect the operation and construction of roads. The article analyzes various methods and techniques of stabilization of heaving soils, as well as possible design solutions for the construction of a layer of modified soil. In addition, the mechanisms by which stabilization is carried out and cases of their application were given. In the course of the study, the main types of stabilizing additives, their features and principle of operation were considered. In order to identify the degree of influence of various binders on the technological sequence of construction, variants of schemes for the production of work on soil reinforcement are presented, depending on their types. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the stabilization technology is one of the most modern, efficient and cost-effective and provides various advantages in comparison with other alternative methods of strengthening of heaving soils. The relevance of this method for the Kirov region is also proved.

    Keywords: road, construction, technology, stabilization, soils, additives, recycler, binders, soil cement, heaving, strengthening

  • Adaptation of the methodology of complex assessment of the territory for the territorial and spatial development of the construction complex of the subject of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Rostov region)

    One of the main socio-economic tasks of the Rostov region is the development of the construction complex. The construction complex affects the interests of the majority of residents of our country and is one of the most important sectors of the country's economy.

    Keywords: construction complex, comprehensive assessment of the territory, subject of the Russian Federation, territorial planning, Rostov region"

  • Application of the dynamic system oscillation indicator to identify catastrophic cutter wear

    The object of the research is the method of cutting tool wear control that provides evaluation of the periodicity of cutting tool replacement on the basis of vibration signals. Noise and vibration meter VShV-003-M2 is used for registration of vibration level in the process of parts processing. A procedure of determining the index of catastrophic cutting tool wear according to the vibration index with the use of the autocorrelation function and the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the dynamic system is developed. Measurements of vibration readings of a batch of parts in wave-file format were made, by processing the readings an array of data - vibration indicators, allowing to estimate the process of the cutter wear development during the machining process was obtained. Providing control of catastrophic wear of cutting tools is necessary for timely replacement of cutting inserts.

    Keywords: vibration index, catastrophic wear, tool, condition monitoring, vibration, turning machine, sensor

  • Investigation of the strength properties of magnesia solutions

    This article contains the results of a study of the strength characteristics of building mortars of various compositions based on magnesia binder (magnesia oxychloride cement). The results obtained: the final compressive strength (28-day) within the studied compositions is from 12 to 45 MPa, the kinetics (rate) of strength growth on the first day of hardening is from 22 to 38%, on the third day of hardening – 33-68%, on the seventh day – from 50-88%, and about 120% from the design (28-day) with further hardening.

    Keywords: magnesia oxychloride cement, magnesia binder, magnesia mortar, magnesia concrete, caustic magnesite, magnesium chloride, compressive strength, strength set kinetics

  • Mathematical model for assessing the quality of work on clearing territories from unwanted vegetation

    When clearing territories for the construction and / or subsequent maintenance of such infrastructure facilities as construction sites, airfield territories, right-of-way for roads and railways, heat supply routes, and so on, work is often carried out to remove growing undesirable tree and shrub vegetation, At the same time, the problem of assessing the quality of the performance of these works is relevant. The authors of the article consider the issues of mathematical modeling for assessing the quality and effectiveness of the work performed to clear the territories of a number of the above infrastructure facilities, give the boundary values ​​of the criteria for assessing the quality of the measures taken to remove vegetation, and formulate a conclusion about the advantages of the developed mathematical model.

    Keywords: territory, unwanted vegetation, removal, efficiency, quality, criteria, evaluation

  • Increasing the intensification of heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exchangers

    The paper studies the problems of heat transfer intensification in shell-and-tube heat exchangers used in the heat supply of buildings. The solution to this problem is to use the circulation of the coolant flow in a pulsed mode, with different frequency pulsations. Based on experimental studies to determine the efficiency of a shell-and-tube water-to-water heat exchanger, a method has been proposed, in accordance with which it has been proved that the pulsed mode, compared to the stationary one, is the most effective in terms of key indicators, such as the heat transfer coefficient and thermal power.

    Keywords: intensification, heat transfer, heat exchanger, coolant, fluctuations, efficiency, thermal power

  • Investigation of thermal conditions in the building of the Accreditation Center

    The article studies the thermal conditions in the heating system of a two-storey building of the laboratory building of the Medical Institute. The analysis was carried out on the basis of data obtained from thermograms of heating devices. The study of thermal conditions in a two-pipe heating system is carried out, the actual and estimated power of each heating device is determined, as well as the temperature inside the premises.

    Keywords: Coolant regulation, heating system, thermostat, thermal modes, thermogram, coolant, balancing, heating system

  • Mathematical modeling of the bottom-hole zone of the trunk with a combined sinking scheme

    The support in the bottom-hole zone of the trunk is a system of rings made of monolithic concrete having a different hardening period, which increases from the face up the trunk and is determined by the duration of the tunneling cycle. The strength and deformation parameters of the concrete support depend on the age of the concrete. Thus, to determine the strength of concrete in the early stages of concrete hardening, various empirical dependencies are used that link the strength of concrete at the design age with the strength at the required age. Based on a series of calculations performed by the finite element method, it was found that the change in the penetration rate does not significantly affect the relationship between stresses and deformations when static equilibrium is reached in the ""support – array"" system, which occurs at a high penetration rate at a greater distance from the bottom of the trunk. At the same time, intensive loading of the support at an early age can disrupt the process of natural hardening of concrete, lead to a violation of its structure, the development of fracturing, which will entail a decrease in the bearing capacity and water resistance of the support, a decrease in its durability.

    Keywords: shaft, sinking, support, concrete, stress, deformation, strength, bearing capacity

  • Application of world experience in the construction of energy-efficient residential complexes in Russia

    The article discusses the importance of using energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies for the purpose of sustainable development of the country's territory. Examples of the introduction of energy-efficient residential complexes in Europe, as well as the experience of using these technologies in Russia are presented.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, energy-saving technologies, construction, world experience, energy saving

  • Organizational and managerial aspects of the restoration of territories affected by natural disasters

    Natural disasters can cause serious damage to cities and entire regions, which makes it important to improve the efficiency of planning repair and construction work when restoring built-up areas. The article discusses the organizational and managerial aspects of the restoration of territories affected by natural disasters, which is the basis for effective planning and implementation of projects for the reconstruction and restoration of settlements.

    Keywords: natural disasters, emergency situation, urban area, advanced planning, infrastructure