`Described is the methodology of studying of topology of tensor quantity of magnetic field of leakage of natural defects in the natural geomagnetic field magnetization, which is the base for realization of digital Hall defect scope. Using this set it was managed to register the defects with the peculiar size of 15 microns in steel wire, which is used for reeling of butter spring of trucks.
Keywords: non-destructive testing, Hall-effect sensor, magnetic tomography.
Information about authors of issue №3 (2013)
Keywords: authors
In this paper the mathematical and software design automation systems maintenance program wireless devices used in various industrial processes. Mathematical Software CAD presented analysis algorithms process operation and maintenance (MOT) wireless devices, and also includes methods of optimization theory to determine the primary regulated parameters, frequency THAT. Software automation system has a modular structure and contains a package of applications and graphical user interface. Software package implements the project procedures of analysis and synthesis. CAD allows in automatic mode to simulate the process of operation and the device and evaluate the recommended value of rational frequency of maintenance.
Keywords: algorithm design automation, maintenance intervals, a wireless device, optimization.
Cold asfaltobetonny mixes which unlike standard mixes prepare without drying and heating of a mineral component are developed. Advantages of these mixes are that they is better, than standard mixes cooperate with a damp repaired covering and in the course of warehousing don't demand performance of actions for prevention of caking of a mix. Mixes are intended for timely localization of the centers of the destruction appearing on pavings in the early spring and autumn.
Keywords: emergency repair of pavings, hollows and sags, surface-active substances, razzhizhenny bitumen, cold asfaltobetonny mix.
The article discusses the development and characterize the state of the consumer market of Rostov region, the comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the local consumer markets municipalities Rostov region, held their ranking.
Identified key issues of long-term development of the consumer market of Rostov region, in terms of infrastructure and organizational development, in terms of the development of competition, in terms of ensuring consumer protection. The main constraints on the development of the consumer market in the Rostov region.
Identified priority areas, the main objectives and activities of the development of the consumer market of Rostov region for the period until 2020.
Keywords: Consumer market and city consumer market, ranking, key challenges, constraints, priorities, objectives and activities of the regional long-term development of the consumer market, the strategy of socio-economic development of the region.
Information about authors of issue №1 (2012)
Keywords: authors