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  • Liveability new standards for sustainable development of the territory

    The article discusses the liveability as a key condition for sustainable development of territories, presents the criteria to assess the level of sustainable development of the area municipalities. The criteria of evaluation of the quality of the environment, as well as the interaction of the three components of sustainable development of the territory.

    Keywords: sustainable development of the area, comfortable environment, the stability of the system, the quality of the environment, spatial planning

  • Development of recommendations about decrease in ecological danger – the spatial analysis of territories after implementation of recommendations

    For formation of favorable tourist image of the Rostov region it is necessary to pay special attention to an ecological situation in the region. The technique of organizational and technological actions for elimination of negative influence of factors of environment and to increase of recreational appeal of the territory is developed. Its application will allow to increase investment appeal of the territory in general, and also to improve quality of life of the population and to increase a tourist stream. Results are presented in the form of the tables and electronic cards constructed in the environment of ArcGIS ESRI. Use of GIS of technologies allows to supply the investor with necessary information on investment appeal of certain territories for an arrangement of tourist and recreational zones. Results of the carried-out work will allow to estimate any territory, to carry out the analysis of the received results and to receive a real picture in research of this or that territory.

    Keywords: Ecological tourism, recreational suitability of the territory, territory assessment, ecological factor, modeling of stages of territorial planning, recreational zones, complex of actions

  • Rural fire insurance on Don (second half of XIX - early XX centuries)

    History rural fire insurance on the Don, analysis of insurance institutions Don Army (1870-1876), 
    regional rural council (1876-1882), the Regional Management Committee for Zemstvo Affairs (1882-1919). 
    The specificity of the insurance for the сossack population: collecting insurance payments stanichno and county boards, 
    the choice of the сossacks rated insurance, etc. 
    There was a preponderance of mutual insurance, analyzed the accumulation of insurance capital  

    Keywords: insurance, organization of insurance, business, Zemstvo insurance, mutual insurance, insured event, insurance valuation, insurance discounts

  • Experimental study of strength and thermal properties of materials for thermal calculations enclosing structures based on them

    The main maintenance of a determination of strength and thermal properties of lightweight concrete on the basis of local raw materials by the Republic of Tajikistan constant linear heat source. The dependence of the thermal conductivity of wet concrete on its temperature as a linear function , differentiated by zones of positive and negative temperatures, which is the basis for calculating the probability of heat engineering structures using the test light concrete .

    Keywords: Lightweight concrete, thermal conductivity, specific heat, humidity, temperature, probability figures, exterior walls, thermal calculation

  • Comprehensive approach to the problem of modernization of the housing stock

    The structure and maintenance of housing analyzed. Put more abstract and an extensive understanding of the concept of modernization as the complex development of residential real estate. Classification of modernization of housing types: endogenous, endogenously-exogenous, and exogenous to create a multi-objective optimization model of the process with the required level of adequacy. Theoretical substantiation of complex approach.

    Keywords: modernization, endogenous modernization, endogenously is the exogenous modernization, exogenous modernization, reproduction, reconstruction, housing, housing management

  • Some of the energy efficiency of heating networks in the context of the current state of Russian communal services complex

    This article addresses the energy efficiency of heating systems. It describes the main requirements for modern heating networks. Reviews the main technological and engineering problem-solving tools of energy efficiency. Particular attention is paid to the comprehensive modernization of the old heating system. Offers cost-effective ways of redistribution of funds in the planning of operational costs and maintenance.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, heating systems, thermal circuit, heating, water treatment, reconstruction

  • The main components of the principle of formation of structure of management of construction organizations

    Management can be performed on the principles of motivation, planning, regulation of the course of production, coordination, organization and control on execution of decisions. Operate and develop the production units, depending on the goals

    Keywords: structure, management, goal, head, processes, organisation.

  • The effectiveness of the project production ground works for laying of utilities

    This article is devoted to the consideration of economic, social and urban effect in the co-production work on the laying of utilities. The main results of evaluation of the economic efficiency of the options considered gasket types of utilities.

    Keywords: efficiency, design, evaluation, variance, network engineering, installation

  • Management of natural and technological risks of investment and construction projects for integrated development of urban territories

    The article is devoted to the formation of scientific and methodological base management of natural and man-made risks that arise in urban areas in the realization of investment and construction projects for the development of the urban environment. The article indicated the essence of the mutual influence of economic , social and environmental processes that occur in the realization of investment and construction projects for the development of an urban environment , the purpose and objectives of risk management of urban areas are determined , the necessity of applying the relevant scientific and methodological apparatus that takes into account the main socio - and environmental factors including economic and mathematical methods and models of assessment and prediction of the level of risk is based . As a result of proposed scheme is described in detail and the strategic management of natural and technological risks of investment and construction projects of development of urban territories , which includes five elements : 1) determining the level of acceptable risk and the list of measures of regulation security development based on the socio -economic factors , and 2 ) the organization of a permanent monitoring natural and built environment conditions and the level risk of livelihoods of the population , and 3) formation of a rational allocation of resources for preventive measures and reduce the risk and the negative impactof , and 4) implementation of a complex program of measures to reduce risk , and 5) carrying out of repair work and / or reconstruction . The proposed scheme improves the efficiency and rationality of strategic urban planning of urban environment .

