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  • Architectural aspects of classification of small-scale energy facilities in the urban environment

    The article studies the peculiarities of architecture of enterprises and small-scale energy facilities in the urban environment. A number of problems arising in the interaction of small-scale energy facilities with urban development and their placement in the urban space are described. The prerequisites of architectural and spatial classification of small-scale energy facilities are emphasized. Classification of types of small-scale energy facilities by functional, urban planning, volume-spatial and compositional features is proposed. The requirements to the architecture of small-scale energy objects and their integration into the architectural and spatial context at the present stage are formed. The identified requirements and types of small-scale energy objects create a methodological basis for the formation of adaptive approaches and promising directions for the harmonization of these objects in the structure of urban spaces.

    Keywords: architecture, small-scale energy facilities, urban environment, integration, harmonization, classification features

  • Methods of architectural and ecological renovation of industrial buildings for a public function

    From the preservation of historical character to the introduction of environmental practices and the promotion of cultural adaptation, these methods together rethink the sustainable evolution of industrial buildings, illustrating their global prevalence and profound impact on the creation of functional, culturally resonant and visually attractive public spaces.

    Keywords: renovation of an industrial building, sustainable architecture, reconstruction, energy conservation, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, green architecture, eco-friendly design, architectural and environmental renovation

  • Architectural and landscape potential of the environment as a factor of a stable development of the village of Vyritsa

    In the research the characteristic features of the historical appearance of the Vyritsa village on the base of its architectural and urban structure, features of the location of cultural heritage sites and precious landscape objects, on the base of which the stratеgy defining these main priorities, criteria and directions of protection of historical appearance are worked out . The concept of complex preserving of architectural and landscape environment of Vyritsa with creating of possibilities of effective using of these territories with the most display of its historical and cultural, memorial and museum potential.

    Keywords: culture landscape, architectural and landscape revitalization, identity of settlement, sustainable development of the territory

  • Model of preservation of the architectural and park ensemble of the Peter and Paul Park in Yaroslavl

    The article raises the problems of preserving historical architectural and natural complexes on the example of the Peter and Paul Park in Yaroslavl. In the Introduction to the article, attention is drawn to the importance of the problem of preserving historical monuments of architecture or art not only in the capital cities, but also on the periphery. The following are the main methods used in the work to assess the state of the architectural and park ensemble, to identify its characteristic architectural and landscape features and to develop a theoretical conservation model. In the main part of the article, the historical stages of the formation of the architectural and park ensemble of the Peter and Paul Park, their influence on the final appearance of the ensemble are considered; a comparative analysis with similar architectural and park ensembles is given, common characteristic features are identified and the principles of the formation of the Peter and Paul Park are established. As a result of the conducted research, a model of preservation of the Petropavlovsk architectural and park ensemble of Yaroslavl is proposed, presented in the form of a master plan of the park territory, which contains proposals for the reorganization of the territory, pedestrian park network and restoration of historically significant structures. In the final part of the article, the main conclusions based on the results of the study are formulated.

    Keywords: architectural and park ensemble, Peter and Paul Park, Yaroslavl Big Manufactory, regular layout, theoretical model of conservation

  • Features of architectural renovation of industrial buildings in coastal areas

    Strengthening coastal industrial buildings during reconstruction is crucial in the field of sustainable development. This article discusses the key architectural methods of building improvement during renovation, including strengthening the foundation, improving the facade, installing shock-resistant windows and doors, structural modernization and the use of eco-friendly design. Renovation of coastal industrial buildings solves existing problems, mitigates coastal climatic hazards, and also increases the safety and sustainability of cities.

    Keywords: renovation of an industrial building, sustainable architecture, reconstruction, coastal area, facade modernization, energy saving, energy efficiency, foundation modernization, improvement of the building structure, environmental friendliness, green roof,

  • Structural models of housing in the territories of garden and dacha development: functional and spatial profile of the house (using the example of Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don)

    The article formulates a functional-spatial “portrait” of a home in gardening for Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don, and establishes a trend in the construction of houses with an expanded set of functional zones. Scientifically based structural models of housing have been developed based on the dominant function (profile) of the house; work, rest and health improvement, cultural and family leisure, and options for combining them in the structure of one house and plot. Volume-spatial solutions for the distribution of the dominant function of housing in the structure of the house and on the site in the conditions of the existing development, regional characteristics, type of residence (recreational and permanent) for Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk are proposed.

