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  • Raman spectra on three phase transitions of perchlorate of natrium

    The analysis of temperature dependence of frequencies of lines  is conducted active in the spectrums of combination dispersion of  perchlorate of natrium. The theory analysis of spectrums is conducted.

    Keywords: Perchlorat of natrium, anion, spectrums of combination dispersion, phase change

  • Flexible piezocomposites with mixed connectivity phases in the system

      Laboratory technology was developed to fabricate flexible piezocomposites with ferroelectric phase - polymers having signal reception factorv • gv 5000 • 10-15 m2 / N. The values of the given coefficient were achieved by switching from a probabilistic (spontaneous) percolation to a correlated one in the process of forming material. This made the production of 0-1–3 piezocomposites, in which a part of piezophase has 0 connectivity, and the other part – 1 connectivity possible. To improve the efficiency of piezocomposite polarization before their manufacturing the surface of piezophase particles, which were obtained by the partial destruction of the porous frameworks, was treated with coupling agent, which did not only improve the polymer adhesion to piezophase, but also allowed the removal of water from the particle surface. The latter effect reduced the value of interfacial conductivity, i.e. prevented the voltage drop of the polarizing field. Matching of polymer conductivity and piezoceramic particles by determining the optimal polarization temperature was carried out as well.  

    Keywords: piezocomposites, percolation, connectivity, electrophysical properties

  • Nonfinancial financing of construction sector entities: Theory

    Credit availability to construction sector entities determines for thin-capitalized construction firms the possibility of survival during the crisis and of efficient growth during the economic recovery. The main lenders for construction sector entities are commercial creditors (suppliers) and banks. Although their credit policies are similar, debt to commercial creditors dominate in the balance sheets of borrowers, because of customary business practices in construction industry and regulatory distinctions.

    Keywords: information asymmetry, agency theory, trade credit

  • An algorithm for finding the linear functional quality of complex technical systems with varying degrees of competence of experts.

    This article describes an algorithm for finding the linear functional quality that describes the order of preference on a set of technical systems. The basic idea, which implements the algorithm is to break the complex solutions of the preference (for many variables) into a number of simple solutions (in pairs of variables), followed by a formal synthesis of the overall solution.

    Keywords: The algorithm for finding the linear functional quality of the order of preference on a set of technical systems, formal synthesis, the numerical value of the degree of competence of the individual experts

  • Monitoring and evaluation of the strength of concrete at the plants of precast and ready-mix concrete

    Provides a method of representation of the scheme of control and evaluation of concrete strength at the factory. The method does not require detailed text-th maintenance, differs with visibility and convenient for workers of the construction laboratories.

    Keywords: Сontrol of the selling of concrete strength, the party of commodity concrete mixture, the party of the precast concrete and reinforced concrete, the required concrete strength

  • Capital structure determinants of construction companies

    This paper presents key capital structure determinants of construction companies and their impact on fund raising and financing mix formation in accordance with the conditions of construction activity. It was found that profitability and tangibility have a positive effect on leverage, risk - the negative and the effect of company size, assets growth rate and taxes is ambiguous.

    Keywords: capital structure determinants, profitability, risk, taxes, tangibility, construction companies

  • A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems of equations describing the circuits

    The article describes the main problems of circuit simulation. The problem of solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) of large dimension. The modified algorithm is a linear algebraic solutions. Described a hybrid evolutionary algorithm for solving linear systems based on the proposed modified method. The results of the pilot study and comparison of the algorithm with the algorithms based on the traditional methods for solving linear algebraic equation, which confirm the advantages of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm.

    Keywords: Genetic operators, evolutionary algorithm, the system of linear algebraic equations, computer-aided design.

  • Methods of forming the technical and economic indexes of reconstruction program

    The article describes the methods of forming the program of technical and economic feasibility of reconstruction. The program is based on the technical and economic calculations which justify the need for its development. It is important to take into account the technical and economic indices which provide a minimal amount of construction works. During the development of technical and economic parameters, it is necessary to take into account the organization of construction, the terms of energy saving, heating, water supply, drainage and industrial waste water, human resources, the environment, the effectiveness of capital investments. All questions are considered for the perspective of the development of science and technology.