    Keywords: natural and man-made risks, investment and construction projects, sustainable development, urban territories, strategic management

  • Principles of risk management system of investment and construction projects urban territoties development

    The article is devoted to the formation of scientific and methodological basis of socio -ecological and socio-economic risks that arise in urban areas in the process of realization investment and construction projects for the development of the urban environment. The authors identified the contradictions economic substantiation of development projects of territorial development and socio- environmental factors, the adverse effects of their realization, on the basis of which concluded the need for modernization of the basic principles of risk management for sustainable development of urban territories . The article proposes a set of principles that are required for the formation of an effective system of risk management of investment and construction projects of development of urban territories, which includes five interrelated principles : the principle of the matter of feasibility activity, the principle of optimization of protection, the principle of an integrated estimation of the danger, the principle of ecosystem sustainability, the principle of "the polluter pays". The proposed principles will gain the efficiency of the analysis and selection of projects for realization only able to provide the highest level of security and stability of the socio- economic sector of the city.  

    Keywords: principle, the system of governance, risk, investment and construction projects, urban territories, sustainable development, social and environmental security

  • Design of hotels for the climatic conditions of the mountains and foothills of Southern Russia

    Recommendations are given for the decision of the master plan , space planning and architectural design hotel, located in the mountainous regions of Southern Russia. Cost-effective compact centralized schemes in terms of the relief is difficult to use , so it is possible to use the blocked cells or housing related short covering pedestrian connections. In the design and orientation of the residential floors of hotels to consider an overview of the numbers of interesting species. In the design of the hotel at the foot of a steep slope is advisable to use the gallery schematic layout of residential floor gallery and orient the unfavorable shaded side of the building . When equal landscape conditions, you can use a corridor plan structure with the location of the rooms on either side. For hotels located in mountainous areas, is characterized by two main approaches to their architectural solutions : contrast harmonic landscape or merge with them.

    Keywords: hotel, hotel architecture, design hotels, mining and recreational complexes, hotel for relief, terraced hotel, South Russia

  • The structure and main design principles of space-graphic elements of the Museum exposition

    In the field of the Museum exposition design in Russia and abroad considerable experience has accumulated. However currently we can state the absence of a comprehensive approach to create a coherent exposition system Exhibition – exhibition space. In this scientific article we formulated the concept of Space-graphic element. We have identified the structure, types and variants of use of space-graphic elements, as a special category of exposition tools in exhibition spaces. We have identified the main technical and compositional principles of space-graphic elements design. The use of those principles will allow organizing a coherent unity system Exposition – exhibition space. Concept of space-graphic elements is useful in the development of Museum and exposition activity.

    Keywords: Space-graphic element, Museum-exhibition space, exhibition, principles of design, modularity, transformation, interactivity, integrity, structure, consistency

  • Basic and additional assortment woody plants for green building in the south-west Rostov region

    The problem of formation of assortment of wood plants for the South-West of Rostov region. Proposed main and additional assortment of wood plants, including 159 species. In ассотимент included the most sustainable and eco-efficient exotic plants. The assortment includes species not damage the disease of family Betulaceae, toxic and invasive species (Amfora fruticosa, Ailanthus altissima, etc.).

    Keywords: green building, assortment of woody plants, Rostov region, introduction

  • Basic energy efficiency of heating water boilers and their solutions

    This article addresses the energy efficiency of heating water boilers that produce energy required for heating, ventilation and hot water. We review the main technological and engineering problem-solving tools of energy efficiency. An integrated approach to the selection of the main and auxiliary process equipment described in this article can significantly improve the energy efficiency of the boiler as a whole.

    Keywords: energy efficiency, boiler, thermal circuit, heat, water treatment

  • Increase of power efficiency of protecting designs - a way of increase of efficiency of operation of buildings and constructions

    The role of technical inspection as source of definition of an actual state of protecting designs is considered. Not destroying methods of definition of durability and thermal properties of materials of external walls are resulted. The thermographic method of not destroying control is considered, the list of thermal characteristics which can be defined with its use is presented. Modern requirements to thermal characteristics of external walls are presented and the materials most often meeting in protecting designs are considered. It is considered as a possible variant of increase of thermal properties of protecting designs - the device of hinged ventilated facades. The scheme of carrying out of a damage control, a substantiation of economic efficiency of the device of hinged ventilated facades and other technical advantages concerning other ways of warming of facades is presented.

    Keywords: Technical inspection, thermographic quality monitoring, thermal characteristics of protecting designs, hinged ventilated facade