    Keywords: housing, dacha architecture, gardening infrastructure, structural models of housing, volumetric-spatial solutions, functional models of housing, recreational living, garden house, Siberian dacha, southern dacha

  • Shopping and fair city squares in cities the Lower Don and the Azov region

    This comprehensive study is aimed primarily at determining the features of the formation and development of shopping and fairgrounds in the context of the principles of continuity of the architectural and planning structure of cities. The identification of the main city-forming factor in various historical periods in this work is a fundamental and necessary stage of analysis. The relevance of this study is due to the need for a comprehensive reconstruction of citywide spaces formed initially as retail areas in the historical core of cities. The article considers the features of the layout and development of shopping and fairgrounds in such cities of the Lower Don and Azov region as Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and Nakhichevan-on-Don in the period from the middle of the XVIII to the beginning of the XX centuries. The influence of economic and general political processes that took place in the country on the development of trade in the region and, consequently, on the definition of trade as the main functional specifics of the studied cities is studied. The role of retail spaces in the structure of master plans at various stages of urban development is determined. The main elements of the development of retail areas in various historical periods are revealed. The interrelation of the functional significance of squares with their shape, location relative to the main thoroughfares and the original planning core of the city is established. Historically formed and preserved to this day, the main shopping areas in the cities of the Lower Don and the Azov region still remain significant citywide centers. The problem of complex reconstruction of retail areas located in the historical core of the city makes relevant research aimed at identifying the patterns of their formation and determining the features of development. Earlier, the author identified the main periods of architectural and planning evolution of the cities under consideration in the context of the designated object of research. Based on this periodization, a comprehensive analysis of various factors (historical, economic, socio-political, etc.) that influenced the appearance and architectural and planning development of shopping and fairgrounds in the structure of cities is carried out in this work. The following methods were also used in the course of the work: search, analysis and comparison of various graphic materials (diagrams, maps, master plans, project proposals, historical photographs, primary text documents); field surveys and photo fixation; classification and systematization of the results obtained.

    Keywords: city square, trade, Rostov-on-Don, fair, Taganrog, Nakhichevan-on-don, Novocherkassk

  • Modern architecture, urban environment, cultural and historical resource, traditions, heritage and modernity

    The article analyzes the features of aspects of architectural activity in relation to the integration of cultural heritage objects into the structure of the modern urban environment. The cultural and historical environment, expressed in the format of material and artistic and aesthetic symbols and formations, remains a significant urban planning factor, a material objects of cultural heritage (subject-spatial structure of the cultural environment) they are considered as the most important city-forming elements that are in continuous interaction with other functional zones of the urban environment. Reorganization of the historical part of the urban environment or integration of objects of cultural and historical heritage the functional and territorial framework of a modern city appears to be multifactorial, a complex and responsible task of architectural design.

    Keywords: modern architecture, urban environment, cultural and historical resource, traditions, heritage and modernity

  • The use of analytical methods in the study of pile foundations of historical and cultural heritage sites

    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that historical areas of cities and individual buildings that are objects of historical and architectural heritage were once built on pile foundations. Until the beginning of the 20th century, wooden elements, usually up to 9.0 m long, were laid as piles at the base of buildings and structures, which over a long period of operation received defects and damage in the form of damage by soft rot up to the complete destruction of the heads. The purpose of the work is to study the stress-strain state of the pile foundation at successive stages of development of defects and damage. The work systematizes the results of examinations of wooden piles and other elements located in the ground for a long time; laboratory studies of the actual operation of piles in water-saturated silt-clay soils were carried out. The results of field and laboratory studies are included in the calculation apparatus implemented by the finite element method in an elastoplastic formulation. The authors showed the actual operation of pile foundations of historical and architectural heritage objects at successive stages of pile damage and obtained a calculation model at the stage of complete destruction of the pile heads. Laboratory and theoretical studies have shown that in the modern practice of preserving objects of historical and architectural heritage, there is a vicious practice, which consists in the fact that they often strengthen the foundations in cases where there is no need for this, and sometimes it is even harmful.