    Keywords: site renovation, technical-and-economic indexes

  • The practical application of procedures for the selection of a construction site landfill solid waste consumption

    With a view to the practical use of the proposed method scientifically based selection of the site for the construction of the landfill for the disposal of solid waste consumption of the algorithm, the main stages of the implementation of which correspond to the main stages of site selection methodology. The algorithm provided by the program «Territory» for ЕС.

    Keywords: Solid waste consumption, landfill disposal tvedyh consumption waste, wet waste, environmental safety

  • The use of physical-energy approach to the description of air pollution factories concrete products and structures

    Considered relevant for the construction industry the problem of air pollution by dust. A significant level of airborne dust is typical for plants of concrete products and structures. A physical model of the process of mixing of air pollution department, which includes the main stage of the contamination: education, allocation and distribution of pollutants. Ustanovnleno that the main objects of the physical model are contaminant technological raw materials, manufacturing equipment, the workplace air and the ground layer of the atmosphere.

    Keywords: Contaminant technological raw materials, manufacturing equipment, workplace air, the physical model of air pollution

  • Integrated waste management system in the Rostov region

    The article analyzes the sources of waste in the Rostov region, namely the accumulation of toxic chemicals, household activities of the population, the fuel and energy complex. As a result of violations of waste disposal technologies is a high level of air pollution, water pollution, soil degradation, soil and water contamination by heavy metals, spontaneous combustion of landfill biogas allocation.      Consider measures to ensure environmental safety in the Rostov region ""for 2014 - 2020 g provided a long-term regional target program of 2,012m

    Keywords: biogas, waste management, waste water, desertification, environmental security, Rostov region

  • Development of Gas Sensitive Element Based on Copper Oxides Films for Ammonia Detection

      This paper is devoted to development of gas sensors air control. It is shown that copper oxides are the promising materials for high sensitive sensors. The CuOx film material was syntheses by means of citrate sol-gel technique. The sensors fabricated on the basis of CuOx film material were sensitive to ammonia gas in the range of 25-150 ppm. Working temperature was determined as 180 °C. Such sensors can be used for work area air control of industrial enterprises.

    Keywords: gas-sensitive element, atmospheric air, sensors, copper oxides

  • Research of process of drying of conversion lime carbonate in a tube-dryer

    In article findings of investigation of process of drying of conversion lime carbonate in an air-operated tube-dryer are resulted. For the first time dependences of moisture content in a tube-dryer from reference temperature of air or gases and from length of a tube-dryer are received. Results of researches can be used for designing of tubes-dryers for large-tonnage productions of conversion lime carbonate. 

    Keywords: conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer

  • Investigation properties of composite material for high sensitivity nitrogen dioxide sensors

      We have investigated electrical and gas sensitive properties of gas sensor based on carbon nanotubes (CNT) and carbon nanotubes modified by metal oxides (such as tin oxide and silicon oxide).  Also we  have find out that modification of  CNT by  metal oxides helps to  improve film`s adhesion to substrate, decrease electrical resistance, recovery time, working temperature , enhance gas sensitivity in comparison with sensitive elements based  only on CNT or metal oxides. Moreover experimental results showed that properties of composite material depend on concentration correlation of solutions. As a result we can get highest sensitivity of sensor element by choosing optimal relation between concentrations of solutions.

    Keywords: Сarbon nanotubes, modification, tin oxide, silicon oxide, gas sensor

  • Simulation of self-assembly process of electrically conductive polymer materials for hybrid sensor systems

    In the present workwas carried outmodeling of self-assembly of conductive polymer materials for hybridsensor systems for example polyacrylonitrile with silver metallic inclusions. Implementation of modeling was performed by the Wang-Landau and entropic Monte Carlo simulation based on a model with a fixed valence angle. For modeling polymerization process using an algorithm based on the principles of irreversible aggregation of Eden.Methods of quantum chemistry has been investigated and the possibility of obtaining the silver property PAN, as there doxpolymer.

    Keywords: Hybrid sensor systems polyconjugated functional conductive polymers, metal-organic polymer composites, the energy of the Hartree-Focksemi conductor gas sensitive materials, mathematical modeling, Monte Carlo, quantum-chemical calculations