    Keywords: cultural heritage sites, artificial foundations, piles, wood, water-saturated soils, structures, technical expertise

  • Application of fuzzy set theory to develop a methodology for assessing the impact of cultural heritage protection zones on the value of commercial land

    This paper examines the impact of regulations on cultural heritage protection zones on the cost of land plots intended for hotel accommodation. The application of the theory of fuzzy sets to assess the influence of cultural heritage objects on the value of commercial land plots is substantiated. The result of the study is a methodology for estimating the share of the value of a commercial land plot attributable to the presence of a cultural heritage protection zone, based on the methodology for determining easement fees and the theory of fuzzy sets.

    Keywords: hotel, historical and cultural monument, phasification, market value, cadastral value, type of permitted use, term-set, restrictions of use, adaptation, sustainable development

  • An integrated approach to the design of youth environment facilities: the role of youth inquiry and participation in the design

    The article is devoted to an integrated approach and the role of youth participation in the design of youth environment facilities. The object of the study is the design solutions of the youth environment, including youth centers participating in the program of renovation of youth environment facilities. The author has set himself the tasks: - Define the concept of youth environment. - To consider the experience of involving young people in the design of youth environment facilities on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. The work was carried out on the basis of more than 30 renovation projects of youth facilities implemented in municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The study revealed that today a high—quality and comfortable urban environment is one of the conditions of competition for human capital. Programs have been launched in Tatarstan to solve a number of social problems, among them the state program Development of youth policy in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2019-2025"". An integrated approach plays a significant role in the formation of youth spaces. One of the most important aspects of the integrated approach is to attract young people to form a new quality environment, of which they will be users.

    Keywords: youth environment, youth centers, methodological approaches in design, participation

  • Architectural and compositional features of the resort architecture of the city of Sochi

    The article analyzes the architectural and compositional features of the resort architecture of the city of Sochi using the example of three sanatoriums, which are unique objects of high historical and architectural value for the city’s historical and cultural environment. The authors examine the volumetric-spatial features and compositional solutions of buildings created in the 1930s. The analysis is presented using the example of the following sanatoriums: sanatoriums named after K.E. Voroshilov, “Gornyiy vozduh” and Lengorzdrav (named after S.M. Kirov). In the final part of the article, conclusions are drawn about the architectural and compositional features of the resort architecture of the 1930s in the city of Sochi. The article is published based on the results of the research work “Volume-spatial features of the period of constructivism in Sochi using the example of sanatorium-resort facilities”, as part of a grant competition for research work by students of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering in 2023.

    Keywords: resort architecture of Sochi, architectural and compositional features, sanatorium, constructivism, marine facade, spatial structure

  • An innovative approach to the development of the utopian principle in the architectural search for the ideal image

    The article analyzes the utopian context in architectural activity. Concepts aimed at finding and organizing an "ideal world" remain an urgent topic and feature of architectural thinking. The creative genre of utopia undergoes the next stage of genesis in modern conditions, in which utopian ideas and concepts are accompanied by theoretical and practical methods of predicting possible results, which allows not only to overcome the principle of the initial impracticability of utopia, but also to propose possible strategies for their practical implementation. The utopian approach to displaying the features of the properties and states of an intricate architectural image is becoming an especially important and noticeable phenomenon in the context of the formation and development of a global information and communication society focused on the full use of a variety of innovative technologies.

    Keywords: architectural activity, creative process, image, utopia, harmony, future, ideal world, information technology, innovation, digital models, virtual design environment

  • The problem of the identity of the architectural appearance of the mountainous territory of North Ossetia

    In this article, we delve into the contemporary identity of the mountainous region of North Ossetia, with a focus on its architectural and material framework. The architectural complex of North Ossetia is distinguished by its unique synthesis of four architectural fabrics or layers, each representing an architectural expression of its respective historical epoch. These architectural layers reflect the rich heritage and historical roots of the region, spanning from ancient times to the present day. Analyzing these layers allows us to understand how various historical factors and cultural influences have shaped the architectural character of the mountainous terrain. Understanding this synthesis of architectural fabrics is a key element in preserving and maintaining the identity of this region and its architectural culture. This research aims to contribute to a deeper appreciation of this rich architectural heritage and its role in the modern world.

    Keywords: Architectural appearance, identity, traditional architecture, architectural layer, mountain settlement

  • Architectural and Compositional Dominants of Public Spaces of Small Historical Settlements on the Don River in the Rostov Region

    This publication considers the architectural and compositional dominants of public spaces of two small historical settlements on the Don River - the Cossack villages of Veshenskaya and Razdorskaya. The author focuses on the study of the patterns of formation of the historical and cultural framework of a small historical settlement, as well as the process of development of its architectural and compositional core, which includes the public space of the center of the Cossack villages and the architectural and compositional dominants associated with it. The article provides a retrospective analysis of these dominants in the planning structure of the Cossack villages of Razdorskaya and Veshenskaya in a chronological framework from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 19th century until now.

    Keywords: historical and architectural environment, architectural and compositional dominant, small historical settlement, public space, Cossack village,Cossack village of Veshenskaya, Cossack village of Razdorskaya (Razdorskaya-on-Don), project of protection zones

  • Individual appearance of architectural sights the main avenue of the city of Nalchik - the capital of the KBR

    The authors, having examined the main buildings, structures, and amenities located on Lenin Avenue in the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, showed that, although there are almost no old buildings of the pre-revolutionary era in the Ciscaucasian city, it is rich in architectural objects in the pleasant, unpretentious Stalinist Empire style. Nalchik can be called a classic city in the mountains. The peculiarity of the city is a wide and spacious avenue with a high level of greenery, with a high level of improvement. This is the central and longest street in the city. The length is more than five kilometers. Lenin Avenue is an important landmark, which is essential for the city for the normal life of modern society. The center of the capital was formed around the avenue, where squares, residential buildings and public buildings, various establishments, recreation areas, as well as interesting architectural objects are concentrated. Prospect Lenina can be proudly entered into the register of cultural heritage objects as it meets the requirements for classic avenues.

    Keywords: architecture, construction, master plan, rectangular grid of streets, wind rose, height above sea level, avenue, town-planning object, building, restoration, square, residential buildings, columns, towers, stucco capitals, Stalinist Empire style, baroque

  • Planning concept for the development of the Traktorozavodsky district of Stalingrad. 1943-1956.

    The article presents the result of a retrospective historical analysis of the architectural and urban planning concept for the restoration of the residential area of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, developed after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. The basic principles of organizing the planning of the living environment and the architectural and figurative solution of the building are revealed. The main compositional techniques and semiotic knots, which are the basis for the modern development of the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd, are singled out. Techniques and approaches to the landscape organization of the urban environment are studied.

    Keywords: urban planning, historical analysis of territories, reconstruction, semiotics of the city, cultural heritage, soviet architecture

  • The main types of volumetric-spatial solution of residential buildings in Stalinist neoclassicism period in the city of Saratov

    The article deals with the residential development of the period of Stalinist neoclassicism in the city of Saratov. The method developed by the author for identifying the type of volume-spatial solution of a building is described. Using this method, four types of volumetric-spatial solution of residential buildings of the period of Stalinist neoclassicism are identified. A brief review of the placement in the structure of the city and the identified compositional patterns for all types of residential buildings in the city of Saratov during the period of Stalinist neoclassicism is given.

    Keywords: volume-spatial solution, typology of buildings, Stalinist neoclassicism, Soviet development, residential buildings

  • S.A. Danini's contribution to the design and construction of the Red Cross Sisters of Mercy Community building in Tsarskoye Selo

    At the beginning of 1908, the Tsarskoye Selo Community of the Sisters of Mercy of the Red Cross was organized in the city, which was allocated a plot for the construction of a building for an outpatient clinic and a dormitory of the sisters of mercy with a church. The development of the project and supervision of the construction was carried out by architect S.A. Danini. Construction of the building was started in 1912 and completed in October 1914. The internal load-bearing structures of the building were made of monolithic reinforced concrete, central water heating and ventilation system were used. Building survey in 2017-2019 it has shown that it is possible to reconstruct it for a day-stay boarding house for disabled children.

    Keywords: Tsarskoye Selo, S.A. Danini, Community of the Sisters of Mercy of the Red Cross, architectural planning solutions, reinforced concrete structures, building surveys, church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Sorrowing Joy

  • Analysis of the European experience in designing sustainable architecture on the example of the transformation of former port-industrial complexes

    This article is devoted to the study of the European experience of designing sustainable architecture in the process of renovation of former port-industrial complexes. The purpose of the study is to identify current trends and approaches to the design of sustainable architecture, taking into account the specifics of the place. The analysis of the experience of Denmark, Sweden and Germany in the transformation of former port-industrial complexes in the context of sustainable architecture is carried out according to a number of criteria: urban planning solution, spatial and architectural planning solution, stylization of the image of new buildings, criteria for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness; economic and social sustainability. The emphasis is placed on the study of the formation of the architectural appearance of buildings. The importance of the interaction of architecture with the environment and context when creating a marine facade is emphasized. The identified design approaches can be used in research, design and educational activities.

    Keywords: architecture, building, sustainable, eco-friendly, design, port, industrial, renovation, project, function, facade, context, european, approach

  • Analysis of the current state of landscape gardening in rostov-on-don (on the example of maxim gorky park of culture and recreation)

    The species diversity was studied and the ecological state of the tree and shrub vegetation on the territory of one of the oldest and largest parks in Rostov-on-Don - Maxim Gorky Park of Culture and Recreation was assessed. An area of 33,000 m2, located in the north-eastern part of the park, was allocated for study. 17 species of woody and shrubby plants were identified in the study area, among which the park-forming species are European linden (Tiliaeuropaea), Evergreen cypress (Cupressussempervirens L.), Common pine (the vital state of plants,the nature of the herbage closability, woody and shrubby plants, grassy lawn covering, urban park landscapes, the Park of Culture and Recreation named after Maxim Gorkiyabsence of signs of weakening (55%), and dead wood is only 1%. The quality of the lawn covering is quite low, and the soil under it is characterized by high compaction. Basically, the nature of the closure of the herbage is mosaic–group, and the projective coverage reaches maximum values (80%) for the entire study area in the early spring. Measures to preserve and optimize the park area are proposed.

    Keywords: the vital state of plants,the nature of the herbage closability, woody and shrubby plants, grassy lawn covering, urban park landscapes, the Park of Culture and Recreation named after Maxim Gorkiy

  • Architectural and structural features of the Medieval monument of the historical and architectural reserve "Bediysky Monastery", the village of Agu-Bediya, Republic of Abkhazia

    The article presents studies of the medieval monument of the historical and architectural reserve "Bediysky Monastery" (Abkhazia), its architectural, structural and stylistic features. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the fact that for the first time detailed full-scale studies of all objects of the complex are given.The purpose of this article is to identify architectural and structural features and patterns of spatial organization of the medieval monument of the historical and architectural reserve ""Bediysky Monastery"". Tasks: to investigate the architectural and planning and stylistic features of the historical and architectural reserve "Bediysky Monastery".

    Keywords: medieval architecture of Abkhazia, monastery, palace, planning organization, fortifications

  • Problems of the concept of sustainable development of the territories of Russian cities

    This article discusses the concepts of ""sustainable and integrated development"" of territories, problems and ways to solve them. The main problems of the development of modern urbanized territory are identified. A solution to the problem is proposed based on an approach to a comprehensive assessment of territories, which will allow in the future to give recommendations on how to eliminate problems associated with providing the required green framework in the study area.

    Keywords: sustainable development of territories, integrated development of territories, ecological framework, green framework, architectural concept, transport and road infrastructure

  • Modern technological trends and spatial forming of science and educational complexes

    The article is devoted to the influence of the main modern educational approaches and trends in the development of high-tech technologies onto the processes of formation of scientific and educational spaces. The schemes of scientific and educational complexes, the features of their compositional characteristics and functional content were considered. There were identified most acceptable schemes of architectural and town-planning formation of typical objects from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

    Keywords: scientific and educational complex, educational cycle model, architectural space, functional model

  • Adaptation of the bell towers of St. Petersburg (on the example of the bell tower of the Vladimir Cathedral)

    The subject of the study is the search for relevant solutions for the adaptation of cultural heritage sites. The object of the study is the bell towers of St. Petersburg. The purpose of the study is to systematize the bell towers of St. Petersburg by types and develop a proposal for their adaptation using the example of one of the identified types. The bell towers of cultural heritage objects, as a rule, are urban planning dominants, as well as valuable historical monuments. In this paper, the uniqueness of the bell towers is considered and a variant of their modern use is proposed in order to popularize objects, as well as to form the tourist attractiveness of St. Petersburg. For these purposes, the authors of the article consider it expedient to use the sites of belfries for observation platforms, revealing an overview of the views of the city. The practical value of the study is aimed at involving this type of cultural heritage object in the modern realities of the existence of the city and the church.

    Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production